Treasure identifying Golden Finger



If it wasn't for the servants of his family pulling Wang Zixiao, he would have rushed over and attacked Lee Zhaowen again!    


"What's wrong? You haven't realized your mistake yet, and you still want to attack?"    


Lee Zhaowen couldn't help but shout when he saw Wang Zixiao's expression. Now, all the onlookers could see that Wang Young Master didn't seem to have any regrets. Instead, he stomped his feet angrily and wanted to rush out and hurt someone.    


"Does this Wang Young Master still not realize his mistake?" Wang Zixiao asked.    


"Yes, he was the one who kept stirring up trouble. Miracle Doctor Fang didn't say anything!"    


"Yes, in the end, Wang Young Master was going to leave and he still wanted to hurt him! Did you see the secret guard who attacked? That is an 'A' hidden guard. If he really attacked ruthlessly, then... "How can his surname, Wang, survive?"    


The crowd began to discuss again.    


Listening to everyone's discussion, the expressions of Nagasaki and Wang Family Head became increasingly unsightly. Nagasaki wanted to help, but the other party was a Ah Dou who couldn't be helped up!    


"Lord Changjiang, you have the time! ... I might as well go to Uncle Bai's place and have a drink with him!"    


Lord Wu had an idea for Nagasaki. He meant that since you had helped him, he wouldn't know what was good for him. Why would you risk offending the Bai Family and the Boundless Sea Realm to help him?    


I... ... Alas! "    


Nagasaki turned to look at the ashen-faced Wang Family Head, then turned to glare at him. Wang Zixiao, who still had an indignant expression on his face, flicked his sleeves and left.    


"Bureau Chief..."    


The Wang Family Head wanted to call out his last straw, but he did not say it out loud when the words reached the tip of his tongue. Seeing that the Changjiang Family's Master was far away, Wang Family's Master looked away. He looked at Faang Cheng, who was standing in front of him. His eyes were filled with a sense of inferiority and helplessness.    


"Godly Doctor Fang, I admit that it was my son's fault, and his fault. It's very, very serious now. " I only hope that you can forgive him. No matter what punishment you give me, I will accept it all! "    


The current Family Head Wang was not the Family Head of any big family. He was just a simple father who wanted to save his son's life.    


"The parents should bear the responsibility of the child's mistakes. This is the result of my lack of education. " So, Godly Doctor Fang, if you have any anger, feel free to vent it on me! "    


He lowered his head and his tone was almost as low as dirt.    


"Can I come at you?"    


Faang Cheng looked indifferent.    




Chief Wang nodded his head firmly.    


Wang Zixiao, who was standing behind him, heard his father's words and couldn't help but raise his head to look at him. There seemed to be some surprise and anger in his eyes. He looked at his father and then stared at Faang Cheng.    


Faang Cheng's eyes seemed to sweep over Wang Zixiao unintentionally. In his eyes, there was a trace of surprise and anger. ... with thick contempt and mockery.    


"Alright, then kneel down. Today, kneel down in front of everyone, and I will forgive your son!"    


Faang Cheng's words were spoken casually, but when it landed on the Wang Family's Master's heart, he moved forward.    




Wang Family's Family Head was slightly stunned, then he raised his head and looked at Faang Cheng in front of him. He didn't expect that this young man, who looked as modest as a gentleman, would humiliate him in such a humiliating way.    


"Brother! ..." "    


In fact, it wasn't just the Wang family's head. Even Lee Zhaowen, who was standing at the side, didn't expect Faang Cheng to punish the Wang family's father and son in such a way. However, before he could say anything, Yu Yien stopped him and shook his head at him.    


The crowd also voiced their doubts and surprise. Many people thought that with their understanding of equations, he would not make such an insulting request to others. Many people who did not know him directly questioned whether he was too petty. A scholar could be killed but not humiliated. This kind of humiliation was not as satisfying as a real physical punishment.    


Yuan Yue, who had been watching Faang Cheng solve the problem himself, silently walked through the crowd and came to Faang Cheng's side. She held his hand and smiled sweetly at him.    


She wanted to tell Faang Cheng that no matter what decision he made, she would support him, even if everyone stood against him.    


Faang Cheng felt Yuan Yue's small hand reach into his big hand. He felt her warmth and love. He couldn't help but smile at Yuan Yue.    


Master Wang looked at Faang Cheng, who didn't put him in his eyes at all. He seemed to be sure that he would kneel down. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Then, he looked at the ground in front of him. He bent his knees and was about to kneel down. ...    




Wang Zixiao's voice suddenly came from behind.    


Wang Zixiao turned to look at his son subconsciously. He struggled to break free from the shackles of his servants and ran towards him. He pulled up his body, which was about to kneel down, and protected him behind him. He shouted at Faang Cheng.    


"If you have any anger, come at me. If you have any punishment, come at me! Don't use my father to vent your anger. You don't deserve it. "    


Faang Cheng was not surprised at all when he suddenly rushed out. Then, he even raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.    


Seeing Faang Cheng's sudden smile, Wang Zixiao did not know what to do. This situation did not seem right. Why did he reveal such a smile? ... such a pleased smile.    


"Fortunately, you saved yourself!"    


Faang Cheng said without thinking.    


"If you don't come out and stop your father, your life will be in danger. ... "maybe it's really gone!"    


After saying this, Faang Cheng pulled Yuan Yue and walked out of the crowd. As they walked, they also instructed Yu Yien.    


"Yien, today's funeral is almost over. What's left is for us to do. ... You handle it!"    




Yu Yien nodded with a smile, then watched Faang Cheng and the others walk away slowly.    


The rest of the people suddenly realized something. Some of them were still in a daze. Some of them were still in a daze. They seemed to know something, but at the same time, they were not too sure.    


Wang Zixiao supported his father, staring blankly at Faang Cheng's back for a long time. After a long time, he seemed to finally understand what Faang Cheng meant. He turned to look at his father, but saw that his father already had an expression of admiration and emotion.    


"Father, I think I know what he means."    


Wang Zixiao said to his father.    


"No wonder! He should be the lord of the Boundless Sea Border and the head of the Bai Family. He should be. "    


The Wang Family's Head couldn't help but sigh with emotion.    


"Zixiao, you... ... "It is indeed time for me to take charge of everything, to be proud of myself!"    


"Mm, Father, I understand!"    


Wang Zixiao restrained his anger and sharpness and nodded slightly at his father.    


Yu Yien smiled when he saw the father and son duo. He turned around and was about to leave.    


"Please wait a moment!"    


Wang Zixiao's voice suddenly came from behind. Yu Yien could not help but stop and turn around to look at him.    


The content came from [Mikoo Reading].    


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