Best Soldier Son-in-law

C1377 Secret Research

C1377 Secret Research



Li Huichun was suddenly at a loss for words. His expression seemed a little awkward.    


"Brother-in-law hasn't been home for almost a year. He usually only makes phone calls. It's said that he's doing secret research somewhere." Li Huixiang smiled from the side.    


"Oh, for a scientist?" Lin Nan nodded and said.    


"My brother-in-law, meng Ke, is an amazing person. He has been working at the Huaxia Academy of Science."    


Chu Jinyi smiled and said, "He suddenly left half a year ago. He didn't tell me his purpose. He was probably transferred to Huaxia for some secret research."    


"That's really amazing!" Lin Nan gave him a thumbs up and praised him.    


Science was not something he could touch upon, but this kind of person was indeed amazing.    


This meal finally came to an end in a peaceful atmosphere.    


"Master Chu, thank you for your hospitality. It's getting late, I should go back now." Lin Nan cupped his fists.    


"Then... alright!"    


After Chu Jingyi got up, he looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


How could Lin Nan not see that he was strange, so he asked, "Master Chu, do you have something to say?"    


"Since Master Lin saw through it, then I won't hide it anymore."    


Chu Jingyi smiled and then asked, "Master Lin, the day after tomorrow is the annual meeting of the four families in Yanjing. If no one invites you, can you..."    


When Lin Nan heard this, he couldn't help but laugh bitterly.    


In the end...    


The other party had been brewing for so long, and it was all because of this!    


However, he directly declined: "I'm sorry, master Chu. I already promised the Huo family yesterday. Please forgive me for not agreeing to your request."    


When these words were spoken, everyone at the table could not help but reveal a disappointed expression.    


If they could rope Lin Nan in, then the Chu Family would definitely be able to suppress the other families.    


"The words of a gentleman are worth a thousand gold coins."    


Chu Jingyi could only pretend to be generous and say, "Since Master Lin has already agreed to the Huo Family, then I can't force him."    


"Thank you for your invitation, master Chu. Then I'll take my leave."    


Lin Nan stood up and walked outside.    


"Xuan Ming, qing Lan, send Master Lin off." Chu Jingyi said.    


To be able to leave a good impression in front of Master Lin was also very good.    




These two men were nimble as they chased after him.    


Li Huixiang looked at Lin Nan's tall and straight figure and said with regret, "In this meeting of the four families, the Huo family has the trump card, Master Lin. I'm afraid they will have the dominant position."    


"What a pity... I can't use him."    


Chu Jingyi sighed continuously.    


On the way back, chu Qinglan couldn't help but ask: "Master Lin, why did you have such a fate with the Huo family?"    


"It's nothing. It's just that when I needed help, the Huo Family extended a helping hand." Lin Nan explained casually.    


"If the Huo family can do it, our Chu family can do it too?" Chu Xuanming tried his best to argue.    


Lin Nan only shook his head and smiled, saying, "Maybe it's really as Master Chu said, our fate hasn't arrived yet."    


"No... Just like a song, the Huo family arrived before us, right?" Chu Qinglan said with a weird tone.    


"You can think so too." Lin Nan smiled.    


They had arrived at the gate. Lin Nan's car was parked at the gate.    


"You two don't need to see me off. I'm going back. See you at the meeting of the four families the day after tomorrow!"    


Lin Nan waved his hand behind him, then drove away.    


"That meeting of the Four Great Families is actually a show of intrigue and intrigue. I really don't want to participate." Chu Xuanming said with a dejected face.    


Chu Qinglan knew what her brother was thinking and also pouted and said, "There's no other way. Who asked us to have this identity?"    


"The day after tomorrow will be another painful day!"    


Chu Xuanming sighed.    


From the looks of it, the Four Great Clans meeting was something he was very conflicted about.    




At the Qi Family mansion.    


The scientific research room on the second floor of the secret building was very nervous.    


"Experimental Number Twenty-Eight has mutated cells. Hurry up and stop it, or else it will become a failure!"    


"Alright, inject the fusion cultivation fluid to resist the mutation of cells."    


"No. Experiment Subject Twenty-Eight's consciousness is already disappearing. If it is not handled properly, it will become a vegetable."    


"Meng Ke, take an emergency measure. Electrify the Experimental Subject and see if it can awaken its consciousness."    


No one responded.    


"Meng Ke?"    


"Meng Ke!!"    


The research team leader slammed the table, and the loud noise shocked everyone in the research room.    


Meng Ke was also woken up. He stood up and said, "Team... Team leader!"    


"Meng Ke, the Experimentals are in danger. Why are you in a daze?" The team leader reprimanded.    


"I'm sorry, I'll do it right away."    


Meng Ke's face turned red and he immediately got busy.    


"Team Leader, don't blame Meng Ke. His son's condition seems to have worsened again."    


Someone beside him explained, "He has been in this research lab all this time. He can't fulfill his father's responsibility. He feels guilty. Please forgive him. "    


The leader sighed, then walked to Meng Ke's side and said, "Meng Ke, our research now is very important. I also know how you feel. After the research is over, I will ask Master Qi to give you some compensation."    


"It's fine, team Leader. It's the same for everyone. You don't have to take special care of me." Meng Ke said awkwardly.    


"By the way, I know a very famous doctor in Yanjing."    


The leader seemed to have thought of something and said, "I will recommend him to you tonight. You can ask Madam to take the child to see him. It might be useful."    


"Okay, thank you, leader!" Meng Ke kept nodding his head.    


"Okay, work hard!"    


The team leader patted Meng Ke's shoulder and left.    


Meng Ke took off his glasses and rubbed his red and swollen eyes. He choked and choked. "Qiu Er..."    


Because of his son's condition, he had been having trouble sleeping and eating recently.    


However, the research project had reached the most critical moment, so he could not escape at the last minute.    


On the one hand, it was his own research, and on the other hand, his son's condition - it was really hard to make a choice.    


At this moment, his phone flashed.    


Meng Ke looked left and right, then sneakily picked up his phone and clicked on the text.    


"Hubby, I met a very impressive person, Master Lin, today. He easily cured Qiu Er's illness.    


You should focus on your research and not be distracted.    


When you come back after you have finished your research, you will be able to see a healthy Qiu'er. "    


After reading this message, meng Ke's hands trembled. Then, he suddenly stood up.    


He said loudly, "My son's illness has recovered!"    


This shout immediately caused all the researchers wearing white coats to look at him in confusion.    


"Then, he shouldn't be so agitated, right?"    


The team leader couldn't help but laugh and said, "Next, please work harder. Once you're done, we can go back."    


"Okay, team leader!"    


Meng Ke sat down emotionally and pushed up his glasses.    


"Master Lin is our great benefactor. When we go back, I must thank him in person."    


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