Return Of Urban Battle Son-in-law

C367 Just How Much Money Do You Want

C367 Just How Much Money Do You Want

Though the janitor reminded them.    


However, they did not seem to care at all.    


The group of people from Fusang, led by Kaori at the mouth of the river, entered the Scarlet Forest just like that.    


As a result, they gave others a very bad impression.    


However, they did not seem to have thought about whether it was good or not.    


They just wanted to enter the Scarlet Forest as soon as possible.    


Kaori and the others were very fast. They ran into Gu Yuan not long after they left.    


Gu Yuan was also puzzled. The Scarlet Forest was so dangerous, but there were still people coming.    


It was their freedom not to come or not. Gu Yuan was too lazy to care about them.    


On the other hand, it was Jiangkou Kaori who felt a little surprised.    


"Why is there another person here?"    




"Suneo Jun, go and talk to him. "    


"Yes, Miss Kaori."    


Kaori's subordinate was a guy called Suneo Zirou.    


As a very important fighter of Eguchi Group, he had already reached the early True Stage.    


Suneo Zirou took a few steps forward and rushed to Gu Yuan's side.    


"Hey, did you come to the Scarlet Forest to find the Blood Tree Precious Vine?"    


He had asked Gu Yuan this question the moment he arrived, causing Gu Yuan to be too lazy to respond to him.    


Whether it was true or not, what did it have to do with him?    


There was no need to tell him.    


Gu Yuan ignored him and continued walking forward.    


Suneo Zirou was very angry when he saw Gu Yuan ignoring him.    


"I'm asking you a question! Are you here to find the Blood Tree Precious Vine?!"    


The angrier Suneo Zirou spoke, the more Gu Yuan ignored him.    


Gu Yuan had clearly come in before them, so how could they have the right to question him?    


But Suneo Zirou just wanted to question him.    


"Hey, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?"    


Gu Yuan continued walking forward and ignored him.    


Suneo Zirou said angrily, "You are courting death!"    


He saw Suneo Zirou raise his hand and was about to hit him, but Kaori immediately stopped him.    


"Suneo Jun, don't act rashly!"    


Kaori walked up and hurriedly stopped Suneo Zirou.    


"Miss, this guy doesn't know how to appreciate favors. Let me beat him up!"    




Kaori at Eguchi River still understood something.    


She stopped Suneo Zirou and turned to Gu Yuan.    


"Friend, may I ask if you are here to find the Blood Tree Precious Vine?"    


Seeing that Kaori's attitude was not bad, Gu Yuan nodded.    


Although this reply was very cold, it made Kaori frown.    


Kaori feared that Gu Yuan was here to steal the Blood Tree Precious Vine the most.    


On this path, she did not want to have any enemies at all.    


At this moment, Kaori took out her checkbook.    


She wrote a string of numbers and handed it to Gu Yuan.    


"This is a cheque for ten million. Please accept it."    


“ Oh?"    


Gu Yuan was puzzled. Why did this woman give him money as soon as they met?    


Kaori said, "Take this money and leave the Scarlet Forest. Don't fight for the Blood Tree Precious Vine anymore."    


So this was what she was thinking.    


She wanted to use money to stop Gu Yuan.    


She had to admit that she still had some courage.    


Ten million.    


It could be seen that she really wanted the Blood Tree Precious Vine.    


"Miss, you don't have to do this at all. You just need to beat him up and send him away."    


"Shut up!" Kaori scolded Suneo Zirou. She did not want the trouble here to get bigger and bigger.    


Of course, she knew that the money was a little too much, but she should spend some money to solve the problem.    


However, Gu Yuan smiled and did not take the cheque. He continued to walk forward.    


What a joke.    


Trying to bribe Gu Yuan with ten million yuan? There was probably nothing more ridiculous than this in the world.    


No matter if it was Gu Yuan's family property or status, he wouldn't be moved by the ten million.    


Just the bounty that Gu Yuan offered in the dark world alone was ten billion. Kaori from Eguchi was looking down on him.    


Seeing that Gu Yuan did not accept the money, Kaori Jiang was stunned for a moment.    


She thought how was this possible.    


Why didn't he accept ten million?    


Kaori gritted her teeth and wrote another twenty million yuan check.    


"I'll add another twenty million yuan. Is that enough?"    


This time, Kaori felt that there should not be any more problems.    


However, there was no other way.    


There was still a problem.    


Gu Yuan didn't even look at it.    


So what if he added another 200 million?    


If Gu Yuan wanted the Blood Tree Precious Vine, he needed something. No matter how much money it cost, it would be very difficult to buy it.    


"Hey! 30 million is already not a small amount. Don't give you face and be shameless!" Suneo Zirou once again started clamoring.    


Actually, Kaori also felt that she had done enough.    


Who would give thirty million just as they met?    


But the Gu Yuan in front of them did not give them any face at all.    


Kaori suppressed the anger in her heart.    


"Friend, please speak. How much do you want in order to give up on the Blood Tree Precious Vine?"    


Suddenly, Gu Yuan stopped walking.    


Seeing Gu Yuan stop, Kaori thought that this matter should be negotiable.    


As long as it could be negotiated, it was fine. As long as the price Gu Yuan wanted was not too excessive, she was willing to bleed again.    


At this moment, Gu Yuan said.    


"I'll give you 100 million. You all can leave now."    


When Gu Yuan said this, Kaori and her subordinates were shocked.    


They had never dreamt that ___ would give such an answer.    


Was that really true?    


Suneo Zirou said angrily, "Kid, how dare you speak to our Eguchi Group like this? Are you tired of living?"    


Gu Yuan was too lazy to respond to them. Instead, he continued to walk forward.    


What Eguchi Group? It was just an organization similar to the Fusang of the Green Gang.    


How could Gu Yuan be afraid of them?    


Seeing Gu Yuan continue to walk forward, Kaori felt the greatest humiliation in her life.    


Money did not work, and reputation did not work either.    


This really made her feel that it was a bit ridiculous.    


At other times.    


Members of the Eguchi Group would be respected even if they traveled the whole world.    


Why did they meet such a young man today?    


Since it was useless to talk about it, they might as well not talk about it.    


Suneo Zirou said, "Miss, let me kill him. This person is too arrogant!"    


"Suneo, don't be impulsive. Let's keep going. Once we are within the range of the Red Mist, he won't be able to do anything."    


"You are right. This guy cannot go through the Red Mist!"    


Although Gu Yuan did not agree to their conditions, they knew that it would not be easy for Gu Yuan to successfully obtain the Blood Tree Precious Vine.    


After walking for about three hours, they finally arrived at the center of the Scarlet Forest.    


Looking from afar, Gu Yuan saw the Red Mist mentioned by Mei Mei.    


It was really a fog filled with the scent of blood. They could feel the deathly atmosphere inside before they even got close.    


Kaori ordered, "Everyone, put on a special gas mask and prepare to enter!"    


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