Rebirth: City Sovereign

C1212 Frog at the Bottom of the Well

C1212 Frog at the Bottom of the Well

"Alright, give me the things that you should have prepared."    


Ye Ning coldly said as he patted the shoulder of his black robe, the yellow wind blew past the yellow sand.    


Although he looked like a youth of only around twenty years of age, in Gianni's eyes, the current Ye Ning was no different from a bloodthirsty demon.    


In that moment, she even felt that the sense of fear this Earth cultivator brought her, was even stronger than Heavenly Saint!    


It was suffocating!    


In the God Realm, Ye Ning had used the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Grounds as a deterrent, allowing Gianni to pass information on the Magic Formation, Magic Arts of God Clan and Twelve Saints to him.    


"I don't understand what you're saying."    


However, now that the Twelve Saints was almost dead, Gianni had long ago given up any thoughts of handing over those secrets. When she was being chased by Han Yi, she did not change her mind, and it was the same for her when she faced Ye Ning.    


Facing Gianni's resistance, Ye Ning did not immediately become angry. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and giggled.    


"Stop struggling, sis, why are you so bitter? You should know that you are no match for me. "    


"Moreover, in order to hide it from Han Yi's eyes, your two spells have consumed a lot of energy."    


"If you don't tell me the truth, I'll really kill you."    


In the face of Ye Ning's threat, Gianni had long since thought of a response. She suppressed the fear in her heart and squeezed out a stiff smile.    


"Heh, if you kill me, you won't get what you want."    


"Furthermore, even though you've gone against Han Yi's wishes and bestowed him with the blood of the God Clan, you still chose to flee after failing. Do you really think that your following days will be peaceful?"    


"Han Yi will not let you go, you will be a dead man sooner or later anyway."    


"Hahahaha!" Ye Ning covered his forehead with one hand as his laughter became clearer.    


"You're really only thinking about restoring your God Clan, you're not even aware of the most basic of things, Gianni."    


"What did you say?"    


"Have you forgotten the purpose of me joining your Twelve Saints?"    


Memories spun in his mind like running lights. The scene of the Dark-Haired Man in front of him right now could be clearly seen.    


"I am Ye Ning, the strongest person within the Devil Realm."    


"I want to join you guys, my goal is to kill the King!"    


"As long as I can kill the Human King, I can do anything!"    


If it was really like what Ye Ning had said, then Ye Kai should have no more desires now that he was going to die under Han Yi's hands. How would he find him and force him to hand over the lost technique of the God Realm?    


"So it's like that. From the start, your goal was not to kill the Human King, but to have some other goal?" Gianni concluded in her heart as her expression slightly darkened.    


"Then you must have misjudged me, Ye Ning, tsk tsk." Ye Ning snorted, his face full of disdain.    


"How many times do you think I fought with that guy? From Earth, to Devil Realm, to the Zerg ships, to the current God Realm, all the meaning of my life, is precisely for the sake of killing that guy, to draw a perfect end to my life as an assassin. "    


What Gianni didn't know was that in order to kill Ye Kai, Ye Ning had to endure pain that was at least ten times worse than hers. He had to suffer the pain of having his body transformed countless of times, and the shame of submitting to someone stronger than himself countless of times.    


Ye Ning was willing to do anything.    


As long as he could kill the Human King!    


Ignoring the doubtful Gianni, Ye Ning continued to speak.    


"Actually, to tell you the truth, when I was inside the Zerg and was taught by that guy to the point where my skin was no longer complete, I already had the thought of giving up."    


"'I am not the Human King's opponent, I can only find someone else to help me kill him'. Ever since that battle, I have always been thinking of this, and it is also because of this that I have chosen to rely on you, the Twelve Saints, and Han Yi's subordinates to do things for him and think of ways to kill the Human King."    


"If that's the case, then why are you still doing this now?" Gianni asked halfway through.    


From her point of view, it was only a matter of time before Ye Kai became a dead man against Han Yi, who had liberated all of his power.    


However, the Ye Ning who wanted to kill Ye Kai the most was actually leaving the scene, looking for him who had struggled to survive from Han Yi's hands.    


Given that Ye Ning had not deceived him, how could someone who shared such immense hatred with him, leave when his enemy was about to die miserably, and not enjoy the scene with his own eyes?    


There was only one reason.    


"Could it be …" Even though Gianni could guess what Ye Ning was thinking, she couldn't understand it in her heart.    


"That's right, just by watching your Heavenly Saint fight with Ye Kai for five minutes, I realized it!" Ye Ning's face was crazy, his five senses were all twisted as he giggled.    


"Your Heavenly Saint is indeed very strong, very strong indeed. It would not be excessive to say that he is the strongest I have ever seen."    


"But unfortunately, he is not a match for Ye Kai either."    


"Nonsense! You simply do not understand how powerful Han Yi is. Do you know that the strength of the Heavenly Human Clan in Han Yi's body, is possible? "    


Although Gianni did not obey her orders, she had a deep understanding of Han Yi's power. It was because of this that she had prepared such a life-saving technique long ago.    


But now, the human cultivator from this earth said that Han Yi could not beat the Human King?    


How was this possible? It was simply a joke.    


But before Gianni could finish, she was interrupted by Ye Ning with an ice-cold look in her eyes.    


"The ones who don't understand are you fools."    


"What did you say?" Gianni was startled.    


"It's impossible to kill a Human King with just great power."    


"No matter how strong you are, that guy will continue to grow through battle until he is on equal footing with you, even surpassing you in strength."    


Just the strength of my cultivation alone is not enough to kill the Human King, it is not enough to completely eliminate Ye Kai.    


As Ye Ning said this, all the facial features on his face twisted together. His voice was hoarse and excited, as if he was an envoy from hell.    


"Sure enough, my initial thoughts were correct."    


"The one who can kill that fellow, is not Han Yi, but me, Ye Ning!"    


"Madman, your words are simply unreasonable!"    


Gianni completely could not understand the words of the Dark-Haired Man. I've never heard of such a ridiculous thing.    


However, Ye Ning's expression told her that he was not joking.    


Hearing Gianni's words, Ye Ning, who was initially muttering to herself, suddenly shut her mouth. She turned her head, and her golden and red eyes swept across Gianni's body once.    


"How pitiful."    


"You think that because you possess the God Clan Gene and your strength surpasses ordinary humans, you view the other humans and races as frogs in the well."    


"All of you understand the Human King and you don't understand Ye Kai. If he is truly that easy to kill, then I do not need to go through so much trouble."    


"Whether it's you, Abel, Hsing Hua, Lang Ya, or that Han Yi, you pitiful people simply don't know about it."    


"Just how powerful is' Ye Kai '?"    


God Realm, Heavenly Human Clan technique, inside the "Asura Realm".    


"Hmph, I can't feel any life energy at all anymore. It seems like all the spiritual energy has been drained from me and I've become a dead man." Even though Heavenly Saint Han Yi said that, his eyes still stayed on the stone orb in front of him, not daring to move even an inch.    


Although he did not believe that there was anyone who could resist his combined Asura Realm and other techniques, Ye Kai had already brought him too many accidents, so Han Yi did not dare to be careless.    


rumble rumble *    


At this moment, muffled sounds of shattering began to ring out, and the shattered pieces of stone began to tremble.    




Han Yi's eyes changed, just as he was about to make a move, the stones actually exploded!    




In the dazzling explosion light, at the center of the explosion, two rays of white light that pierced the sky illuminated the entire dark space!    


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