Rebirth: City Sovereign

C1224 Sunset Closing Sky

C1224 Sunset Closing Sky

"What are you doing here?"    


Han Yi never would have thought that Ye Ning, who had long disappeared from the battlefield, would actually appear in such a way at the end of the fight between him and Ye Kai!    


According to the original reasoning, Ye Ning, as the new Machinery Saint, could still be considered a subordinate of Han Yi. However, from Ye Ning's expression, Han Yi was very clear that the previous subordinate relationship was no longer there.    


"Hehe, don't be so heartless, Heavenly Saint."    


Ye Ning said with a smile that was not really a smile. In Han Yi's eyes, that expression of his looked like a demon wearing human skin.    


"I've already missed more than half of the interesting storyline. It's almost over. Let me see the ending, right?"    


"Hmph. You've already calculated this step?" Han Yi looked calm on the outside, but the waves in his heart had long ago reached the peak.    


Why did Ye Ning choose to appear at this time?    


What was his plan?    


You also want to absorb my soul?    


It had to be known that both Han Yi and Han Yi were in a dangerous state where their souls were about to leave their bodies. If Ye Ning were to make a move at this time, Han Yi basically had no way of resisting.    


Thinking up to here, Han Yi only had one bead left on his head. Beads of sweat the size of soybeans fell down Cen Cen's head.    


Ye Ning had caught on to this point.    


"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I've just experienced a great battle and I'm extremely tired, so I don't have any intention of making a move."    


"And now, I just want to be a spectator."    


It was only then that Han Yi noticed that on Ye Ning's black robes, there were broken wounds everywhere.    


Who did Ye Ning just fight with?    


Without waiting for Han Yi to finish thinking, Ye Ning had already given him his answer.    


"Right, there's one more thing."    


"I'm not the only one in the audience."    


With a wave of his right hand, a purple female soul slowly flew out from the Space Artifact at his waist.    


"It's Gianni, you're still alive?"    


After instantly identifying the owner of the God Soul, the calmness that Han Yi tried his best to maintain had completely disappeared. He immediately opened his mouth in panic and shouted without care for his image.    


"How is that possible? I used a spell to completely destroy your soul and body, right? Why?"    


"Aiya, the Fated race's death spell and God Clan's little spell are all deceiving me." Ye Ning waved his hands, purposely showing a helpless look.    


Compared to Ye Ning who was calm, collected, and even joking, Gianni, who only had her soul left, had a look like she had seen a ghost.    


She could not believe what she was seeing.    


Without a doubt, the two people in front of him had given up on the confrontation between magic and martial arts. They were only fusing their soul, which was more powerful than his.    


Gianni could not believe that someone who simultaneously possessed a Heavenly Human Clan that had already become extinct and a God Clan that had been hidden for tens of thousands of years, the supreme existence of the two most powerful races in the Universe of Immortal And Devil, could only be forced by Ye Kai to compete in the strength of their divine soul?    


That is to say, Ye Kai withstood the Heavenly Saint's martial arts and techniques?    


How was this possible?    


Gianni was unable to believe it no matter what.    


Gianni had not finished thinking about it, but Ye Ning seemed to have seen through Gianni's thoughts as she giggled.    


"It's not what you think."    


"Although they are competing with their souls, looking carefully, although Ye Kai is also injured a lot, his physical body is still considered quite complete. But your Heavenly Saint only has one intact head. "    


Hearing Ye Ning's words, Gianni's soul was stunned, then he widened his eyes, and looked towards the black smoke.    


Although most of it was surrounded by the black colored resentment, it was obvious that, just as Ye Ning had said, Ye Kai's fleshly body was still considered complete, while on Han Yi's side, although his soul was many times stronger than Ye Kai's, his physical body only had one head left.    


"I say, in the previous round, it was your Heavenly Saint who lost."    


"But now, he is making his final struggle so that his soul won't be absorbed by Ye Kai."    


"Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"    


Gianni's soul shook her head continuously, refusing to accept the reality of the situation.    


Back when Ye Ning had confronted Ye Ning within the God Clan Relic, Ye Ning had told her that he would not be his match. At that time, Gianni had only treated Ye Ning's words as a joke, and did not understand them in the slightest.    


It was only until she turned into a monster that she was killed by Ye Ning and her divine soul left behind by Ye Ning and brought to this place that she realized just how foolish she was.    


But even so, Gianni still retorted unhappily.    


"Don't be too complacent, Ye Ning."    


"The fusion of the soul, who will be the main body, and who will be the one to be absorbed, all depends on the strength of the soul."    


"The soul of the Heavenly Saint has absorbed the soul of countless experts over the course of tens of thousands of years, something that the Mortal King cannot compare with."    


As Gianni spoke, the mass of resentments also became thicker, directly exploding the Sealing Formation that Ye Kai had released at the very beginning, and continued to spread further and further towards death.    


"In the end, it will be the Heavenly Saint's victory."    


"Hmph, Human King!" This is what happens to you when you go against me and get completely absorbed by my soul! " Hearing Gianni's words, Han Yi seemed to have realized this and laughed presumptuously.    


boom boom boom *    


Above Ye Kai and Han Yi's heads, the gigantic black divine soul continued to emit heart-tearing and lung-splitting roars. Unknowingly, their two muscular arms had become four, and as they continued to compare, the smaller and smaller golden divine soul kept suppressing them.    


No matter how one looked at it, Han Yi did indeed hold a huge advantage.    


But at this moment, a completely different, ice-cold and tireless voice suddenly came from Ye Ning's mouth.    




"In actuality, you have already suppressed Ye Kai with countless of grudges before, but you can't absorb them right?"    


"Humph, a human who only knows how to talk fast. Wait until I absorb the Human King, you will be next." Hearing Ye Ning's words, Han Yi's facial muscles twitched, and then he forced out a smile and said.    


"You don't understand human speech?" Ye Ning's expression did not change at all, and as he spoke, he actually took a step forward, his entire person stepping into the black colored resentment!    


"I said you can't absorb Ye Kai's soul, you ant."    


Seeing Ye Ning's appearance, Han Yi was even more shocked.    


"How is this possible? The storm formed by the resentments of the dead that lasted for tens of thousands of years, not to mention humans, even if powerful non-humans stepped in, they would instantly go crazy and become a cripple."    


"Why are you all right?"    


"Hahaha, a storm of resentment? Are you joking? " Ye Ning's smile became crazier and crazier.    


"How many times do you think I've been treated by other people? How much of the blood and chaotic memories of the non-humankind is stored inside your body? "    


"Your resentful voice, to me, is practically no different from a lullaby!"    


"Howl!" Hearing Ye Ning's words, Han Yi's heart trembled, and it was precisely this moment of shaking that caused the golden divine soul to suddenly expand multiple times, pressing towards the black divine soul above Han Yi's head like a golden ocean wave!    


"Why, why did you stop me, Ye Ning?"    


Han Yi grinded his teeth and asked as he regained control of his soul.    


"Your enemies and I should both be human kings. Since that's the case, why did you stop me from killing him?!"    


"I didn't stop you. No matter how much you struggle, it's all useless." Ye Ning spread out his hands and shook his head.    


"Furthermore, what I want to do is for me to personally kill Ye Kai and not be killed by trash like you."    


"What did you call me?" Han Yi's heart was immediately set ablaze with rage, even in this situation, he did not allow anyone to insult him.    


"Trash, your hearing isn't good, Han Yi." Ye Ning didn't have any intention to change his way of speaking.    


"You Twelve Saints, relying on your innate strength, bragged that you are powerful in the universe, bullying the weak, making ordinary people serve you."    




"However, although you keep your dignity in your mouth from time to time, once you encounter a real danger, you will think of ways to escape. Discard your contempt for the inferior creatures in your mouths and find a safe vessel for yourself."    


"Aren't you, who despise Titan Clan, who use a mechanical skill to transform a critical part of your body into a chip, so as to avoid death, the best proof?"    


"You …" Han Yi couldn't say a single word, and Gianni's soul, who was at the side, similarly froze in place.    


"Twelve Saints, you God Realm experts are actually not strong at all."    


"As a hitman who only hunts down powerhouses, you guys have made me feel weak from the bottom of my heart. Even if I were to hack you all into pieces, it wouldn't feel any pleasure."    






In the middle of the air, there was a resounding explosion. That golden soul had actually turned into a gigantic pillar of light that abruptly exploded in the space!    


Above Han Yi's head, that black divine soul was bathed in golden light. Starting from his hand, his four limbs, torso and head had all gradually turned golden, gathering into the golden divine soul's body.    


This was something that only happened after Han Yi's soul was continuously being absorbed into it.    


"Wu … How is this possible!?"    


The intense pain of his soul being absorbed continued to stimulate Han Yi, while he struggled, he shouted out.    


It has to be said that Han Yi's soul, on the basis of his original body and his unusually strong divine soul, had fused with thousands and thousands of experts' divine souls. Let alone God Realm, in the entire universe, there was simply no one who could resist him.    


But what about Ye Kai?    


Why would he be able to absorb his own soul just by relying on an unremarkable soul?    


"No, no, no!"    


Feeling the power in his body gradually disappearing, Han Yi continuously shook his head, his face completely pale.    


On the other side, Gianni's soul was also continuously retreating. Seeing this, she finally believed in one thing.    


Han Yi was really going to be killed by Ye Kai!    


In Gianni's ears, accompanied by a teasing voice, Ye Ning's figure also landed beside her.    


"Alright, since you've finished reading, you should understand that it is impossible for me to be chased by your Heavenly Saint."    


"In the end, the task of letting you be a spectator has ended. You can truly die now."    


Before Gianni could react, Ye Ning extended his left hand and the Mechanical Arm opened its mouth.    




An explosion sounded as the Fate Saint Gianni's soul was crushed by Ye Ning's hand. Ye Ning opened his Mechanical Arm and allowed the soul fragments in his hand to dissipate.    


"As expected, it's just as I imagined. I can't muster up any energy at all."    


On the other side, a completely unsightly high-pitched sound could be heard.    


"Stop, stop! Damn it, stop it! You bastard!"    


"I am the Heavenly Saint, the head of the Twelve Saints, the supreme expert of God Realm, the person with the strongest God Realm. I am going to control the experts of the universe!"    


"How can I die here!"    


When Han Yi was halfway through speaking, a right hand suddenly extended out from within the countless resentful bodies, grabbing onto Han Yi's head tightly.    


It was Ye Kai who had broken through the barrier of countless grudges!    


"I've got you, Heavenly Saint Han Yi!"    


"Stop, don't, don't!"    


Feeling the increasing force on his head, Han Yi's entire face became distorted. He resisted and roared with his last strength.    


Don't kill me!    




The golden pillar of light expanded once more, covering everything within a thousand miles. The enormous black soul finally disappeared into the golden pillar of light.    


The beam of light disappeared, and the appearance of a black-haired youth in white clothes gradually became clear. He extended his right hand, which was holding a pale-white skull.    


Heavenly Saint Han Yi, dead!    


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