Futian Sword Fanatics

C734 devilish zone

C734 devilish zone

"We've arrived at the Abyss of the Eastern Region. Are Mo Lin and Little Brother Bing Mei's wives ready yet?"    


At this time, Zhao Ming saw that the World Cauldron had already reached the eastern abyss region and his expression immediately changed!    


"Why don't I go call my big brother now?"    


Looking at Zhao Ming's serious face, Zhu Han suddenly shouted!    


"Wait a minute, don't disturb them for now. This time, Little Brother Bing Mei's wife is extremely jealous. If she rashly enters, I'm afraid something big will happen!"    


Looking at Zhu Han, Zhao Ming said with a slight pause in his expression!    


"What?" Something big happened? "    


Hearing that, Zhu Han's mouth twitched!    


"Yes, if you go and call them now, you might become the public's target. When that time comes, your sister-in-law and elder brother will beat you together, and it will not end well!"    


Looking at Zhu Han, Zhao Ming said with a smile.    


"Then forget it, I haven't lived enough. I better not call him big brother!"    


Hearing Zhao Ming's words, Zhu Han shrank his neck and gave up on the idea of calling Mo Lin!    


At that moment, the World Cauldron had already fallen into a dark region!    


The abyss of the Eastern Region was in the southernmost part of the Eastern Region. Further south, there was a vast ocean. The ocean was so deep that one couldn't see the bottom.    


According to the rumors, the southernmost end of the Eastern Region was the entrance to hell, while the murky sea was the boundary between the underworld and the Yang World!    


The abyss of the Eastern Region was right in the middle of the eastern region and the ocean. It was also located in a dark area!    


It could be said that this place was covered over the years by night and day, and the sun could not reach this place. This was also the reason why the Abyss of the Eastern Region was known as the land of devils, where both cold and dark existed!    


And at this moment, Mo Lin's World Cauldron had fallen right at the entrance to the abyss of the Eastern Region!    


Looking at the surroundings of the World Cauldron, it was a vast and twisted darkness. The darkness was incomparably deep and was emitting an aura of bloodlust, as though blood was floating in the air, the blood was extremely strange, adding to the dense forest in the distance, the towering ancient trees, and the ferocious beasts whose eyes were emitting a blood-red light, looking around the eastern abyss, it was cold and deathly still. The ancient tomb, Wolf Forest, was extremely terrifying!    


"Brother Zhao, this abyss of the Eastern Region is too scary! Just look at the surroundings, it's pitch black and it's filled with terror. I can feel goosebumps all over my body just by looking at it. What is Big Brother doing here?    


Looking at Zhao Ming, Zhu Han said in shock!    


"Haven't you heard? Mo Lin came here to look for the Demon Suppressing Temple s of the Buddhist Sect in the abyss! "    


Looking at Zhu Han, Zhao Ming's eyes lit up!    


"What's going down?"    


Hearing Zhao Ming's words, Zhu Han trembled in fear. Although he was tall and big, sometimes he was more timid than anyone else!    


At this moment, Zhu Han looked outside the World Cauldron, the bottomless pitch black abyss, and his pupils contracted. His Adam's apple moved a little, and then, he immediately swallowed a large mouthful of frightful saliva!    


"Brother Zhao, this abyss is so cold and dark, so terrifying, big brother is really going to go down there, why do I feel like I won't be able to get back up there. Looking at the abyss in front of me, it isn't an abyss, it's hell, there must be countless evil spirits inside!"    


Seeing the deathly aura radiating from him, Zhu Han said with a deathly pale face, as if he was in the deepest abyss of hell!    


"Hahaha, the Buddhist Sangha has clouds, I am not going to hell, who goes into hell, I can't say, this abyss is really hell!"    


Seeing Zhu Han's frightened face, Zhao Ming joked!    


"No way, if we go down to hell, wouldn't we be sending ourselves to our deaths?" Brother Zhao, do you want to advise Big Brother not to go down? "    


Hearing Zhao Ming's words, Zhu Han grew more and more alarmed, and his small eyes revealed waves of fear!    


Your big brother only came here for the sake of all the lives in the world. You brat, if you're afraid, don't go down there later, I will go down with Mo Lin! "" You ? "" You ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ? you ?.    


Looking at Zhu Han's timid appearance, Zhao Ming said helplessly!    


"No, no, no, it's better if I just follow my big brother. I'm afraid that if I stay here alone, I'll be eaten by ghosts!"    


Hearing Zhao Ming's words, Zhu Han quickly replied!    


"Sigh, you bastard! Seriously!"    


After Zhao Ming heard this, he was also speechless to the extreme!    




Just at this time, there was a loud explosion in the sky, and suddenly the World Cauldron trembled, while Zhao Ming and the others felt the heaven and earth shaking, and their bodies became unstable!    


"Crap, there's a monster attacking the World Cauldron!"    


After the loud explosion, Zhao Ming shockingly discovered that next to the World Cauldron, there were a dozen crab-like colossus using their giant Ao to attack the World Cauldron!    


The crab-like colossus's entire body was suffused with a metallic luster, making it look indestructible!    


"Damn. There really are monsters! Quickly call him 'big brother'! This big crab is going to tear the World Spirit Cauldron apart!"    


Looking at the huge monster outside of the World Cauldron, Zhu Han felt his scalp go numb, and he quickly shouted out!    




Just as Zhu Han was startled, Mo Lin pulled Bing Mei out from the room!    


Naturally, he also saw the crab-like colossus outside of the World Spirit Cauldron!    


"All of you, stay in the World Cauldron and don't go out. I'll go outside to meet the monsters. This abyss is emitting strange and chilling killing intent everywhere. It's extremely terrifying. The safest thing is for all of you to stay inside the World Cauldron!"    


Looking at the crowd, Mo Lin's eyes lit up!    


"Good. Don't worry, we won't casually exit the World Cauldron!"    


Looking at Mo Lin, Zhao Ming said with a serious look!    


"Alright, Brother Zhao, I will be troubling you here!"    


Looking at Zhao Ming, Mo Lin's gaze was like a rainbow as he spoke. Then, he let go of Bing Mei's hand and prepared to fly out of the Realm Cauldron!    


But the moment he released Bing Mei's hand, Bing Mei hurriedly pulled Mo Lin back as well. Bing Mei's small hand held tightly onto Mo Lin's finger as her large eyes filled with worry and reluctance!    


"Big brother Mo Lin, you have to be careful!"    


Looking at Mo Lin, Bing Mei said with a face full of concern!    


"Mei Er, I'm fine. Don't worry, those monsters outside can't do anything to me!"    


Looking at Bing Mei, Mo Lin said gently. As he said that, Mo Lin kissed Bing Mei on the forehead, her eyes curved into a crescent moon shape, giving people a kind of boundless warmth!    


"Alright, you can go. You have to be careful!"    


Being kissed by Mo Lin, Bing Mei immediately became silly, and stupidly looked at Mo Lin and said!    


And when Mo Lin saw Bing Mei's silly look, he patted her head and turned around, flying out of the World Cauldron.    


And just as Mo Lin flew out of the Realm Cauldron, Mo Lin's expression darkened!    


He flew up into the air and instantly activated the Dark Blood Battle Physique. The next moment, his aura was like a rainbow, surging forth in all directions!    


"What kind of monsters are you to have the audacity to attack us? I advise you to retreat quickly so as to avoid suffering!"    


Mo Lin looked down at the crab-like monster below him, and immediately spoke with an ice-cold tone!    


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