Treasure identifying Golden Finger



Looking at how anxious Faang Cheng was to know the whereabouts of his girlfriend, Brother Xiong put down the glass of wine in his hand. He racked his brains to recall where he had seen the pretty girl that Faang Cheng described! As a man, it was normal for him to look at beautiful girls a few more times. Therefore, in this sort of situation, beauties were always easier to remember.    


Suddenly, Brother Xiong slammed the table, as if he suddenly came to a realization.    


"I remember! I remember where I saw that girl! "    


he said loudly.    


Faang Cheng stared at Brother Xiong with his eyes wide open and asked with a hint of excitement.    


"Where is it? Where have you seen her? "    


"I remember... I think I saw her in the camp master's back garden! "    


Brother Xiong said hesitantly.    


"The battalion master's backyard?"    


Hearing this, Faang Cheng was slightly stunned, the Battalion Commander once firmly told him that he had never seen the day and night that he described, but... Brother Xiong said that he had seen the day and night in the camp's rear garden. Faang Cheng calmed himself down and didn't reveal the slightest bit of abnormality.    


"Yes, it was the back garden of the Battalion Commander. She seems to be talking to the Battalion Commander, and the discussion between the two of them was quite intense. I remember the Battalion Commander also seemed to have told her not to be delusional, you wouldn't succeed, no one succeeded or something, after that … Then I left because I had something to do, and when I went back, the girl was no longer in the back garden! Furthermore, as long as there is a new girl in the rear garden, we will record it down, because the servants are supposed to prepare clothes, food, etc., but the Battalion Lord did not tell us that a new girl had entered the garden, so that girl probably did not agree to have the Battalion Commander stay, so she left! "    


Brother Xiong nodded, he was sure that he did not remember wrongly!    


"And after that? Have you seen her again? "    


Faang Cheng hurriedly asked.    


"I haven't seen him since!"    


Brother Xiong shook his head!    


Faang Cheng couldn't help but fall into deep thought when he heard Brother Xiong's words, until Brother Xiong's voice shocked him back to reality.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't seem to be of any help!"    


Brother Xiong said apologetically.    


"No, no, no …" This way, at least I know that she is still safe! "    


Faang Cheng immediately retracted his emotions and smiled at his brother.    


"Don't worry, Mr Faang. From today onwards, I will have my brothers pay more attention to her. If they find a girl similar to my sister-in-law, I will definitely bring her back for you to see!"    


It seemed that he was also a warm-hearted man.    


"Alright, then I'll be troubling Brother Xiong!"    


Faang Cheng raised his glass with a smile and bumped into Brother Xiong's glass. Then, he drank it all in one gulp.    


After the meal, Faang Cheng and the others happily left Jinghua and Shuiyue, while Brother Xiong stayed with Lady Yue'er to stay the night! Returning to the camp, Faang Cheng sent the slightly drunk Gu Le back to his villa, then left after settling him down!    


He and Yu Yien went straight to Wu Yun's villa, and saw that Wu Yun had already returned from sending Shixi's mother away. She was sitting at a stone table in the yard, drinking tea. Seeing them enter with a body reeking of alcohol, he couldn't help but pout his lips.    


"I went all the way to send them off, but you all went to drink?"    


Wu Yun's tone was filled with dissatisfaction.    


"We're going to drink with Yue Er's big brother!"    


Yu Yien said to Wu Yun, who quickly came over when she heard him.    


"Is that so? Is there any news? Isn't he that Battalion Commander's trusted aide? "    


"Yes, and it's very important!"    


With that, Yu Yien turned around and looked at Faang Cheng. When Wu Yun saw him looking at Faang Cheng, she knew that this must be related to Faang Cheng, so she also turned to Faang Cheng.    


"Faang Cheng, what's going on?"    


Faang Cheng let out a long sigh.    


"According to my description, Brother Xiong has indeed seen a day and a night!"    


"Has he seen the sun? "Where is it?"    


Hearing this news, Wu Yun was a little excited. Even though she did like Faang Cheng secretly, but … She was both envious and moved by Faang Cheng's feelings for the day and the night, and she hoped he would find it sooner.    


"In the battalion lord's back garden!"    


"What?" The camp lord's back garden? "    


Wu Yun was slightly taken aback.    


"So you're saying... The Battalion Commander is lying! "    


Wu Yun looked at Faang Cheng and said.    


"Yes, he lied …"    


Faang Cheng suddenly remembered that moment when he mentioned Chao Xi, the Battalion Commander's expression seemed to be tangled for a split-second, but he didn't think too much about it at that time and thought that his frown was a memory.    


"Could it be … Is Chao Xi really in his hands? "    


Wu Yun thought for a moment before shaking her head in denial.    


"But that's not right!" There was definitely no day or night in death, but there was also no day or night in that villa! Did the battalion master hide it for her? But why hide her? Is there anything special about the day and night … "    


When Wu Yun couldn't figure it out, Faang Cheng and Yu Yien were also different! He could not understand why the Battalion Commander was hiding this from him. Could it be … Because of the beauty of the dawn, the Battalion Lord forced her and kept her in a place unknown?    


Thinking about this, Faang Cheng immediately stood up and walked out.    


Cao Cao Cao is the fastest runner in the group. Cao Cao and Cao arrived just in time. The Battalion Commander's deep voice came from outside the courtyard.    


"Is Mr Faang free right now?"    


The three people in the yard were stunned. They looked at each other and then turned to look outside the door! Behind the Battalion Commander, there were two servants holding gifts standing at the entrance, smiling as they looked at the three people in the yard.    


Faang Cheng was stunned on the spot as he looked at the smiling Battalion Commander with a sharp gaze. The Battalion Commander naturally felt Faang Cheng's abnormality, and the smile on his face gradually faded as he looked at Faang Cheng in confusion.    


Seeing the situation turn awkward, Wu Yun couldn't help but step forward. After all, the Battalion Commander was still the Battalion Commander. Their goal was to find peace, so they offended him too early … There were only bad points and no benefits!    


Oh, the Battalion Commander is here, we have to welcome him from afar! "Quick, come in..."    


Wu Yun opened the courtyard door and invited the Battalion Commander in.    


The Battalion Commander walked into the courtyard. Looking at Faang Cheng's expression, he couldn't help but speak out.    


"Mr Faang's mood today... "It doesn't seem to be very good!"    


Looking at the face of the Battalion Commander, Faang Cheng suddenly opened his mouth and smiled.    


"No, it's just a small matter. It's really embarrassing to let the Battalion Commander watch such a joke!"    


Hearing Faang Cheng's words, the Battalion Commander naturally understood. After all, he came here for a favor and immediately shook his head with a smile.    


"Not at all!" What is there to look at as a joke? It is normal for people to have seven emotions and six desires, but I just don't know … Did Mr Faang encounter some unhappy things in the camp? If it is so, please tell me. I will solve it for Mr Faang with all my heart! "    


After the Battalion Commander had finished speaking, he turned around to look at the two stewards behind him. The two stewards hurriedly placed the gift boxes in their hands onto the stone table within the courtyard!    


Faang Cheng watched the other person's actions without revealing any emotions.    


"Battalion Lord, this is …"    


"Oh, this... Even if it's just a small gift of thanks, no matter what, I am still considered an elder of Huan`er. Since Mr Faang cured his physical deficiency, it's only right for me to express my gratitude! "    


The Battalion Commander said indifferently.    


Faang Cheng looked at the presents on the stone table. Even though he couldn't use the spiritual energy in his body, he could still feel the dense spiritual energy emitted by the gifts. Thinking about it... They were all good supplements, probably something the Battalion Commander used to replenish his energy. Faang Cheng instantly understood what the Battalion Commander meant, so he smiled and looked at him.    


"What does Battalion Commander want to say …" You don't have to hide anything. Just say it! Come... Please sit down! "    


Faang Cheng waved his hand and pointed to the stone bench beside him. Then, he sat down first!    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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