Spirit Through the Heavens

C1617 The Venerable One Heaven Prison

C1617 The Venerable One Heaven Prison

"Lu Feng, why are you back so soon? Didn't you find Ice Sovereign? "    


When Lu Feng returned to the competition area, Jin Yan was the first to rush over.    


"I found her. I chatted with her for a while. She needs some quiet time alone, so I came back early." Lu Feng replied.    


"How is it? She didn't make things difficult for you, right?" Jin Yan asked.    


Although Lu Feng looked normal, he could tell who Jin Yan was with just a glance.    


Lu Feng didn't have any injuries on his body when he left, but now that he was back, he naturally knew what was going on.    


However, since he could undo the knot in Ice Sovereign's heart, it wasn't a big deal for him to be injured.    


"It's alright. Alright, let's not talk about her anymore. I will go and rest for a while." Lu Feng said.    


After saying that, Lu Feng greeted the other Venerables and found a place to sit cross-legged and meditate.    


As mentioned earlier, although Lu Feng's injuries were not serious, he still had a competition to attend. Therefore, he needed to recover.    


The other Venerables were very clear about this, so they naturally wouldn't disturb him and let him rest in peace.    


While Lu Feng was recuperating, the match was still going on. The winner of the match was also emerging.    


These winners would continue to the next round of the competition until five people were decided, and these five people were qualified to challenge Ten Honored Supreme.    


However, there were a lot of powerhouses who participated in the Venerable Challenge, so it would take a lot of time to determine the five people through duels.    


"The preliminaries have ended!"    


When half of the participants, Supreme Expert, had been eliminated through duels, Sword Sovereign's voice rang out.    




When they heard this, the experts who were preparing for the next match froze on the spot.    


"What's going on? It's only one match and it's already over. Then how are we going to decide on five people?"    


"I'm not sure. But since it's not a competition, then there must be other competitions or something. Moreover, the difficulty should not be small. The elimination rate is extremely high."    


... ""    


After Sword Sovereign's voice rang out, those experts who had advanced immediately started discussing animatedly. Obviously, they did not know what kind of challenge they would receive next.    


"Everyone, quiet down. I will now explain the requirements and rules of the next match." After listening to all kinds of discussions, Sword Sovereign said in a deep voice.    


Hearing these words, the originally noisy crowd instantly quieted down. Because if they didn't know the rules of the match, they might very well be eliminated.    


"Lu Feng, wake up. There are some changes in the following matches." When Sword Sovereign was about to announce the rules, Jin Yan woke Lu Feng, who was resting with his eyes closed.    


Because the preliminaries had lasted for more than half a month, Lu Feng's injuries had already healed. He only closed his eyes to rest and recover because he was bored.    


When Lu Feng opened his eyes, Sword Sovereign's voice was heard.    


"The next match will be in Supreme Heaven Prison. The rules are very simple. Whoever can stay in there for a month and come out alive will be considered to have advanced." Sword Sovereign announced.    




After hearing the rules of the competition, many people were surprised.    


"Sword Sovereign, can I ask you a question?" Someone asked.    


"What question?" Sword Sovereign asked.    


"Excuse me, Sword Sovereign, where is this Supreme Heaven Prison? Why haven't I heard of this place in Hong Realm for so many years? Also, the advancement that came out alive. Can I interpret this as saying that those who have yet to advance will die in there?" The one who spoke continued asking.    


The other experts were also very concerned about this question. If those who had not advanced would all die, then the danger would be too high.    


It wasn't easy for them to reach the Supreme Stage, so naturally, no one was willing to die. However, those who reached this realm were even more afraid of death than the other experts.    


After all, it wasn't worth it for them to die before they could enjoy the benefits of reaching the Supreme Stage.    


"I can't answer your question, because I don't know the location of the Supreme Heaven Prison either. As for the question after that, you have to find the location of the Supreme Heaven Prison first. After that, you will have to face death. " Sword Sovereign said.    


Actually, even if it was Ten Honored Supreme, this was the first time he had heard of this so-called Heavenly Prison.    


"Ah, even you don't know where the Supreme Heaven Prison is, how are we going to get there?" Someone asked.    


Since they were going to enter the Supreme Heaven Prison for the competition, how could they not have a specific location?    


"Lord Hong said that this is also a part of the competition. In order to obtain victory, besides leaving the Supreme Heaven Prison alive, we also have to find the location of the Heavenly Prison." Sword Sovereign explained.    




Everyone was shocked because this competition was indeed very difficult.    


Of course, because there were still quite a number of experts remaining, if there was no difficulty, then the competition would be meaningless.    


The goal of the competition was to eliminate people. If it was too simple, then if there were a lot of people remaining, then there would still be other competitions.    


"Where is the Heavenly Prison?"    


When Lu Feng heard these words, he raised his eyebrows slightly. Obviously, he was very interested in this matter.    


As the saying goes, challenges only come when there is difficulty. If there was no difficulty at all, then this competition would lose its fun.    


"Sword Sovereign, does that Lord Hong not have any hints? We should at least give us a rough location of the Supreme Heaven Prison. Otherwise, with the Hong Realm being so big, how are we going to find it?" Another person couldn't help but ask.    


Because this was the first time they had heard of such a competition. Generally speaking, it was to bring people into the competition venue and then officially start the competition.    


But now, not only did he have to personally go to the competition venue, he didn't even know the exact location. In other words, if he couldn't find the competition venue, then it was simply impossible for him to win the competition.    


Therefore, just from this point alone, it was enough to prove how difficult this competition was.    


However, if he didn't reveal any information, then perhaps no one would be able to find this Supreme Heaven Prison.    


If no one won the competition, then what kind of competition was this? Therefore, it was necessary to remind them.    


"There is. There are a total of ten entrances to the Supreme Heaven Prison. They are arranged within a hundred kilometer radius. If they are distributed like this, they should be around ten kilometers per entrance. This reminder should be very helpful to you." Sword Sovereign replied.    


"Within a hundred kilometers of the ___!"    


After hearing the news, many people looked relaxed. They thought they were going to use Hong Realm as a unit to search. If that was the case, how long would it take to find them?    


"Sword Sovereign, when will the competition begin?" Since they had a rough idea of the location, there were naturally people who couldn't wait anymore.    


"We can start at any time. However, once five people come out from the Supreme Heaven Prison, the competition will end. Therefore, the competition is about speed." Sword Sovereign reminded.    


"Got it!"    


Under the stern shout of the crowd, the group of Supreme Expert immediately spread out in all directions.    


"Alright, I have to go to the competition too. I didn't expect Lord Hong to use such a method to decide the five spots. If I don't hurry up, I might not be able to get this spot." When Lu Feng saw that everyone had started to leave, he told Jin Yan.    


"Lu Feng, you have to have confidence in yourself. Don't forget that you are Indestructible Buddhist Sovereign." Jin Yan said.    


"Don't worry. I won't lose."    


Lu Feng smiled at Jin Yan. In the next second, he randomly chose a direction and rushed over.    


Since he did not know the exact location of the entrance, it would depend on his luck to find it.    


However, the name of Supreme Heaven Prison wasn't simple. Therefore, even if he was lucky enough to find the entrance ahead of time, it would still depend on his luck. Whether or not they could come out of the Supreme Heaven Prison alive... It was still unknown.    


Therefore, Lu Feng wasn't in a hurry. If the Supreme Heaven Prison really wanted to choose a suitable expert to become one of Ten Honored Supreme, then the difficulty wouldn't be that low.    


Just like that, after leaving the place, Lu Feng started searching everywhere. There were other competitors nearby as well.    


Although every participant was a competitor, they were all allies when it came to finding the entrance.    


This was because as long as one person found the entrance, the others would benefit as well.    


Moreover, fighting at this time was clearly not beneficial to oneself. Thus, although everyone maintained a distance, they had no intention of fighting each other.    


After all, finding the entrance was only the beginning of the competition. So even if they really wanted to fight, they had to be in Supreme Heaven Prison, not outside.    


As time passed, almost all the participants had covered a hundred kilometers. However, after a few days, no one had found the entrance.    


"Although it won't be very difficult to find the entrance, it shouldn't be too obvious." After searching for a few days without any results, Lu Feng began to mutter in his heart.    


"Master, since it's the entrance, there must be spatial fluctuations. Perhaps you can use this to find the location of the entrance." Soul Realm reminded.    


"You're right, but I have already used the Power of Space, but I still got nothing." Lu Feng replied.    


Lu Feng had already thought of this the second day of his search. Because he was secretly using the Power of Space, Soul Realm did not notice it.    


"Master, the entrance must require the Power of Space to sense it. There is no doubt about it. If you can't sense it by yourself, then perhaps one person's Power of Space is not enough." Soul Realm continued.    


"Not enough?"    


Lu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. The words of Soul Realm reminded him. No matter what, a hundred kilometers was nothing to them, let alone ten entrances. If the entrance could be easily found, it wouldn't be difficult at all.    


But if it wasn't difficult at all, why didn't Lord Hong just bring all the participants to Supreme Heaven Prison? Why did he have to let them find the entrances themselves?    


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