Best Soldier Son-in-law

C141 I Resign

C141 I Resign



Mr. Gu looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


"Mr. Gu, you don't have to be polite with me. Just say what you want to say." Lin Nan said with a smile.    


Mr. Gu thought for a while and then said, "Mr. Lin, in three days, there will be a heavyweight medical exchange meeting in Jianghuai City. I want to invite you to it."    


"Medical exchange meeting? Mr. Gu, I won't join in on this kind of thing! I'm really not interested. " Lin Nan refused without thinking.    


Since he was young, the thing he hated the most was having a meeting.    


When he heard the so-called elites bragging about themselves, Lin Nan would feel sleepy.    


Most importantly... he could not even piss a kettle of urine.    


I am a king, how can I mix with a bunch of bronze?    


Mr. Gu could not hide the disappointment on his face. "Actually, I used this opportunity to introduce you to the members of our association. Since you don't want to join in the fun, Then I won't force you. "    


"Thank you, Mr. Gu, for understanding." Lin Nan nodded.    


"What a pity... I heard that there will be a few special herbs for the auction this time. I thought you would be interested." Mr. Gu sighed.    


"Special herbs?" Lin Nan raised his eyebrows.    


"Yes. This time, not only were there manufacturers participating in the medical exchange meet, there were also some senior pharmaceutical giants. It's rumored that they will bring out many rare medicinal herbs for exhibition or auction this time. " Mr. Gu nodded and said.    


"Mr. Gu, why didn't you say so earlier? I can't miss this social meeting." Lin Nan said with a smile.    


Mr. Gu was slightly stunned. He thought to himself, why did you change so quickly?    


Just now, he looked like he would rather die than go, but now he said he couldn't do without you.    




However, as long as Lin Nan was willing to go, Mr. Gu was still very happy.    


He left Lin Nan a place and contact details before the two of them bid farewell.    


"By the way, Mr. Lin. My granddaughter has been thinking about you since the last time we parted. I want to treat you to a meal. My granddaughter has been studying her culinary skills recently. I wonder if you would like to show her some face and welcome her?" Mr. Gu invited her.    


When a girl is older, she is not suitable to stay. If she stays, she will become her enemy.    


Mr. Gu could already tell that his granddaughter Koo Yunliu was interested in Lin Nan.    


Thus, he had no choice but to play Yue Lao's role.    


"Hahaha, alright, alright." Lin Nan laughed.    


"Then I will wait for the good news."    


Mr. Gu nodded and said goodbye to Lin Nan.    


After sending Mr. Gu away, Lin Nan turned his head and saw a big chest... No, Qin Xiaoyu.    


"Lin Nan, I didn't expect you to be so popular. I see that Mr. Gu has taken a liking to you. His granddaughter is also your fangirl. Why don't you just quit?" Qin Xiaoyu teased with a smile.    


The matter of her mother had already been resolved. She naturally let go of the burden in her heart and had the leisure to deliberately tease her.    


However, there was a thick jealousy on her brow. Even a fool would be able to tell.    


Lin Nan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, his granddaughter is not the type that I like!"    


Qin Xiaoyu asked curiously, "Then tell me the type you like. I will help you find it later."    


"This one of mine is rather vulgar. I like to be beautiful and have especially big breasts."    


After saying that, Lin Nan stared straight at Qin Xiaoyu.    


How could Qin Xiaoyu not tell that Lin Nan was teasing her?    


Her pretty face was slightly red, but she mustered up her courage and straightened her chest, saying, "I'm alright, right? Then let's make a pair!"    


Seeing the weapon that came knocking on his door, Lin Nan was dumbfounded.    


This girl, why didn't she play according to the rules!    


"What's wrong? You don't dare?" Qin Xiaoyu mustered up her courage and said.    


"That... I suddenly remembered that my dog forgot to feed. I have to go back quickly." Lin Nan said randomly.    


Then he ran away from the hospital as fast as he could.    


He had to run!    


The murder weapon was too "fierce"!    


"Hmph, I knew you had a perverted heart but no guts."    


Qin Xiaoyu looked at Lin Nan's back as he left in a panic and revealed a meaningful smile on her face.    




"Phew! Girls nowadays were simply too terrifying. The world is very dangerous. The living conditions of beautiful men like me are too bad"    


After leaving the hospital, Lin Nan, who was walking on the road, had an emotional look on his face.    




Just as Lin Nan was lost in his thoughts, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.    


He took out the phone to take a look and saw that it was displayed. It was an unknown number.    


Lin Nan didn't mind and directly picked up the call.    


"Hello... Is it Lin Nan? Where are you now?"    


As soon as the call connected, a roar came from the phone.    


It was the department manager, liu Gan.    


"Manager Liu, why are you looking for me?" Lin Nan put his phone half a meter away from his ear.    


"Of course I am! I will tell you now. Because you were innocently absent during work, you don't need to come to work from today onwards." Liu Gan's proud voice sounded.    


"Are you sure you want to fire me?" Lin Nan asked with a smile.    


"Of course! You have the right to fire an employee. I still have it. " Liu Gan was incomparably delighted.    


"Are you sure you won't go back on your word? If you can't fire me, then I won't come back even if you beg me to come back." Lin Nan said unhurriedly.    


"Is there something wrong with your brain? Why would I beg you to come back?"    


Liu Gan fiercely said, "But you, when the time comes, even if you kneel and beg me, I will not agree."    


"Alright then, I hope that day won't come." Lin Nan hung up after saying that.    


In the past, Ye Qingcheng would definitely want him to resign.    


But now, perhaps...    


After Liu Gan hung up the phone, his mood was incomparably relaxed.    


He went to the Human Resources Department to get the resignation letter and immediately ran to Ye Qingcheng's office.    


After reaching out to knock on the door, Ye Qingcheng's cold voice came from inside.    


"Please come in!"    


Liu Gan tidied his clothes and walked into the office steadily.    


Ye Qingcheng looked up and saw Liu Gan. She could not help but ask, "Manager Liu, what do you want from me?"    


"Director Ye! Of course I have something to do, and it is a joyous matter. " Liu Gan said with a beaming smile.    


"What is it? Go ahead." Ye Qingcheng slightly raised her back and crossed her hands.    


" It's like this... Director Ye. Didn't you tell me to 'take special care' of that employee, Lin Nan? This kid is very crafty. I have always been unable to find an opportunity to deal with him. "    


Liu Gan said excitedly," But today, he walked right into the trap and publicly skipped his shift during office hours. So, I immediately fired him. "    


After saying that, he proudly waved the resignation letter in his hand.    


"What? You fired him?" Ye Qingcheng raised her eyebrows.    


Liu Gan thought Ye Qingcheng was excited, which was why she had such a reaction.    


Therefore, he proudly said, "Absolutely true! This time, even deities can't save him."    


"Who asked you to fire him? I order you to immediately call him to work at the company. " Ye Qingcheng stood up with killing intent.    




Liu Gan thought he had misheard her.    


"I said, if you don't use any methods, call Lin Nan to work at the company. Otherwise... you will resign on your own accord!" Ye Qingcheng's words paused, and her attitude was cold.    


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