Futian Sword Fanatics

C2424 River of Laws

C2424 River of Laws

"Humph, just because your luck is good, but your luck can't be as good as always!"    


At that moment, waves of language fluctuations resounded through the air!    


"Alright, you can now recover six of them. The first trial has already passed, so it's hard to say if you'll still have such good luck!"    


Right at this moment, the voice of the Honored Warrior, who was opposing the dao, resounded in Mo Lin's mind.    


Hearing the Honorable Qu Dao's words, Mo Lin immediately recovered all six of her roots. At the same time, Mo Lin used the Great Way of the Medicinal Tree to restore her eyesight.    


After activating his sixth recovery eyesight, Mo Lin discovered that everything around him was too beautiful, and the beauty was a little unrealistic.    


Birds chirped and flowers bloomed. Waterfall of Flowing Spring. It was an extremely magnificent sight to behold!    


"Help me go down the Rainbow River and catch ten fish!"    


At this moment, the words of the crazed degenerate echoed through the air.    




Hearing the Honored Warrior's words, Mo Lin didn't hesitate at all and dove into the rainbow colored river in the sky.    


But just as Mo Lin dove head first into the rainbow colored river, Mo Lin was shocked to discover that the rainbow colored river actually contained various types of Law of Order powers!    


So this seven-colored river is formed from all kinds of Law of Order exchange rates!    


The moment Mo Lin entered, he immediately felt uncomfortable all over. It was the feeling of being crushed into pieces by the law and order.    


Mo Lin felt that his body was about to become dust in that instant!    


After entering for less than five seconds, Mo Lin immediately escaped from the river.    


Although Mo Lin had the Great Way of the Buddha, although it was said that he had the taboo body!    


But the Law of Order is everywhere here!    


This kind of Law of Order was extremely tyrannical and violent, it could destroy anything and Mo Lin's body would also be smashed into smithereens.    


It was also because of this that Mo Lin felt that the seven-colored river was a meat shredder.    


If he went in for three to five seconds, Mo Lin would not be able to hold on, so let alone going in to catch a fish!    


To put it bluntly, the fish inside this river had grown up drinking the power of the Ancient Code, so it was impossible for Mo Lin to be a match for the fish. However, for Mo Lin to catch the fish in the river, was that not a fantasy?    


And it was because of this that Mo Lin felt that the matter of catching fish was too difficult!    


"Catch ten fish in one day, or you'll be dead for sure!"    


It was at this moment that the voice of a berserker could be heard in the air.    


"What?" Catch ten fish in one day? If we can't catch it, we will die without a doubt? "    


Mo Lin was speechless.    


Wasn't it a joke that he had gone to so much trouble to get into this river and catch ten fish?    


"Plop ?"    


But just as Mo Lin was having a headache, a golden fish jumped out of the water.    


As the golden fish broke through the surface of the water, it fell into the water once more.    


Mo Lin saw the fish go up to breathe, so he followed the fish and dove into the water.    


Just as Mo Lin followed the fish and dove into the water, the fish swam downwards with all its might as if it was afraid of Mo Lin.    


And when Mo Lin saw the fish swimming downwards, he followed suit.    


Finally, Mo Lin was able to catch the fish!    


The moment Mo Lin touched the fish, the fish swung its tail and directly smashed Mo Lin's hand bone along with his entire arm into pieces.    


Just as the fish smashed Mo Lin's hand bones and arms into pieces, Mo Lin was in so much pain that he was drenched in cold sweat.    


And it was also at this time, that Mo Lin was unable to withstand the pressure of the Law of Order in the water, and thus flew out of the water!    


After coming out of the water, Mo Lin was gasping for breath, his entire body drenched in sweat.    


Clearly, the damage he received from entering the water was not light.    


After recuperating for a while, Mo Lin finally recovered.    


"What should I do? It takes a lot to catch a single fish, isn't it a fantasy to catch ten fish? "    


At this time, Mo Lin looked at the rainbow colored river in the sky and fell into deep thought.    


whoosh whoosh ? *    


But just as Mo Lin was deep in thought, a few other fish nearby came rushing up to take a breath of fresh air!    


"Hmm? What was the situation with the fish? Why do you have to come out of the water to breathe every now and then? "    


Right at this moment, Mo Lin was a little suspicious.    


"I can't get into the water. I can let the fish fall into the water by itself!"    


Thinking of this, Mo Lin's eyes flashed.    


You have to know that we can't go into the water for long. The most important thing is that the fish is extremely powerful underwater, Mo Lin can't even touch it when he touches it, what kind of joke is this?    


Because of this, when Mo Lin saw that the fish would come out regularly to take a breath of fresh air, he suddenly thought of something.    


"If I take these fish out for fresh air and catch them, wouldn't I need to go into the water?"    


Right at this moment, Mo Lin thought of using the Nine Inch Teleportation to catch these fish.    


"Swish ?"    


At that moment, a fish jumped out of the water!    


Just as the fish came out of the water, Mo Lin quickly used his Nine Inch Teleportation to catch it.    


Mo Wuji's speed was extremely fast, and he immediately grabbed the fish that was leaping out of the water!    


But just as Mo Lin was about to grab onto the fish, the fish immediately released its Thunder Laws and started attacking Mo Lin.    


In just a moment, Mo Lin's hand that was holding onto the fish instantly turned into charcoal!    


And just as Mo Lin's hand turned into charcoal, the fish directly dove into the water!    


It could be said that Mo Lin had failed once again!    


"No!" It's impossible to catch fish with your bare hands, these fish are all born and bred in the river of law and order, I wonder how much power of law they will have. If I catch them with my bare hands, they will definitely use all kinds of power of law and order to attack me once they sense danger, I can't catch them at all, it seems like only by using something hard enough can I kill them! "    


Just then, Mo Lin's thoughts changed!    


But Mo Lin couldn't think of what he should use to catch them.    


After thinking about it, Mo Lin did not have a clue.    


But right at this moment, Mo Lin thought about the box Grandma Cross had given him.    


Back then, that box could store the core power of the universe in pearls.    


This box would definitely be able to withstand the attacks of the fish.    


Thinking about it, Mo Lin immediately took out the box.    


After using the smelting technique to melt the box, Mo Lin had changed its shape to become a fish bucket!    


However, Mo Lin was depressed, his smelting techniques could even melt this box, how could this box catch a fish?    


He would fight to the death!    


Mo Lin decided to give it a try!    


Just when Mo Lin decided to give it a try, Mo Lin grabbed onto a fish that was flying in the air.    


But unexpectedly, Mo Lin caught it!    


Unfortunately, the fishing attack did not last long enough to create a large hole.    


The fish ran away again!    


"This won't do, this fishing tool can only last for a few seconds!"    


Seeing that his fishing gear could not hold on for long, Mo Lin felt a little helpless.    


But right at this moment, Mo Lin thought of an idea.    


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