Evil CEO's Favorites

C444 Chapter 444

C444 Chapter 444

Jun Haixin took advantage of the moment when Xia Huanhuan had returned to the Jun Family to announce that she was going to marry Bai Zhuyun while everyone was still at home.    


But this, was undoubtedly like a clap of thunder, causing all the people in Jun Family to be endlessly astonished. After all, Jun Haixin had been trying to distance herself from Bai Zhuyun all this time. Such a 180 degree change in the situation was really strange.    


When Lili had finished announcing the matter, she looked directly at Jun Ziyan. Amongst the reaction of so many people in the Jun Family, what she cared about the most was still Ziyan's reaction.    


After all, the one who was hurt the most by Bai Zhuyun in Jun Family was Ziyan.    


She felt love, sympathy and a deep sense of guilt towards Ziyan. This was because she cared about him and had even caused him to be injured.    


Jun Ziyan's expression was indifferent. Amongst all the people present, he could be said to be the calmest after hearing this news.    


At this time, he looked at Jun Haixin as he always did, and said coldly, "He is not Predestine." These five simple words were something that everyone in the Jun Family wanted to say.    


"I know." Jun Haixin replied.    


"Has Aunt decided?" Jun Ziyan asked again.    


"If you still hate Bai Zhuyun, then I can refuse to marry." However, he might have to think of another way to persuade Bai Zhuyun. But now, it was getting harder and harder to convince Bai Zhuyun.    


"I have nothing against him." "He owes me. When Huanhuan was kidnapped, he told me her whereabouts and paid me back." People with Jun Family always distinguish between kindness and grievance, so Jun Ziyan was no exception.    


After saying that, Jun Ziyan didn't say anything else. He was still sitting on the chair and didn't leave. He didn't play with his phone or do anything else. This was also one of the reasons why he was concerned about his family. Otherwise, if the topic of conversation was something he didn't care about, he would have long since treated everyone around him as air.    


Jun Ziyan's reply also told Jun Haixin that he had no objections to whom Jun Haixin was going to marry.    


"Haixin, are you serious?" Old Master Jun asked with a rare serious tone.    


"Dad, I wouldn't joke about such a thing." Jun Haixin replied, not avoiding her father's probing gaze.    


"Why did you make this decision all of a sudden?" Old Master Jun wasn't the only one who wanted to ask this question.    


"Because I thought the child might want to be accompanied by a real father." It was also because she saw the scene of Ziyan and the baby being together that made her feel that the role of a father might not be able to be made up for in the short span of a few years that she had left.    


Old Master Jun looked at his daughter. Ever since she was young, she had always been stubborn and strong. Although there were many servants serving her, she had a very independent personality.    


Even though she would often be tortured by the pain of the Blood Curse, she would still want to escape from the shackles of fate, so that people would be filled with vitality.    


But just now, when his daughter said those words, he felt that his daughter was resigned to her fate, and even seemed to be arranging her future plans. This made Old Master Jun feel an indescribable desolation.    


This was the little girl that he had always doted on! But this daughter of hers, only had a few years left to live.    


With a heavy sigh, Old Master Jun seemed to have aged a lot, "Do whatever you want to do. But if you really want to marry Bai, find a time, I want to meet him first."    


In the end, his father-in-law still wanted to meet his son-in-law. Even though this son-in-law wasn't unfamiliar to him, he had once added several obstacles to the Jun Family several times.    


"Okay, I'll talk to him." Jun Haixin replied.    


The others, seeing that Old Master Jun had said so, said nothing more, but Soong Yi finally stopped Lili and said privately, "Haixin, do you love Bai Zhuyun?"    


Jun Haixin was slightly startled. After a moment of hesitation, she shook her head and said, "I don't."    


However, although her hesitation only lasted for a short period of time, Soong Yi still noticed it. If it was the old Jun Haixin, she would have immediately denied it. But now, she hesitated …    


Soong Yi had a plan in her heart as she asked, "Is it because in your entire life, the only one you can love is the Predestine?"    


"What about Bai Zhuyun? What kind of relationship do you have?"    


"I don't know." Bai Zhuyun had occupied a lot of time in her life and had been entangled with her for a long time. Her feelings for Bai Zhuyun were so complicated that even she could not explain it clearly.    


Soong Yi touched Jun Haixin's forehead. Soong Yi used to do this when Jun Haixin was young. As Jun Haixin grew older, she became less and less.    


"Since you're willing to give birth to Bai Zhuyun's child, then try to let go of your heart and get along with him …" Soong Yi's voice paused, as if she had thought about it for a long time. "People with Jun Family can only fall in love with their own Predestine, but Haixin … If a person's life was bound by destiny, then it would be too arduous. You have always been looking for the Predestine, and have always sacrificed yourself for others. In the past, you had sacrificed yourself for Ziyan, but now, you are sacrificing yourself for your child? "    


"Eldest Sister-in-Law!" Jun Haixin bit her lips. Soong Yi's words had struck a chord deep within her heart.    


"Haixin, sister-in-law hopes that you can live for yourself. Since you've decided to marry Bai Zhuyun, whether you love him or not, you must let yourself live happily, you know?" Soong Yi was thinking wholeheartedly about Lili.    


Jun Haixin did not refute what Soong Yi had said, as she had obviously taken what she had said to heart. After a while, she raised her eyes and looked at Soong Yi. She smiled gently and said, "Sister-in-law, I understand. I will make sure I am blissful and happy."    


Because she was happy, her relatives would also be happy.    


— —    


When Jun Ziyan returned to his room, Xia Huanhuan was lying on the bed, watching the news on the iPad while their daughter was sleeping soundly on a small bed beside them.    


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