Rebirth: City Sovereign

C968 Five Leaders of the Demon Race

C968 Five Leaders of the Demon Race

"On Fiend Star, are you sure?"    


Thinking that he might have misheard, the Devil Sovereign Sullivan turned around.    


Seeing the Demon Lord's appearance, although the Demon King revealed a somewhat fearful expression, he still nodded and continued.    


"Yes, it's about thirty kilometers from the Dragon Bone Cemetery in the east."    


"Thus, we can speculate that the Dragon Bone Cemetery is very likely to be a living body of the Dragon Clan that has escaped from our hands."    


"White Dragon King, Liu Li, it was opened!"    


"Bullshit!" "How is this possible!?" Hearing the Demon King's words, the Demon Lord's face suddenly changed as he angrily replied.    


"I've placed at least a few hundred Demon Seals in her mind, sealing her memories and strength. Without the stimulation of a powerful bloodline of her own race, it's impossible to undo it!"    


"And the Dragon Clan of those Dragon Bone Cemetery are also sealed within. Who can unseal the devil seal in her mind? Dragon King of Fengdu? "    


"This …" After hearing the Demon Lord's voice, although the Demon King's heart was filled with unspeakable bitterness, he still lowered his head and admitted his wrongs.    


"My apologies, Lord Demon Lord. Regarding these, we have yet to investigate all of them."    


"Tsk, what a bunch of trash." When the Demon Lord heard this, his expression became uglier.    


"You know what to do, don't you? Spreading the news of the Dragon Clan appearing on Demon Star, there should be at least dozens of races and thousands of people participating in this Dragon Hunt. "    


"Adding on the five Devil Leader s I called to go to Dragon Bone Cemetery, I won't believe it. With this many people, can't they even catch a small dragon without a single memory?"    


"Regarding this, it seems like many races have already used their own methods to find the location of the living body's Dragon Clan and are currently in the chase."    


"Then there's no need to report to me." Demon Elder let out a cold snort, turned his head, and looked at Dragon King of Fengdu's body. A cold expression flashed across his face.    


"Thousands of Devil Planet cultivators, plus five out of the ten leaders, if you can't even catch a single dragon, you guys don't have to do anything."    


"Just pack up and get out of here."    


"Understood!" Lord Demon Lord! I'll take care of it. " The Infernal King nodded and agreed, then turned around and left.    


The Demon Elder let out a cold snort, turned his head, took a glance at Dragon King of Fengdu's body, and then continued to set up his Sealing Formation.    


Beside him, Yang Yun thought for a while, then said.    


"I've been thinking, don't you have too many designs for these demons?"    


"Oh? "Why do you say that?" Yang Yun's words seemed to interest the Demon Elder, who laughed and asked a question in reply.    


"Five Infernal Kings, ten leaders, and countless elders. With so many people, can you handle them?"    


"Ha!" You don't get it. Even if you don't have any position of power, giving people some titles will always give you motivation to work. " When the Demon Lord heard this, he could only laugh out loud.    


Following that, he raised his eyes and looked at Dragon King of Fengdu's body, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.    


"However, what you said makes sense. Our Devil Clan indeed needs to be cleared of some trash."    


"After I ascend to the Divine level!"    


Fiend Star.    




Scarlet sword lights flashed past, followed by miserable cries. One after another, the beasts were cut in half by the Red Crystal Longsword's sword qi, and they became corpses in the air, falling to the ground.    


At this very moment, such a scene appeared in the sky above the Fiend Star.    


Two people and one dragon were fleeing at top speed. A hundred meters behind them was a dragon-hunting army made up of thousands of Outsider cultivators!    


However, even if their companions were to die right next to them, they would not be able to stop the zealotry in their hearts. Greed appeared in their eyes as they continued to cast spell after spell to increase their speed.    


They were well aware that capturing this Dragon Clan didn't just mean that this dragon would be theirs, it also meant that the dragon would be the champion of the Devil Realm's yearly hunt!    


It wasn't just these people who were participating in the hunt. Many of the other races with decent cultivations, upon seeing the scene in the sky, quickly understood what had happened and also joined the Dragon Hunting Army.    


When they thought about the rewards given to them by the Demon Lord, the faces of every single one of the foreign races started to twist frantically. They raised their hands in the air, and streams of spirit energy appeared in their hands, shooting towards Ye Kai, Yang Yan and Liu Li who were in the air.    


"Swoosh swoosh swoosh!"    


Liu Li asked anxiously as she flapped the wings on her back and continuously turned her body in the air, avoiding the dark Spiritual Qi.    


"What do we do!?" There are more and more people coming! "    


Yang Yan, who was feeling more and more powerless, also opened her mouth and shouted to Ye Kai, who was standing between the two girls and the foreign army, trying to block their way.    


"If this continues, before we reach the Dragon Bone Cemetery, we will be surrounded and put into a passive state because of the large numbers of people we have."    


"No." Facing the frightened Yang Yan and Liu Li, a calm smile slowly surfaced on Ye Kai's face.    


"There are only a few thousand people. It's far from what I expected."    


Ye Kai asked as he stared into the distance in the direction he was heading.    


"Moreover, we have been surrounded!"    


There, at the limit of his vision, five black figures appeared. The massive pitch-black demon wings on their backs tore through the air, and with a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, they flew towards him!    


Among the five of them, the leader, a black figure, opened his mouth and let out an earth-shaking, terrifying roar.    


"Stop!" In front of us is the territory of Devil Clan. "    


"No matter who! You are not allowed to move forward at all! "    


Five of the ten leaders of Devil Clan appeared at the same time!    


As the last of the ten Devil Clan leaders, Romedale's strength had already reached the small success stage of the Nascent Infant, and this Devil Clan Leader, with strength ranging from the nine to five, all had strength at least at the middle stage of the Nascent Infant!    


And the fifth leader of the Devil Clan who was shouting, his cultivation was only a step away from becoming a Divine Clone Cultivator.    


Peak of Nascent Infant!    


The moment the five leaders of Devil Clan appeared, Liu Li's face suddenly became deathly pale, and her small body started trembling uncontrollably.    




Because these five leaders, were the five people who had seized him from his last resting place in the Dragon Clan and then destroyed his home!    


The immense fear caused the dragon's flapping speed to gradually slow down. Glazed stopped in the air, her face sluggish. Just as she was about to stop, a terrifying sound rang out in her mind.    


"Don't stop, keep going!"    


Ye Kai's voice was like a clap of thunder, exploding in Liu Li's heart, instantly awakening her mind.    


Not knowing why, but after hearing Ye Kai's voice, Liu Li suddenly felt a lot more at ease. The fear left her four limbs and her brain, Liu Li once again flapped the dragon wings on her back and flew towards the predetermined location, disregarding everything else.    


The other leaders of the Devil Clan also noticed Ye Kai's voice. One by one, they frowned and looked towards the origin of the voice.    


The moment the white figure appeared in his eyes, the fifth leader's eyes glazed over as an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.    


Opening his mouth, the five leaders said in a daze.    


"Human cultivator?" How is that possible? "    


Even the Demon Lord and Demon King did not expect that the leaders of the Devil Clan would actually never think that, all along, the person who had assisted the Dragon Clan in escaping alive, or even beat the tenth chief and unraveled the secrets of the Dragon Bone Cemetery, was actually a race within the Devil Realm that had the lowest status, and was looked down upon the most by everyone.    




After a moment, he recovered from his shock and looked towards Ye Kai, Yang Yan and Liu Li who were rushing over. A trace of killing intent slowly surfaced on his face.    


"I never thought that a mere human would be able to perform such a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering action within the Devil Realm."    


As he spoke, a completely black bow slowly appeared in his hand. Holding the longbow, the five leaders coldly spoke.    


"If it were in any other time, I might have investigated you. But right now, Lord Demon Lord has ordered that other than that living Dragon Clan, everyone else is to be killed."    


Atop the bow and arrow, the spiritual energy of the flower girl was gathering. An arrow with a dark and terrifying luster slowly appeared. Holding the arrow, the five leaders made a final sound.    


"Therefore, even if you are a human, I will not go easy on you. I can only ask you to die."    


I'll kill you in one hit!    


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