Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C525 The Market at the Foot of the Mountain

C525 The Market at the Foot of the Mountain

After visiting the blood-boiling cloth palace, the group of people excitedly walked towards the foot of the mountain! Fatty Bai who was walking right in front suddenly turned his head and said:    


"Cheng, my guide said that not far from the foot of the mountain is a market, it specializes in selling handicrafts, but there are also some old items sellers mixed in, many people who like old items like to come here and go there, do you want to come with me to take a look?"    




Faang Cheng naturally looked forward to it, and then he turned and looked at Soong Jiaqi.    


"Jackie, why don't you go back to the hotel and wait for us? Then we'll have dinner together in the evening! "    


"No, I don't want to stay in a hotel. I'm here for tourism, not to stay in a hotel! Can't I go to the fair you're talking about? "    


Soong Jiaqi pouted and asked, she felt that she was being ignored.    


"No, no. How can we not go? It's just that I'm afraid that you youngsters don't like what we old people are looking at, and I'm afraid that you might find it boring! "    


Fatty Bai quickly said.    


"I'm not bored, I feel... At least it's better than staying in the hotel! "    


As Soong Jiaqi spoke, she rolled her eyes at Faang Cheng, causing his to helplessly shake his head.    


"Alright, alright, alright. Go, let's go together!"    


The few of them followed the guide to the bazaar at the foot of the mountain. The bazaar was built near the foot of the mountain. It was a long bazaar and was packed with people. There were a lot of tourists! Chinese tourists generally like to buy a few small items with local characteristics to give to friends and family as gifts, so this kind of market and handicrafts market is still emerging in large tourist cities.    


Faang Cheng looked at Soong Jiaqi who was excitedly pulling Jia Wen through the various stalls, and he really wanted to take back what he had just said. How could this girl feel bored, it was like she was a fish in water, that's right, there were many stalls selling small things in the market, this was exactly what Soong Jiaqi wanted!    


"Jackie, slow down! Follow us and don't lose yourself!"    


With Soong Changyi's trust, he had to be careful and protect this young miss.    


"Got it, there's no problem with Jia Wen following me! You bunch of 'old people' should just go and look at your 'old people' stuff! "    


Soong Jiaqi mischievously stuck out her tongue, then pulled Jia Wen along and ran to a stall that sold buried silver jewelry to have a look.    


Faang Cheng looked at her and laughed, then turned to look at the items on the stall in front of him in detail. The stall was owned by a man in his thirties who was barely able to understand Mandarin. It seemed that he was an old acquaintance of the guide. The two of them greeted each other warmly!    


Actually, this was very normal. Normally, a local guide would have a few small stores that sold things like this and then call for customers to earn some extra money. This was something that Faang Cheng and the others could understand.    


If there's anything you like, buy it. If there's anything you like, don't force it. Since we've grown up as good brothers, the reason why he brought guests here is just to give me a chance.    


He looked like an honest man from the Zang family. Faang Cheng laughed, and then, he took out a small item from the stall and started to play with it.    


"It doesn't matter, we understand! If you want to play outside, you have to buy some small things to go back. It doesn't matter which one you go to, it will be good for you if you can help guide your friends to increase their sales! "    


What Faang Cheng said was true, the stall owner laughed happily, and then passionately introduced the small items on his stall to Faang Cheng and the others! The specialty of the Tibetan family was the collection of silver ornaments and animal bone products, and most of the stalls of this stall sold these!    


Faang Cheng bent down to pick out the small objects carefully. He planned to return to give the small boys, Xiao Fei and the rest of the children, but not long after, he heard the sounds of an argument coming from not too far away. He raised his head to look, only to see that there were already people surrounding them, but he could still tell that the voices were Soong Jiaqi and Jia Wen!    


Faang Cheng frowned slightly. This spoiled young miss … He really can cause trouble for himself, he thought as he shook his head helplessly at Yu Yien.    


"Let's go take a look!"    


After saying that, he walked over to the area where the crowd was surrounding him, while Fatty Bai, who was by his side, saw what he had picked, and quickly followed along with his guide!    


Faang Cheng squeezed through the crowd with much effort and saw that Jia Wen's face was flushed red as she started to argue with the two big burly men in front of her.    


"She just asked how much this thing was worth and then picked it up and looked at it. How come it can't be sold? Do we have to buy it? Where did this rule come from? How dare you ask for 50,000 yuan from such a crappy thing, I think you're just blackmailing us, we're just rich … I won't give it to you either! "    


"Little lady, you need to be careful when you speak! We, Zang family, have such a rule. If you don't believe me, ask around. Do we Zang family have such a rule? Furthermore, you are holding a Divine Artifact with spirit energy, the Divine Artifact always said that touching it would cause it to recognize you as its master, so you have to buy it and bring it away! Because if you don't buy it, I won't be able to sell it out, because once it becomes its owner, it won't leave with anyone else! "    


The moment the big man finished speaking, the surrounding people all started to chime in, as if what the stall owner said was 100% correct.    


"Do you take me for a three-year-old? You still recognize him as your master? You said that you would recognize me as your master if I touched it, so can I call it that? If it can agree with me today, I will buy it and take it away! "    


Soong Jiaqi said resentfully, she had met people who swindled, but she had never met someone who swaggered so brazenly and brazenly,    


"You said it, that's fine. Try it!"    


Soong Jiaqi originally thought that her words would scare the unreliable swindler, but she did not expect the other party to so calmly agree. It was Soong Jiaqi's turn to lose her cool. The other party was so steady, could it be … Was there really a Divine Artifact, and could it really answer him?    


Soong Jiaqi hesitated and stood forward, her eyes stared straight at the silver lock on the table, and slightly opened her mouth.    


"That …"    


Halfway through her words, she raised her head and awkwardly asked the stall owner,    


"What is it called? How can I call it that? "    


"You are its master now, so you can give it a name at will! It will agree to anything you call it! "    


The confident look on the stall owner's face made Soong Jiaqi mutter to herself once again.    


"Is it that bad?"    


She looked at the lock and casually gave it a random name.    


"Anything …"    


When the stall owner heard this name, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth, but … Even so, something miraculous happened. The silver lock moved slightly, and then … It actually moved a distance in Soong Jiaqi's direction, as if it was responding to her cry!    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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