Best Soldier Son-in-law

C573 Change of Direction

C573 Change of Direction

However, Lin Nan still carried a trace of hope and asked, "Master Shen, can you see anything from this formation?"    


Shen Qinghee thought for a moment and said, "The person who can lay this formation, the degree of research on formations, is far above mine! And this kind of soul stripping formation is considered a forbidden formation. No one will study it!    


Therefore, my conclusion is that the person who set up the array should be proficient in some kind of magic and also have some research into the soul.    


This person is very powerful, and has an extremely high status in the world of formations! "    


" Is that all? Can you guess who the person who set the formation is?" Lin Nan asked.    


"I'm sorry, Master Lin. I can only see this. Please forgive me for being short-sighted. I can't recognize this man." Shen Qinghee shook his head.    


Lin Nan smiled helplessly.    


It was impossible to say that he wasn't disappointed, but he wasn't that disappointed either.    


These were the conclusions he came to. If one were to look at it, one wouldn't even know what kind of person the person who set up the array was!    


The person hiding in the dark was the most terrifying.    


Lin Nan said with a light sigh. "Alright, grandmaster Shen, I'll have to trouble you!"    


"Don't mention it, Master Lin." Shen Qinghee said gently.    


Lin Nan looked at the sky. It was getting late, so he said, "Master Shen, I will take my leave now."    


"Wai Chung, see Master Lin off!" Shen Qinghee instructed.    


"Yes, master!"    


Wai Chung immediately received the order.    


Just as Lin Nan was about to leave the manor, Shen Qinghee said again, "Master Lin, please forgive me for being blunt. If you want to investigate the person who deployed the formation, just let it go.    


This person... is extremely dangerous!    


But if you have made up your mind, please be careful, so as not to suffer any losses! "    


When Lin Nan heard Shen Qinghee's words, he only waved his hand back and revealed a faint smile.    


Not going to investigate?    


That was not his style!    


The more such a person was, the more he wanted to get to the bottom of it!    


Especially those who could threaten Ye Qingcheng!    


Wai Chung only said after sending her off for a long time. "Master Lin, farewell here."    


"En, don't worry about going to the Menglan Association. I will greet them there. Let's go!"    


After saying that, Lin Nan jumped lightly and disappeared from where he stood.    




Qingcheng Group.    


It was time to get off work. The employees walked out of the building in an endless stream.    


Some went to the underground parking lot, some went on the bus - everyone lived their own lives.    


But there was one thing that was the same!    


Every one of them looked especially good!    


Lin Nan sat on a bench in the distance, holding a cup of coffee in his hand as he muttered under his breath: "It seems that the person who set up the array did not continue to set up the array in Qingcheng Group. Did he stop? Or is he planning something? "    


Right at this moment.    


Ye Qingcheng's car drove out of the underground garage and headed towards the Famous Family Villa.    


Lin Nan finished the coffee in his hand and threw the paper cup into the trash can. Then, he quietly followed her.    


The journey was very peaceful, and nothing happened.    


This made Lin Nan suspect that the person who set up the array was not actually aiming for Ye Qingcheng.    


Before arriving at Famous Family Villa, Lin Nan rushed home first.    


Ye Qingcheng followed behind him and walked into the living room happily.    


Yuen Shuhan saw and immediately went over to ask, "Qingcheng, how are you feeling today?"    


"Mom, I'm fine. I'm fine!" Ye Qingcheng said happily.    


"That's good, that's good!"    


Yuen Shuhan could be considered to have let out a long sigh of relief!    


Her daughter was fine, and her mood was exceptionally good.    


Lin Nan pretended nothing had happened and sat on the sofa with Ye Fengchun, talking and laughing.    


At night, the family sat on the sofa and chatted video with Ye Keer.    


Ye Keer walked a few rounds in front of the camera and said mischievously, "Dear family, do you think I have lost weight?"    


"I have indeed lost some weight." Ye Qingcheng felt a little heartache.    


"Keer, did you not eat? You can't be like this. You must eat, understand?" Yuen Shuhan ordered.    


Ye Keer immediately pouted, "Mom, it was you who told me not to eat randomly and now you want me to eat again. Are you a split personality? "    


"I am doing this for you!" Yuen Shuhan said angrily.    


"It's okay. My diet is controlled by the training organization. Sister Qing will also supervise me. She wants to show the perfect figure that an artiste should have!" Ye Keer was pleased with herself.    




Lin Nan, who was standing at the side, laughed very disharmoniously.    


"Brother-in-law, what are you laughing at?"    


Not only Ye Keer, but the others also looked at Lin Nan blankly.    


Lin Nan did not hide his smile at all. "Practice your signature more when you have time, superstar! That word of yours is like a dog crawling. "    


Ye Keer pouted her small mouth and said unhappily: "Bye bye, I'm going to practice yoga!"    


The video was cut off and the whole family smiled and shook their heads.    




In the following days, Lin Nan continued to secretly follow Ye Qingcheng on the way to work.    


When there was nothing else, he would go to Huichun Hall or the noodle shop to take a look.    


Just like that, three days passed.    


The mysterious person who set up the formation seemed to have vanished into thin air, without leaving a trace.    


Lin Nan stood at the entrance of the Qingcheng Group, touching his chin as he pondered.    


"Could it be that I was overthinking things?    


Or... did that person just happen to set up the Twelve Netherpassage Formation in the Qingcheng Group?    


Now that the formation has been broken, the other party has moved to another place? "    


If that person really had nothing to do with him, he would only investigate if he had nothing better to do.    


As she thought about it, Ye Qingcheng drove out of the company.    


Lin Nan secretly decided that after today, he would not follow Ye Qingcheng anymore!    


He called a car and quietly followed behind Ye Qingcheng, maintaining a distance of about ten meters.    


The road from Qingcheng Group to Famous Family Villa was very open.    


However, for some reason today, a section of the road was sealed off and started repairing.    


Ye Qingcheng was forced to take a detour.    


This was a small road with only a single lane. It could only accommodate two cars driving at the same time.    


Therefore, this road was very congested. It was simply unable to accommodate so much traffic.    


The rising and falling horn sounds made people feel irritated!    




The violent collision broke the silence!    


The drivers got out of the cars one after another to watch. It turned out that the three cars were chasing each other!    


Lin Nan quietly looked at Ye Qingcheng's car in front of him. Suddenly, a group of people rushed up and blocked his view!    


After a while, those people ran to the front. They probably went to see the scene.    


The police car arrived and immediately cleared the traffic.    


Very quickly, the road was cleared again.    


Lin Nan watched Ye Qingcheng's car start moving and slowly drive out of this intersection. Only then did the tension in his heart slowly relax.    


After leaving this small path, he returned to the main road.    


He travelled unimpeded along the way and would soon reach home!    




Ye Qingcheng's car suddenly changed direction and drove in another direction!    


This was not the road back to Famous Family Villa at all!    


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