Treasure identifying Golden Finger



Faang Cheng walked into the dark mansion and stopped for a second.    


He closed his eyes and used his remaining senses to carefully feel where that strange spiritual energy came from. After a while, he was sure that the spiritual energy came from the room on the second floor. Then, he headed straight for the stairs at the end of the corridor.    


Faang Cheng went up the stairs to the second floor. Suddenly, he found that only the door of the room in the middle of the entire second floor was lit up by a dim yellow oil lamp.    


Faang Cheng determined the location and sure enough, it was the room he suspected from outside the mansion. That room was constantly releasing the same spiritual energy as the Battalion Commander, and it was even denser than the spiritual energy in the Battalion Commander's body. There must be something strange within.    


Faang Cheng walked towards the room carefully.    


However, before he reached the door of the room, Faang Cheng heard the most primitive movement between men and women coming from inside. Faang Cheng immediately stopped and blushed, but he didn't continue walking forward.    


A puzzled expression appeared on his face. In that room, if it was just the Battalion Commander doing something with a woman, then why was there such a strong aura emitting from it? Was it that woman's question, or … The battalion master's question.    


Faang Cheng had been conflicted for a long time. He had no intention of peeping into other people's privacy, so he had no choice but to go and see what was in that room. Since he was already here, if he couldn't get any information, then he would take the risk.    


Thus … He crept closer.    


Although the mansion was built well, the details were still not satisfactory. The gap between the door frame and the door was big enough for Faang Cheng to see everything in the room. When Faang Cheng saw the scene inside the room, he couldn't help but gape.    


On the carved bed in the room, a man was riding a woman with purplish-blue hair and doing some indescribable actions. The woman's expression was pained and joyful, and she kept on moaning. While the man was exercising, he was also absorbing the yin aura of the girl.    


That man … Naturally, it was the Battalion Commander.    


"Harvesting Yin to nourish the Yang?"    


Faang Cheng was shocked.    


Collecting yin to replenish yang energy, as the name implies, absorbing a woman's yin aura to supplement a man's yang energy. In ancient China, there was a saying that the so-called Taoism was to harvest Yin and nourish Yang, which was to use a woman's Yin essence to supplement one's Yang energy. But now, it seemed that the Battalion Commander was in the process of having sex. First, he had allowed the woman to reach the peak of happiness, and the yin aura in her body to reach its peak. Then, he had completely absorbed it.    


This method of "harvesting Yin and Yang energy to supplement Yang energy" would greatly improve its effect, but it would cause great harm to women. If a woman was continuously consumed in this way, then within a few days she would die from exhaustion. But if a lot of women were to be sucked in, then their lifespan would be a little longer, but not by more than a few months.    


When Faang Cheng thought of this, his mind suddenly recalled the pile of female corpses he buried that night, and then … Suddenly, a smile appeared in front of her eyes. His heart sank … Following which, his gaze once again landed on the room …    


The Battalion Commander had stopped his actions and pulled away from the woman. He sat on the bed with his head lowered, seeming to be muttering something that Faang Cheng couldn't hear clearly. His eyes turned to the woman again. The woman was lying on the bed. Her skin was ashen, and her eyes were wide open as though she had lost her life.    


Faang Cheng was surprised for a moment. He couldn't help but take two steps back and accidentally bumped into the vase on the corridor.    


"Bang …"    


Although his voice was not loud, it was clearly heard by someone in this quiet night.    


The sound in the room suddenly stopped.    


Faang Cheng knew that the Battalion Commander must have heard the noise coming from outside, so he hurried to the other side of the corridor. He didn't dare to stop and directly went up to the third floor. He thought that if he was discovered, he would definitely choose to go down the stairs according to his normal thinking. However, Faang Cheng decided to go the other way and felt that it would be safer.    


After Faang Cheng went up to the third floor, he stopped at the stairs for a while. Then, he heard the door of the room being opened. A person walked out slowly but firmly. Faang Cheng listened carefully in the direction the other person was headed towards, but he was surprised to find that the person didn't head for the stairs that led to the first floor. Instead, he chose to head up the stairs that led to the third floor.    


Faang Cheng was shocked and hurriedly turned around. He chose a room in the middle and walked in. He wanted to find a way to get out of the villa, so he went straight to the window. Unfortunately … The window was sealed with wooden slabs. Faang Cheng tried it and found that this Battalion Commander had used some sort of method to seal the wood slabs so tightly that even though Faang Cheng's strength was out of the ordinary, it was still difficult to open them.    


Faang Cheng wanted to get out of this room and switch to another, but he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He couldn't get out! Only then did he seriously look at the room.    


It looks like a warehouse. Inside, there were all kinds of tools, items and even torture devices. Faang Cheng looked at these items as he pondered if he could use them as a weapon to defeat the menacing Battalion Commander that reeked of demonic aura. Axe? Obviously not; the whip, Faang Cheng shook his head and put it back; Copper Jar? Was he going to smash the Battalion Commander's head? After searching for a while, Faang Cheng still couldn't find a suitable weapon. He stood behind the door and listened carefully to the sound outside.    


The footsteps were getting closer and closer. It seemed like they were still two or three rooms away from him. Faang Cheng clenched his fist tightly. It had been a long time since he was this nervous. It was hard for him to imagine what would happen if he was caught by the Battalion Commander.    


Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer to him, getting closer and closer, then, the people outside stopped at the door, and then … He slowly reached for the door handle.    


Faang Cheng stared fixedly at the door in front of him, then slowly leaned against the wall behind him …    


The door handle was turned, and at the same time, Faang Cheng's body suddenly touched a bulge on the wall. The wall behind him suddenly flipped 180 degrees, bringing him to the other side of the wall.    


Faang Cheng was shocked. When he reacted, he found himself in a dark room. The room was very dark and only the oil lamp on the wall was emitting a faint light. It took him a while to get used to the dim light. He looked around him. The darkroom was not too big, about five or six people could stand in it. There was nothing inside except a large black lacquer chest.    


Faang Cheng walked over curiously and opened the simple clasp on the box. "Crack?" Suddenly, Faang Cheng felt a surge of spiritual energy overflowing. He looked carefully and saw that there was a box full of the kind of "spirit staff" that the manager was holding. Faang Cheng was stunned for a moment.    


At this moment, the people outside had already entered the room. Faang Cheng could imagine him standing at the door and looking around the room. As the owner of this house, he naturally knew that there was a secret room here. Perhaps, at this moment … He stood in front of the secret room and stared at the wall.    


Faang Cheng's gaze fell on the spirit staff in the chest. At this critical moment, he could only brace himself and give it a try.    


He extended his hand and took out a spirit staff …    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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