Treasure identifying Golden Finger



Faang Cheng tried to sort out his thoughts. He was thinking about how to get close to the mirror, close to the day, and how to complete all of his thoughts.    


"Actually... I've always wanted to ask, how did Mirror Master suppress you all like this? Have you never thought of resisting once? Are you willing to let him suppress you even though you're being suppressed like this? If you had rebelled when he leaked the information and tried to suppress you, things might not have turned out like this! "    


Hearing Faang Cheng's words, the Battalion Commander bitterly smiled, his eyes full of hatred and deep helplessness.    


"Originally... The Mirror Master treats us like his own brothers! When I entered the Mirror World with Zhi Zun, it hadn't formed much scale yet. There weren't many people in the Mirror World either, we were all ordinary people in that world, here … He was barely able to live the life of an ordinary person. The only ruler here is the Mirror Master with special abilities. The three of us are just like one person, Mirror Master really helped us a lot, he even took good care of my young sister! However … What we do not know is that this is just a small step in Mirror Master's great cause of domination! "    


As the Battalion Commander spoke, his mood became very agitated.    


"Originally... From the very beginning, Mirror Master has made purposeful contact with us! At that time, I was a small cultivator in the world outside the mirror, so he took a fancy to me and incorporated me into his ruling class. But the only thing I knew was that in the outside world, I was a famous instructor, specialized in training the army and integrating internal affairs. At the moment when we thought that he was a brother, he had already started to stealthily damage my body. Gradually, I felt that something was wrong with my body more and more, until … The night that my sister and I decided to get married, everything has become very clear! "    


Thinking back to that day, the Battalion Commander was still so angry that his entire body was trembling.    


"We are very happy that the Mirror Master has come. I immediately told him about my sister Xue Ying's marriage! However, he … But he just sneered and opened me up, heading straight for my sister! Even though I was shocked, I knew that I should protect my sister. But … I couldn't even muster a bit of strength. I watched as the Mirror Master grabbed my sister's arm and forced her to do as she pleased, asking if he wanted her to be free or to be free. If he wanted her to be free, she would give her to him. It was only then that we realized, clearly, what kind of brother, what kind of friend? "Not even that. I am just one of his pawns!"    


"So... Master Gu chose Xue Ying, and you … Even if you want to protect them, there's no other way around it, because the Mirror Master had already tampered with your body without your noticing! "    


The more Faang Cheng heard, the more he felt that this Mirror Master was cunning and insidious. He wondered if he could handle such a person in the future.    


"Yes, what happened afterwards …" You probably already know this already! Xue Ying, who had always been depressed, suddenly died before she could give birth to any children! Mirror Master is naturally afraid that we will go all out against him if we lose all our worries. That's why he pulled Huan'er out of Xue Ying's stomach. Then … as the second bargaining chip that threatened us! "    


This Mirror Master was really good. Faang Cheng couldn't help but admire him!    


"In that case, have you all ever thought of rebelling after living such a long and oppressive life?"    


Faang Cheng asked the Battalion Commander, who smiled bitterly.    


"Why haven't I thought about it? However, Huan'er's body is constantly supported by the Spiritual Aura of the mirror owner, and I look … How could he fight him? It's impossible to rely on only one person's strength! "    


"Then now... Gu Huan is fine, and after I cure you … Would that mean we can fight with that Mirror Master? "    


The moment Faang Cheng said this, the Battalion Commander was slightly stunned. He asked hesitantly.    


"Mr Faang's meaning is …" You promised to treat me? "    


"You can, but you have to help me find the day and the night, and also obtain the method to leave this world in the mirror …"    


"Of course!"    


Before Faang Cheng could finish his sentence, the Battalion Commander hurriedly said with confidence.    


"If that's really the case, then I'm not helping you, but... We want to be involved in this as well, and when we find a way to leave this world, we'll leave together! "    


After hearing what the Battalion Commander had said, Faang Cheng finally revealed a smile of understanding. His final thought had finally been realized, with the support of the Battalion Commander and the Town Commander, he found a way to leave this place, which was just around the corner.    


"But... "Master Gu seems to be hesitating …"    


"Mr Faang, don't worry about this, I will talk you into it!" He's probably just worried about Huan'er. He's worried that if we don't succeed, we won't have anything to do with each other. At worst, we'll just die, but Huan'er is different. He's still young! But if he knows that I have recovered to my previous state, I think … He should agree to it! "    


The Battalion Commander was confident that he could persuade Gu Zhen. Seeing that Gu Shenwei was so confident, Faang Cheng nodded heavily and then looked to Yu Yien, who was beside him.    


"Yien, help me go to my villa and get that spirit staff. Today, I can help the Battalion Lord cure his illness!"    


When Yu Yien saw this, he could not help but feel worried. He was worried that Faang Cheng would make a slip of the tongue after the Battalion Commander was cured! Seeing his worried expression, Faang Cheng could not help but smile and shake his head.    


"Don't worry, the current situation, whether it's the Battalion Commander, Town Lord or me, is really our last chance! I need their help, and they need mine too! We are on the same side. If we miss this chance, they really won't have the chance to go back. We … Perhaps he could only stay! Therefore … This chance to gamble with his life, was something that only men would do … "We can't miss it!"    


Hearing Faang Cheng's words, the Battalion Commander also nodded his head heavily.    


"Indeed! This time's opportunity … I must grab hold of it! "    


Seeing Faang Cheng so confident, Yu Yien nodded and walked out of the courtyard towards Faang Cheng's villa. Not long later, he came back with the spirit staff Faang Cheng stole from the mansion!    




He handed the spirit staff over to Faang Cheng. Faang Cheng took it and felt the slivers of Spiritual Qi within the spirit staff.    


Seeing the magical spirit staff in Faang Cheng's hands, the Battalion Commander couldn't help but feel some anticipation and nervousness.    


"This spirit staff …" "Why is it so magical in Mr Faang's hands?"    


Faang Cheng couldn't help but smile.    


"Because... I am a very magical person! "    


He weighed the spirit staff in his hand before looking at the Battalion Commander.    


"This thing... It was probably created by the Mirror Master! "    


"Yes, he gave it to us! This spirit staff could be used as a weapon, but it could also be used as a testing tool! Anyone who had entered the concentration camp would only need to sweep his body, and when he entered again, the staff would respond! We relied on him to distinguish who was the battalion commander and who wasn't! It would also prevent those who have graduated from the concentration camp from returning to the camp to eat and drink. "    


The Battalion Commander explained the effects of the spirit staff.    


"This mirror owner... He really is not a mortal! "    


Faang Cheng nodded.    


"But... It was fortunate that he did this, otherwise … I really have no way to help you all treat your illnesses! "    


He could not help but smile, then he carried his spirit staff and wanted to enter the villa.    


"Battalion Commander, Sir …" Please. When I came out again … You are truly reborn! "    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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