Spirit Through the Heavens

C819 Vines

C819 Vines

"You protect me?"    


Lu Feng felt very strange about Little Bear's words because he knew how to escape. He didn't have any attack power at all, so how could he protect Little Bear?    


"Big Brother, there is someone who wants me to protect you well. He said that this is my duty." Little Bear scratched the back of his head and said.    


Although he didn't know who that person was, he didn't know why, but he was willing to listen to that person's words. It was as if he couldn't resist at all.    


"It's Lu Tianhao!"    


Lu Feng was slightly shocked in his heart. Although he didn't know if the other party wanted Little Bear to do this intentionally or deliberately, to let a person like Little Bear, who had no offensive power, protect him, wasn't a joke!    


"Little Bear, Big Brother doesn't need your protection. Big Brother can protect himself. You just stay here and don't go. As for that person's words, you don't have to listen!" Lu Feng said.    


"But, Big Brother, I..." Seeing Lu Feng like this, Little Bear suddenly wanted to say something.    


However, before Little Bear could say anything, Lu Feng interrupted, "Little Bear, I know you have good intentions, but that big brother doesn't know whether he's an enemy or a friend. So you still have to be obedient. Also, if that person threatens you for something, you tell big brother, you know!"    


" Oh!"    


Seeing Lu Feng in such a state, Little Bear naturally didn't say anything else. Of course, another reason was that Lu Tianhao told Little Bear not to speak anymore.    


Lu Tianhao naturally heard all of Lu Feng's words before. So the best way at this time was to calm down. Otherwise, it would deepen Lu Feng's suspicion towards him very quickly.    


"Little Bear, since the Young Master doesn't need protection now, then take this time to cultivate properly and strive to reach the peak of this world as soon as possible!" Lu Tianhao said.    


" Oh!"    


Little Bear nodded without any hesitation at Lu Tianhao's words.    


When Little Bear arrived at the side of the Heaven Piercing Tower and started meditating, Tang Hao and the others had already walked out of Third Domain.    


Although they hadn't been in there for long, the Spiritual Energy that they had consumed had already recovered after a hundred times the time.    


"Are you all ready?"    


Lu Feng asked when he saw that all of them were brimming with energy.    


"I'm ready!"    


The group of people answered in unison. The Spiritual Energy had already reached saturation. At this time, their essence, energy, and spirit were naturally also especially strong.    


"Let's go out and fight!"    


Seeing that each and every one of them was ready, Lu Feng shouted once again. In the next second, the nine of them disappeared into the Heaven Piercing Tower together.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


When Lu Feng and the others appeared outside, deafening sounds of attacks rang out.    


Although the attacks of the others were barely effective against the Nether Beast, they still attacked with all their might.    


After all, there were a lot of Nether Beast. If Tang Hao was alone, it would be very difficult to get rid of them all at once. Therefore, they needed to delay the attack.    


Just like that, under the delay of Mu Xiu and the others, Tang Hao kept the Nether Beast's life with ease.    


Half an hour later, all the Nether Beast that surrounded them died under Tang Hao's sword. Not even a corpse was left on the spot.    


Because the Nether Beast that Tang Hao killed had been completely destroyed by the Yang Qi. It had long been turned into ashes.    




After eliminating all the Nether Beast, Tang Hao immediately threw his head back and let out a long roar. This feeling of casually squandering the Spiritual Energy was really great.    


Although this kind of battle consumed a lot of Spiritual Energy in their bodies, none of them cared about this right now. Because with the flow of time, they only needed a little bit of time to fully recover.    


"Let's continue on our journey!"    


When another ten minutes passed, the group that had used up most of their Spiritual Energy had once again recovered. This kind of satisfying battle made everyone enjoy it very much.    


At this moment, it seemed like everyone had already forgotten that they were still in Ghost Valley. This was a dangerous place that could easily wipe them out if they were not careful.    


"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"    


After walking for about an hour, the Niwan Palace in Lu Feng's mind suddenly trembled violently.    




Sensing the danger, Lu Feng quickly called for the others to stop.    


"Is there danger?"    


Mu Xiu and the others had been with Lu Feng for quite some time, so they naturally knew that he had a special sense of danger.    


“ En!"    


Lu Feng nodded his head with a solemn expression. Because the danger had come very suddenly and was very powerful, he was somewhat worried at this moment.    


"Be careful!"    


When Mu Xiu saw Lu Feng's expression, he knew that Lu Feng must have sensed some danger.    


"Rustle! Rustle!"    


When everyone's back was facing each other, a rustling sound could be heard. It was as if something was dragging on the ground.    


"Look, what is that?"    


After another minute, when someone exclaimed, Lu Feng and the others saw countless vines spreading from all directions.    


"Vines, this is not a forest. Why are there vines?" Lu Feng frowned when he saw these vines that were as thick as a baby's arm.    


While he was talking, the vines had already surrounded them.    




Seeing this scene, Tang Hao was the first to slash out with his sword.    


However, nothing happened before, not even a single vine was cut off by Tang Hao's sword.    


"What's going on?"    


Tang Hao was shocked when he saw this. However, when he slashed again, a vine quickly wrapped around his right hand.    


"These vines are not dead, so the Yang energy is useless against them!" Mu Xiao's voice sounded in Lu Feng's mind.    


However, the power of Yang was useless. Even Lu Feng and the others' attacks could not cause any harm to these vines.    


Therefore, in just a few seconds, everyone was tightly bound by the vines.    


"Don't struggle. The more these vines struggle, the tighter they wrap around!"    


As screams rang out, Mu Xiu was the first to discover the problem. When he relaxed, the vines that were originally tighter and tighter loosened slightly.    


When the others heard this, they also gave up resisting at the same time.    


Without resisting, although the vines still tied them up, they did not continue to tighten around them.    


"These vines are so tough. No matter if it's a knife or a sword, it's useless against them!" Lu Feng frowned when he saw that the vines around him were unharmed.    


"Mu Feng, let's see if we can enter your spatial zone. Otherwise, if we are tied up like this, the Nether Beast will be finished!" Mu Xiu reminded.    




Lu Feng shook his head helplessly at Mu Xiu's reminder. In fact, when his hands and feet were entangled, he had the thought of keeping everyone, but that was not the time.    


Besides their heads, they were all wrapped tightly by vines. They could not even move.    


"We're finished. We're dead for sure now!"    


When Zhang Heng saw that even Lu Feng couldn't do anything about it, a hint of despair appeared in his eyes.    


Although the vines didn't kill them immediately, it was only a matter of time before they were tied up like this.    


"Zhang Heng, this isn't the time to be desperate. Don't give up so easily!" Mu Xiu reminded.    


"Brother Xiu, I don't want to give up either, but we are already like this. There is no way we can escape!" Zhang Heng said helplessly.    


When Zhang Heng finished speaking, the vines that had wrapped around them began to move.    


Upon seeing this scene, everyone's expression became extremely solemn, as if they had already seen death.    


In this situation, they couldn't struggle or escape, so they could only let the vines on their bodies glide on the ground.    


"Where exactly does this thing want to take us!?"    


After more than ten minutes, everyone realized that they were still being dragged away by the vines, and they had no intention of stopping.    


"There are no trees around, and the vines should have come from the trees. So as long as there are trees, it will be the end!" Lu Feng said in a deep voice.    


Of course, when Lu Feng spoke, he also discussed how to escape with Mu Xiao in his mind.    


However, facing such a situation, even Mu Xiao was at a loss. After all, Lu Feng and the others were trapped. Plus, these vines were very tough, so it was very difficult to destroy them.    


"Lu Feng, if you want to escape, I'm afraid you can only place your hopes on Little Bear now!" Mu Xiao thought for a long time and said.    


"Little Bear?"    


Lu Feng frowned slightly. Even they couldn't do anything to this vine. How could a little bear that didn't have any attack power do anything to it?    


"Lu Feng, didn't you notice that Little Bear is different from before? It can even restrain its hostility. Perhaps it has the attack power now!" Mu Xiao reminded.    


" Oh?"    


Upon hearing Mu Xiao's words, Lu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. In the next second, he split a portion of the psychic force and sent it into the Heaven Piercing Tower.    


Although his body was wrapped around, Lu Feng's psychic force was still free. Thus, it was naturally not a problem to let the psychic force enter the Heaven Piercing Tower.    


"Little Bear!"    


After arriving at the Heaven Piercing Tower, Lu Feng saw Little Bear sitting cross-legged and meditating. At this time, his eyes lit up slightly.    


Although Little Bear did not emit any Spiritual Energy Fluctuations from his body, his posture was different from before.    


One had to know that Little Bear used to cultivate on the ground, but now he was sitting cross-legged like a human.    


The posture of his cultivation was different, so Mu Xiao's words were very likely.    


"Big brother!"    


Little Bear, who was originally cultivating, heard Lu Feng's cry and hurriedly opened his eyes.    


"Big brother is facing difficulties now. Do you have a way to help big brother?" Lu Feng asked directly.    


Although there wasn't much hope, Lu Feng could only place his hopes on Little Bear now. Otherwise, they would really have to leave it up to fate.    


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