Treasure identifying Golden Finger



When they arrived, Sister Lan brought them to the room where Faang Cheng had seen Lady Yue'er last time. Lady Yue'er was already waiting for them in the room. Other than Yue'er, there were a few other girls who were not that attractive, but were still younger.    


The group of people entered the room excitedly and took their seats!    


Brother Xiong took the initiative to raise the glass of wine in his hand towards Faang Cheng and the others.    


"This is the first goblet of wine for Mr Faang. Thank you for helping Yue Er out!"    


As Brother Xiong said this, he raised his head to toast. Fang Cheng smiled and followed suit. Yu Yien, who was on the side, also raised his head to toast but was kicked by Faang Cheng. He immediately reacted and took a sip symbolically before putting him back.    


Now that Faang Cheng's spirit energy was being suppressed, it wasn't that he was not drunk. If he drank too much, he would leave a sober person to deal with it! Gu Huan was definitely out of luck. Why was this kid still so young? She had already drunk her fill of wine as she watched this scene! It turned out that he was not in good health and his father had always kept him from drinking too much. Now that he was well, shouldn't he drink enough?    


"To be honest, you and Lady Yue Er have been having a hard time living together. However... I really admire Brother Xiong's character! "    


Faang Cheng had a serious look on his face.    


"It's nothing. It's just that Yue Er believes in me. I can't possibly let my woman suffer!"    


Brother Xiong shook his head and drank a cup of wine.    


"This Battalion Commander's body has such a hellhole, it's still enough to make him feel uncomfortable!"    


Gu Huan mumbled as she ate her chicken drumstick. However, after she said those words, everyone looked at her in astonishment, especially Brother Xiong. He looked at Gu Huan in astonishment before turning his gaze to Faang Cheng and Yu Yien, who were at the side.    


"You all... You already know about the body of the Battalion Commander? "    


Brother Xiong was a little doubtful. He rarely mentioned the matter of the Battalion Commander's body to the outsiders, but this Faang Cheng actually knew about it?    


"Mm …" The Battalion Commander gave a simple suggestion, we … He had roughly guessed the truth of the matter! I wanted to say, who would do such a heinous thing for no reason at all, think about it … The Battalion Commander had no other choice, moreover … Those girls are also willing, and as long as I take good care of them, not all of them will die! "    


Faang Cheng had a look of understanding towards his Battalion Commander.    


"In fact, I always thought that the Battalion Commander was a heinous, tyrannical, evil person, so I always suspected that his girlfriend was captured by him as a captive. But then I found out that the Battalion Commander wasn't what I thought he was, and I also asked him about it. He didn't see my girlfriend, and I also saw those girls in the Cherry Blossom House."    


After saying that, Faang Cheng let out a long sigh.    


When Gu Huan, who was at the side, saw his dejected expression, he believed it to be true. Gu Huan slowly put down the wine cup in her hand. She patted Faang Cheng on the back and advised with an experienced look.    


"Big Brother Faang, don't worry!" Didn't you say that sister-in-law is very smart? As long as she was not in the hands of the Battalion Commander, then … I think she'll get away with anything. This place is not a small place, but it is not a big place either. Don't worry, your little brother will definitely accompany you to find your sister-in-law! "    


Gu Huan's serious look made Faang Cheng want to laugh. Yu Yien, who was beside her, also tried his best to hold back his laughter, but … Gu Huan's words were truly sincere, causing the big brother beside her to believe it without a doubt.    


"Mr Faang's girlfriend is also in the mirror?"    


he asked with concern.    


"To be honest …"    


Faang Cheng was very satisfied with Brother Xiong's words, so he immediately opened his mouth and said.    


"I came to this world just to find my girlfriend!"    


"What?" You came here on your own initiative to find a girlfriend? and not accidentally sucked in by that mirror? "    


Hearing his words, everyone except Yu Yien looked at him in surprise.    


Because they have lived here for so many years, yet they have never met someone who knew that there was something wrong with the mirror and took the initiative to enter. Faang Cheng was the first person they met.    


"That's right!" We tried searching for our girlfriend, the police and the detectives, and we even tried to identify the corpses that were pulled out, but we just couldn't find them. Later on, we found an unintentional video of an incredible secret, so … In order to find her, we took the initiative to enter the mirror! "    


Faang Cheng's lies came easily. Yu Yien also nodded his head on the side.    


Brother Xiong watched Faang Cheng's expression slowly change from shock to admiration. He slowly raised the wine cup in his hand and raised it towards Faang Cheng.    


"Mr Faang, I admire you!"    


After saying that, he raised his head and toasted. Faang Cheng also quickly followed with a cup.    


"This... "Brother Xiong, where did you come from?"    


"In order to find a girlfriend, you took such a huge risk and entered the Mirror World! When I came in … You must have thought of the consequences of coming here. It might be a dead end, or you might never be able to return! "    


Brother Xiong looked into Faang Cheng's eyes and asked.    


After hearing his question, Faang Cheng's heart shook. Indeed, he did indeed enter with such a risk, because he wasn't sure if he could successfully leave this world in the mirror until now … It was the same thought. So he nodded.    


"Indeed. If you want to enter, you will die, or you will never be able to return!"    


"That's why I admire you and respect you as a man. For your own woman, you can turn your back on her, and … You still have brothers who are willing to accompany you to danger by your side. This proves that you … He must be a very good, very loyal person! "    


Brother Xiong seems to have a way to deal with people. Yu Yien was even able to follow Faang Cheng into such a dangerous place. This was enough to prove that Faang Cheng was a person with extraordinary charisma and charisma!    


Yu Yien couldn't help but nod his head. He agreed with Brother Xiong because Faang Cheng was indeed!    


Faang Cheng smiled embarrassedly.    


"Brother Fang, tell me, although I can't be considered as a big shot with your looks and features, there are still a lot of brothers. I will instruct everyone to take note and see if there are people who are similar to my sister-in-law." Wouldn't it be faster to find your siblings? "    


Brother Xiong patted his chest, wanting to help Faang Cheng. Hearing his words, Faang Cheng immediately beamed. If that's the case … Of course he would.    


"Alright, then I'll thank Brother Xiong first!"    


Faang Cheng raised his glass and knocked against Brother Xiong's glass.    


"She is called Chao Xi! It's a tall and slender girl, although it would be very exaggerated, but I still want to say, she is very beautiful! It was the kind of girl that people would find it hard to forget. Her skin can't be considered fair, but it's a very healthy color. Her long hair is naturally wavy, and her eyes are very big and lively, as if she can speak … "    


Faang Cheng looked intoxicated whenever the topic was brought up. Faang Cheng looked at Brother Xiong after described how he looked like. He saw that Brother Xiong's face revealed an expression that seemed to be reminiscing, but also seemed to be uncertain.    


Seeing his expression, Faang Cheng's heart skipped a beat and he quickly went forward.    


"Brother Xiong, have you seen this girl that I mentioned before?"    


"This girl Mr Faang is talking about, I think …" I've really seen it somewhere! "    


The male brother scratched his own hair, looking like he was recalling his memories with all his might.    


"That's right... I can't remember where! "    


As he was unable to recall the exact location of the residence, he felt a little vexed.    


Faang Cheng had just asked to test the waters, but he didn't expect that Brother Xiong would actually meet Chao Xi.    


"Brother Xiong, remember this carefully. Where have you seen her before?"    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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