Rebirth: City Sovereign

C1214 Fail

C1214 Fail



After Han Yi finished speaking, the two Ye Kai s raised their eyebrows at the same time and revealed a confident smile.    


"You're smarter than I thought. It seems like your brain hasn't decayed in God Realm yet."    


Since Ye Kai had said that, it also meant that Han Yi's guess was correct.    


Amongst the two Ye Kai s, the one on the right who looked a little older was indeed called over by Ye Kai using the Magic Arts of Space And Time.    


Only this method would be able to explain why the two Ye Kai s were physical entities that possessed physical bodies and spirit artifacts.    


"But you guessed wrong. The one who used the Magic Arts of Space And Time, and went to three hundred years ago, wasn't me."    


"…" Han Yi did not speak, he only furrowed his brows and started thinking.    


Other than Ye Kai, who else could use such a powerful Magic Arts of Space And Time?    


"Who told you that it must be 'people' who can use magic?" As if seeing through Han Yi's thoughts, Ye Kai suddenly opened his mouth and laughed.    


"Han Yi, you are so slow that you can't even remember what you created?"    


Hearing Ye Kai's words, Han Yi's mouth twitched and his eyes widened slightly.    


"Spiritual Beast of Dimension, Crimson Dragon!"    


The scenes of the battle from before surfaced in his mind, only then did Han Yi remember. During the battle between the foreign race and Ye Kai's reinforcements, the Scarlet Dragon who had been fighting with the Shinra War Devil all this time, had suddenly disappeared without anyone noticing!    


Actually, this couldn't all be blamed on Han Yi. After all, at that time when Uncle Hee used treasures to send all of Ye Kai's reinforcements to Earth to seek refuge, he did not enter the Teleportation Portal s.    


And after that, in order to kill Ye Kai, Han Yi used the five senses sealing Heavenly Human Clan technique, the Asura Realm. At this moment, no matter what was happening outside, he too, did not know.    


Realizing this, a trace of cold sweat slowly slid down Han Yi's forehead. He slowly opened his mouth and spoke in disbelief.    


"Indeed, when the Crimson Dragon was created, it was originally used for dimensional jumping. Not only does it jump in space, it also has the ability to jump in time."    


"But jumping through time is countless times more difficult than jumping through space. Even the Crimson Dragon can only jump up to ten years at most."    


"If you want to travel back and forth between the gaps of three hundred years, even the Crimson Dragon would not be able to do it!"    


"Are you that sure?" squinted his eyes and laughed.    


"Do you know, in the universe, there is a highly intelligent race that specializes in time and space. For tens of thousands of years, they have been working on how to escape the shackles of space and time. "    


"Zerg?" Han Yi's face became gloomy.    


Even though Zerg were powerful, there were simply too few of them, so he had never placed them in his eyes.    


"Indeed, with the Zerg Crystal, we can strengthen the Crimson Dragon's dimensional jumping ability and undergo a super long distance time warp."    


"But the Zerg Crystal should have already been completely destroyed within the Zerg."    


The Zerg Crystal was a high-grade treasure created using the blood, sweat, and knowledge that had accumulated over the course of tens of thousands of years. It could help the user go through dimensional jumps, and countless people thirsted for it, pursuing the treasure that was precisely for the Zerg Crystal.    


But in the end, all of this was just a plot by the Zerg and the Zerg Crystal was also smashed into pieces by the battle between Ye Kai and the Insect King.    


"Oh? Looks like Ouyang Qin is quite loyal, even telling you things outside of God Realm. "    


Ye Kai gave a bland laugh as he raised his left hand. A Spirit Stone that emitted a illusory purple radiance appeared in the center of his palm.    


"How could this be?"    


Although he had never seen it before, Han Yi knew that at this very moment, the spirit stone in Ye Kai's hand was precisely the Zerg Crystal!    


Beads of sweat of varying sizes dripped from his forehead. Han Yi simply could not understand why the Zerg Crystal that had been destroyed a long time ago would appear in Ye Kai's hands at this moment.    


Could it be that Ye Kai had executed a dimensional jump earlier and brought the Zerg Crystal here?    


Han Yi was a little confused.    


"There's no need to be surprised. Although the Zerg Crystal is powerful, it's just a kind of magical equipment."    


"I just made another Zerg Crystal."    


Han Yi's body suddenly trembled, his expression changed as he shouted.    


"This is impossible!"    


"The artifacts of different races, from their structure to their composition, are all completely different, not to mention the Zerg Crystal s that take tens of thousands of years to create!"    


"Don't you understand, Han Yi?"    




"It's exactly because I can do it that I'm here."    


The moment those words were said, two Red Crystal Longsword s flew out of his hands at the same time, and like two scarlet shooting stars, they shot towards Han Yi!    




Han Yi's body was continuously pushed back by the scarlet sword and created many protective barriers to protect his meridians and flesh.    


He shouted, and stretched out his hands at the same time, wanting to grab the two Red Crystal Longsword s, but their speed was simply too fast. The moment Han Yi extended his hands out, the two Red Crystal Longsword s immediately disappeared before his eyes.    




Two crisscrossing scarlet swords struck behind Han Yi and exploded. He cried out once, lost his balance and fell to the ground.    


"Cough, cough …"    


On one side, Han Yi was using two lines of Healing Qi to heal the wounds he had suffered from the two Red Crystal swords. He was panting and staring at the two Ye Kai s in front of him, his teeth grinding together.    


"Human King, do you think you're very smart?"    


"This little trick has caused two people who are not on the same timeline to appear in the same era."    


"Because of the paradox of the universe, you will definitely be destroyed by the laws of the Universe of Immortal And Devil!"    


"Since that's the case, why hasn't the punishment come yet?" But Ye Kai didn't seem to care at all. He just smiled and raised his hand, retracting the Red Crystal Longsword in the air.    




Han Yi didn't say a word and just stood there silently.    


It was true that doing something like this would create a time paradox. Logically speaking, the laws of Universe of Immortal And Devil should have annihilated Ye Kai's body and soul in an instant.    


But now, Ye Kai was standing right in front of him, unharmed. This was completely against common sense.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Beside Han Yi, the black curtain was releasing a buzzing sound as the Asura Realm continuously spread out from the God Realm.    


Hearing that voice, Han Yi's face turned green, as though he had understood something, and spoke in a daze.    


"Asura Realm!"    


"That's right. According to you, the Asura Realm can be said to be a completely separate space from this Universe of Immortal And Devil."    


"As long as I'm in this space, I won't be attacked by the Laws of the Universe."    


On the right, Ye Kai squinted his eyes and laughed. On the left, Ye Kai's eyes were cold as he slowly raised his Red Crystal Longsword.    


However, Han Yi's thoughts had long ago not been on the two Ye Kai s.    


He never would have thought that his own technique would actually help Ye Kai in such an illogical way.    


No, no, no, no one knew of my Asura Realm's ability other than myself, and even if it was Ye Kai, he wouldn't have known about it in advance either.    


And that is to say,    


Was he thinking of this method in the fight just now?    


'How is this possible?! '    


One had to know that adding one didn't only equate to two. Although the use of techniques and martial arts had some minute differences between the two, there was no doubt that their strength had reached a realm that could be called "Human King".    


Even if the use of magic was restricted by him, it would still be difficult for him. No, it was impossible for him to face two Human Kings at the same time!    


As long as the Asura Realm still existed, Ye Kai could ignore the effects of the time paradox and the laws of the universe and keep fighting against him with a two against one advantage.    


If he wanted to make the Ye Kai from three hundred years ago disappear, he could only remove the Asura Realm, but this way, Ye Kai would no longer have any restrictions and could freely move about.    


No matter how he looked at it, he was still at a disadvantage.    


Realizing this point, Han Yi couldn't help but to clench his teeth, until even his teeth creaked.    


"So that's how it is. Your calculations are really clinking noisily, Human King!"    


Ye Kai did not speak, he only smiled.    


Without a doubt, after the battle of their martial skills, in this battle of spells, Heavenly Saint Han Yi had lost to the man in front of him yet again!    


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