Spirit Through the Heavens

C245 Escape

C245 Escape

Just like that, after being protected by Lu Feng, the fear in Jin Sha's eyes became slightly better, but every time there was thunder, she would still be frightened.    


Fortunately, the weather of the thunderstorm came suddenly and disappeared suddenly. After about ten minutes of thunder, the rain stopped and the thunder also disappeared.    


"Phew! Phew! Phew!"    


After hearing the thunder finally disappear, Jin Sha heavily panted, as if she was exhausted after hundreds of rounds of intense battle with others.    


"Jin Sha, we should stop fighting now. You should take a good rest!" Lu Feng said.    


" Mm! "    


Jin Sha did not reject Lu Feng's request because she really needed to rest at this time.    


Just like that, after Jin Sha sat down cross-legged again, she closed her eyes and began to rest.    


When he saw Jin Sha like this, Lu Feng frowned slightly. Trainer was actually afraid of thunder. This was clearly a fatal weakness.    


If someone knew about this, Jin Sha would be in danger.    


After all, some ultimate moves could produce thunderous sounds, and some ultimate moves could even trigger the thunder in the sky.    


"Senior, you have lived for so long. Is there any way to control such fear?" Lu Feng asked in his mind.    


It was fine that Lu Feng did not know, but now that he knew Jin Sha's secret, he naturally wanted to help her.    


"Lu Feng, from the performance of this girl just now, her fear is not really because she is afraid of thunder, but because she is afraid of something else!" Mu Xiao analyzed.    


"Another reason?"    


Lu Feng was stunned for a moment. If it was not because Jin Sha was really afraid of thunder, then what was Jin Sha afraid of?    


"Lu Feng, perhaps this has something to do with her childhood. If you want to cure her of this problem, I am afraid you have to know what she is afraid of first. Why would she be afraid of thunder?" Mu Xiao suggested.    


"Thank you senior for your guidance!"    


After listening to Mu Xiao's words, Lu Feng immediately found a clue. He had decided in his heart that once he found a suitable plan, he would definitely ask about it.    


"Puff! Puff! Puff!"    


Just as Lu Feng was about to rest for a while, his ears suddenly moved slightly, and he looked towards the lake behind him.    


Because of the thunderstorm, the night sky was especially bright. The bright moonlight illuminated the entire lake.    


"What is that..."    


Under the moonlight, Lu Feng found a figure appearing in the lake. This figure was long and thick, and it was coiled in the middle of the water.    


“ Awoo!"    


Right at this moment, a howl came from one side of the forest, followed by a huge snake quickly scuttling from the forest into the lake.    


"This is..."    


When he saw the huge figure that scuttled into the lake, Lu Feng was completely stunned on the spot. Wasn't this the Monoceros that their horns were broken?    


"Could it be..."    


Recalling the figure hovering in the lake, Lu Feng couldn't help but swallow his saliva.    


This lake was actually the lair of the Monoceros. If that was the case, then the figure he saw earlier was also the Monoceros.    


And the previous Monoceros was an underage Monoceros. It was obvious that the other Monoceros in the lake wasn't a young one.    


"An adult Monoceros!"    


Lu Feng took a deep breath. If his guess was correct, then they were really here to die.    


"No, we have to leave this place as soon as possible!" Lu Feng said in a deep voice.    


The horn of an adult Monoceros had already taken shape, so its strength was at least at the Later Period of Core Condensation Stage. Even if it was only at the Early Period of Core Condensation Stage, it would still be fatal to Lu Feng and the others.    


"Jin Sha, wake up!"    


Without thinking too much, Lu Feng woke Jin Sha who was still resting.    


Of course, through the slight rest just now, Jin Sha's spirit had recovered a lot, but she still looked tired.    


"Lu Feng, what's wrong?"    


Jin Sha looked confused when she was suddenly woken up.    


"Let's not talk to you for now. Let's get out of here. It's dangerous!" Lu Feng quickly said.    


As he spoke, he pulled Jin Sha and prepared to leave.    


"Bang! Bang!"    


But at this moment, two sounds of water breaking sounded from behind Lu Feng and ___. Immediately, two long and short Monoceros's half body stood on the surface of the lake.    




As if it had recognized the two humans who had hurt it, the Monoceros that had lost its horns on its head furiously roared.    




In the next second, the Monoceros rushed towards Lu Feng and the other man by the lake.    


"Indestructible Golden Hand!"    


Seeing this, Lu Feng struck out with his palm without hesitation.    




When the Golden Palm landed on the Monoceros's body, it fell into the lake, and a huge wave hit the shore.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


When the other Monoceros saw this, it also let out a roar, and then it pounced towards Lu Feng.    


“ Hmph!"    


Lu Feng's expression became extremely solemn when he saw the Monoceros on the horn.    


" Indestructible Golden Hand! "    


Without thinking too much, Lu Feng once again struck out with his palm. He had no choice but to stall for time.    




The same explosive sound was heard, but this time, nothing happened to the Monoceros. It actually withstood Lu Feng's palm.    


"Be careful!"    


Jin Sha, who was standing beside Lu Feng, hurriedly shouted when she saw this. Immediately, she pulled Lu Feng and unleashed a golden light.    




The next second after Lu Feng disappeared from where he was standing, the Monoceros missed him.    




However, this Monoceros was very powerful. Therefore, when Lu Feng and Jin Sha appeared, its thick tail swung fiercely at them.    


"Be careful!"    


Lu Feng hurriedly blocked Jin Sha's body when he saw this. Immediately, the two of them were sent flying like rubber balls.    




While they were still flying in the air, Lu Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood. Even though he had the Indestructible Body protecting his body, he still couldn't stand being hit by a Later Period of Core Condensation Stage Demonic Beast.    


"Lu Feng!"    


Jin Sha shouted when she saw Lu Feng's mouth full of blood.    


Jin Sha was fine because of Lu Feng, but she knew very well that if it wasn't for Lu Feng blocking the attack for her, she wouldn't have been able to withstand it with her current condition.    




Seeing Jin Sha at a loss, Lu Feng hurriedly shouted and used all his strength to push her out.    


However, when Lu Feng let go of Jin Sha, her hand firmly grabbed him.    


"Lu Feng, if you want to die, we will die together. I will definitely not leave you behind!" Jin Sha said in a deep voice.    




After she finished speaking, the Spiritual Energy in Jin Sha's body exploded. Then, she and Lu Feng turned into a ray of golden light and rushed into the woods together.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


When Jin Sha brought Lu Feng and kept running away, she heard the sound of trees collapsing behind them. Obviously, the two Monoceros were about to catch up to them.    


"What should we do?"    


Lu Feng could feel the intense trembling of the Niwan Palace in his mind. He knew very well that once the two of them were caught, they would definitely die.    


A Monoceros comparable to a Ninth Level Demonic Beast. Such a Demonic Beast had already far exceeded the limits of Lu Feng and Jin Sha.    


"Knife Chopping!"    


While Jin Sha was leading Lu Feng forward, Lu Feng would occasionally use the Soul Technique behind him.    


However, because he and his opponent were running at full speed and constantly changing positions, Lu Feng's Soul Technique did not work.    


However, if he stopped and attacked, although he could hit his opponent, Lu Feng didn't know if his psychic force could work on a Monoceros that was comparable to a Ninth Level Demonic Beast.    


In any case, there was a huge difference in strength between the two of them. Even if Lu Feng was a Battle Spiritual Talisman Master, his psychic force wasn't infinitely powerful. It had a certain degree of power, and it had exceeded this speed. The Battle Spiritual Talisman Master would also be injured.    


Otherwise, wouldn't the Battle Spiritual Talisman Master be heaven defying?    


"Lu Feng, take yourself and this girl into the Heaven Piercing Tower, quick!"    


Due to the huge consumption of the Spiritual Energy with a golden flash and Jin Sha escaping with one person, the consumption was very shocking. In the blink of an eye, the Spiritual Energy in her body was about to be used up.    




Hearing Mu Xiao's words, Lu Feng hurriedly circulated the psychic force. In the next second, the two people who were running suddenly disappeared.    




When they saw the two humans suddenly disappear, the two Monoceros immediately stopped and looked around.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


When the sounds of collisions rang out, the two Monoceros used their thick bodies to hit the spot where the two humans disappeared. Clearly, they wanted to hit them out.    


However, after ten minutes, all the trees within a kilometer had been destroyed by them. However, they still couldn't find any traces of the two humans.    


"Roar! Roar! Roar!"    


The Monoceros, whose horn had been broken, let out two unwilling roars. Then, it followed another Monoceros and left.    


Within the Heaven Piercing Tower...    




When Lu Feng successfully entered the Heaven Piercing Tower, the sense of danger from the bottom of his heart disappeared. However, that feeling was too terrifying.    


After Lu Feng calmed himself down, he found that Jin Sha, who had entered with him, had fainted beside him.    


"Senior, what's going on?" Lu Feng asked.    


"What's wrong? You don't agree with my decision?"    


Hearing Lu Feng's question, Mu Xiao's shadow slowly appeared in front of him.    


Mu Xiao's original body was still in the ninth layer of the Heaven Piercing Tower, but with his current condition, using the powerful psychic force to create a shadow in the first layer wasn't a problem.    


"Lu Feng, this Heaven Piercing Tower is a supreme treasure. Do you really want someone other than you to know about it?" Mu Xiao said.    


The secret of the Spiritual Martial Force was revealed, but the secret of the Heaven Piercing Tower must not be revealed. If others did not know about it, Lu Feng would definitely be hunted down by all the powerful warriors in the continent.    


Therefore, after listening to Mu Xiao's explanation, Lu Feng nodded his head. Indeed, the other party was doing this for his own sake.    


"Senior, I misunderstood you. I'm sorry!" Lu Feng said apologetically.    


"Alright, you are also injured. You should recover well. This girl's Spiritual Energy consumed a lot of energy. She wouldn't wake up in a short period of time. So you guys can stay here for a while. It's still not safe outside! " Mu Xiao reminded.    


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