Spirit Through the Heavens

C515 Wang Xin

C515 Wang Xin

"Anything else?" Lu Feng looked back at the little girl and asked.    


The little girl, Wang Xin, hesitated a little, but still mustered up her courage and walked towards Lu Feng.    


"Human, let's make a deal!" Wang Xin said.    


"Deal? What deal?" Lu Feng was stunned for a moment. This little girl didn't believe him before, so why did she want to make a deal with him now?    


Wang Xin thought for a while and then said, "How about this, you send me home safely. I will give you a reward, even if I hire you."    


Lu Feng was a stranger to Wang Xin, so it would not be good to let someone escort her home for no reason.    


But if it was an employment relationship, Wang Xin could feel more at ease.    


"What kind of reward can you give me?" Lu Feng asked curiously.    


"About that..." Wang Xin thought about it. Because she suddenly thought of it, she did not know what to use as a reward.    


"Lu Feng, if possible, go and ask for some Immortal Fox Fruit. This thing is beneficial to people." At this moment, Mu Xiao suggested.    


"Immortal Fox Fruit? What is this? How much benefits does it bring to people? Can it help them improve their cultivation base? " Lu Feng asked.    


"The Immortal Fox Fruit is a kind of healing fruit. Its healing energy is very strong. If it gives people the feeling of being reborn, this kind of fruit can only be found in the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox's territory. Under normal circumstances, other clans wouldn't be able to obtain this kind of fruit!" Mu Xiao explained.    


" I see! "    


After listening to Mu Xiao's explanation, Lu Feng nodded his head lightly. This was indeed a good opportunity.    


The Divine Healing Fruit was a must-have item for traveling. After all, no one could tell when they would get injured. What if they got seriously injured? It would be very troublesome if there was nothing that could cure them.    


"How about this? You don't have to think about it. I heard that you have a kind of fruit called the Immortal Fox Fruit. Give me a few of them as compensation." Lu Feng reminded.    


"Immortal Fox Fruit!"    


Wang Xin was startled when she heard this. To the other races, the Immortal Fox Fruit was a very good divine fruit, a holy item for healing injuries. It was priceless, but to the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, it was just a snack.    


And because the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox had eaten this kind of fruit since young, their wounds were recovering very quickly.    


During the time they were talking, the wounds on Wang Xin's body began to heal.    


"Human, I have ten Immortal Fox Fruits here. If you think it's not enough, I will give you some more when I get back!" As Wang Xin spoke, she waved her right hand and ten Immortal Fox Fruits appeared in front of Lu Feng.    


"Thank you!"    


When he saw these ten seemingly ordinary fruits, Lu Feng unceremoniously accepted them. Since these fruits could save lives, the more the better.    


After putting away the Immortal Fox Fruit, Lu Feng indicated to the Devil Flamed Land Tiger. Although the latter was unwilling, this was an order after all. Therefore, it could only kneel on the ground.    


"You still have injuries on your body, so it won't be easy for you to move around too much. Go to the back of the tiger and rest for a while. We will set off now!" Lu Feng said.    


"Thank you. My injuries are not serious anymore. It seems that it does not want me to sit. I will go by myself!" Wang Xin said and then began to rush.    


"Okay," ___ said.    


Seeing that Wang Xin did not want to sit on the Devil Flamed Land Tiger's back, Lu Feng naturally did not force her. With a thought, he put away the Devil Flamed Land Tiger and ran two steps to catch up with Wang Xin who was walking in front.    


"Well, I invited two friends to come out and see the scenery. You should have no objections, right?" Seeing Wang Xin walking in front of him without looking back, Lu Feng asked softly.    


Lan Caier and Luo Shuang were also humans, especially when they suddenly appeared. Lu Feng was afraid that they would scare each other, so he greeted them in advance.    


"Friend? Is there anyone else around?" Wang Xin became alert because she did not notice that there were other people around.    


"They are here!"    


Seeing Wang Xin's alert look, Lu Feng willed Lan Caier and Luo Shuang to come out of the Heaven Piercing Tower.    


These two had been staying inside the Heaven Piercing Tower for a long time. Now that they could finally come out and take a breath, they were naturally very happy.    




When Wang Xin saw that there were really two people appearing out of thin air, she was so scared that she kept stepping back.    


"Little sister, don't be afraid. We won't hurt you!" Lan Caier saw Wang Xin's frightened look and said softly.    


As for Luo Shuang's words, although she did not say it, her face also revealed a friendly smile.    


Perhaps Lan Caier and Luo Shuang were both girls and Wang Xin's vigilance towards them also lessened a little.    


Not long later, the three girls were in a fight. They could only see that they were all smiling as they walked in front, leaving Lu Feng at the side.    


"Sigh, it is indeed three girls acting together. It has only been a short while and the three of them are already so familiar!" Lu Feng looked at the three beautiful figures in front of him and muttered.    


Just like that, as time passed by, the three girls watched and laughed as they played. They didn't spend much time in the entire day.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


At night, the roars of beasts could be heard all around.    


Although this was the Demon Area, there were still many Demonic Beast that could not transform in the wild, and these were the assassins at night.    


"Caier, Luo Shuang, it is not safe outside at night. Why don't I send you guys back first!" Lu Feng said.    


Previously, he only asked the two girls to come out to relieve their boredom. After all, they had stayed in the Heaven Piercing Tower for such a long time.    


However, it was already late at night, so they didn't have to hurry. Therefore, it was safer to go into the Heaven Piercing Tower now.    


"Lu Feng, why don't you let Wang Xin follow us into the Heaven Piercing Tower? We can't even rest well outside!" Lan Caier requested.    


Lu Feng did not care about Lan Caier's request, but he was afraid that Wang Xin would not agree.    


After all, it was his own spatial zone. Once the other party entered, as long as he didn't agree, the other party wouldn't be able to come out from the spatial zone.    


Wang Xin didn't look old, but he couldn't underestimate her. She had a lot of tricks up her sleeve.    


"Caier, if she is willing, I naturally have no problem. Rest inside the Heaven Piercing Tower will definitely be much more comfortable than outside!" Lu Feng replied.    


If they were to rest well outside, there would definitely be people on night watch, but there was no need to stay in the Heaven Piercing Tower. Moreover, they could put down all their guards, which was not something that could be done outside.    


"Sister Caier, I will still be outside!" Wang Xin tactfully refused.    


"Lu Feng, let's stay outside too. It's too boring inside the Heaven Piercing Tower. It's better to be outside. There are such beautiful stars and moonlight!" Lan Caier replied.    


"Lu Feng, let's stay outside. Even if the Demonic Beast comes, we can still fight. I haven't fought for many days. I almost forgot how it feels to fight!" Luo Shuang clenched her fists and said.    


Although her cultivation base had improved a lot, she had never fought since her advancement.    




Lu Feng could only compromise when he heard what the two girls said. However, he could not satisfy Luo Shuang's request.    


There were many Demonic Beast at night. If a war broke out, it would only attract more Demonic Beast. At that time, it might even attract the powerful Demonic Beast.    


Therefore, in the next second, Lu Feng had the Devil Flamed Land Tiger, the Heaven Piercing Ape, and the Devil Ni-lions appear outside.    


With these three big fellows guarding the area, the safety of this place was already guaranteed. Unless there were Spirit Monarch Level Demonic Beast coming to attack, nothing would happen.    


Just like that, the night slowly darkened. The Demonic Beast's cries were still echoing in the surroundings, but no sound was coming towards Lu Feng.    


This was natural. There were three Spirit Emperor Level Demonic Beast guarding this place. Even if there was a Spirit Monarch Level Demonic Beast, it wouldn't casually come over.    


Just like that, in the blink of an eye, the sky began to brighten. When the first ray of sunlight fell on the ground, Lu Feng and his group set off once again.    


"Wang Xin, the road to your home is so far. How did you come to this place alone?" Seeing Wang Xin chatting happily with Lan Caier, Lu Feng could not help but ask.    


Actually, he had wanted to ask this question for a long time, but he had always thought that her home should be nearby.    


But now, they had been gone for more than a day, but they hadn't arrived at the beginning, so Lu Feng couldn't help but ask.    


"I relied on my Father's body's smell before. I, Father, am very powerful. With his body odor protecting me, naturally, no Demonic Beast would dare to attack me. But this body odor will slowly dissipate, that's why I'm being pursued! " Wang Xin explained.    




Lu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. Just by listening to the word, he felt as if his nose had smelled something. The smell that could expel the Demonic Beast clearly did not smell that good.    


"How far is it from your home now?" Lu Feng asked.    


If there was still a long way to go, then it would not be possible to travel at such a slow pace.    


"We're almost there. According to our current speed, we should be there in a month's time!" Wang Xin calculated and said.    


"A month!"    


When he heard that it would take so long, Lu Feng was instantly speechless.    


"Lu Feng, you don't have anything important to do anyway. We haven't had a good time since we came to Eastern Region with you. Now that we finally have a chance, let us have a good time!" Luo Shuang pleaded.    


"Lu Feng, the scenery along the way is not bad. If we speed up, we will miss many beautiful scenery. Look over there. Wow, it is so beautiful!" Lan Caier pointed to a forest in front of her and shouted.    


Although this forest was not big, there were dense flowers and weeds growing inside. The red and green colors made the surroundings extraordinarily beautiful.    


Lu Feng saw that Lan Caier and Luo Shuang were so happy and even Wang Xin was smiling sweetly. He did not say anything else. After all, it would hurt to talk about unhappy things under such a beautiful scenery.    


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