Rebirth: City Sovereign

C1057 Declaration of War

C1057 Declaration of War

God Realm, a place that people yearned for as long as it was heard.    


In this place that was far away from Immortal Realm, no matter which Cultivator it was, any race would think that this was a place that was rich in spirit energy, like a fairyland.    


However, this was not the case.    


Ever since the death of the "god" who created the Universe of Immortal And Devil and the opening of the God Realm Dimension, the God Realm had always been subjected to the terrifying rule of "Twelve Saints".    


Even if this was not the wish of the gods, in the end, God Realm still became a toy for the Twelve Saints.    


And five thousand years ago, under the dictatorial rule of the Twelve Saints, Rebel Army led by ordinary citizens waged a war against the Twelve Saints called "Holy War".    


Although in the end, the powerful Twelve Saints who was the descendants of god had obtained victory, the God Realm's environment was completely gone within the war.    


The land was covered with contaminated material, and all the land became "black soil" that was not suitable for any species to live on, nor could it grow any food.    


As a result, after the "Holy War", Twelve Saints picked out a hundred thousand God Realm residents and spent a whole five hundred years of time to build a top tier city, with the Twelve Saints as the leader, two thousand meters above the "Black Lands".    


The Godly Capital.    


Generally speaking, the current God Realm is divided into three areas.    


"As the name implies, the soil has been completely polluted and has no value to be used. The difficulty of growing food has caused the life here to be abnormally difficult. Starving to death is a common occurrence here." The air was filled with the stench of wine and meat, and the streets were frozen to death. "It could not be more suitable to describe the life in the wasteland region, but living here were mostly the poor and ordinary residents of God Realm. The number of people living here was around sixty-five percent of the total God Realm.    


The wasteland regions are directly governed by the Godly Capital, so the laws of the two regions are also uniform.    


The Divine Capital, "Twelve Saints" squeezed out ordinary citizens, and spent several hundred years to build a top-notch city with abundant resources. The environment was natural, and it sat in a height of two thousand meters above the God Realm level.    


Other than the God Capital and the wasteland region, the remaining five percent of the citizens lived in the borders of the God Realm, away from the laws and the world of disputes.    


In addition to that, there was one thing that was kept hidden with all of Twelve Saints's might within the God Realm, something that up till now, almost no one knew about.    


which was the death of the Twelve Saints named "Holy Meteor".    


In the end, the "Devil Saint" and "Fire Sage" of the Twelve Saints were killed by the "Human King" and the "Human King's" ascension was also defeated by the other Twelve Saints s together. This was also the only setback that the Twelve Saints had suffered from for the past tens of thousands of years.    


As a result, although they were still titled "Twelve Saints", there were only ten living Twelve Saints s.    


And right now, the highest leader in the capital was naturally the "Twelve Saints".    


Generally speaking, for all the people knew, there was a total of three "Twelve Saints" who would frequently show their faces in front of the citizens of God Realm.    


Master of the Corpse Universe, able to use corpses to create Corpse Mud Undead, the "Ghost Saint" responsible for the punishment of God Realm, Ila.    


The "Illusion Saint", Abel, who was in charge of selecting those who fit the requirements to enter the Divine Capital, ruled the entire Illusory Universe, and could travel without any restrictions within the Universe of Immortal And Devil.    


Also, the God Commander of the Hegemon's army, who can control all spiritual equipment, the million soldiers, the million cultivators, and the one million Warrior s, the God Commander of the three million warriors in total …    


"Military Saint, it's time for the lecture."    


At the entrance of the room between Liu Li and Liu Li, a small, bright girl's voice slowly sounded.    


Standing there was a beautiful woman who was the same as Military Saint, also dressed in black robes. She had a slim figure and wore a hat.    




Military Saint Sain gave a simple reply, and slowly stood up from the marble ground between the glass walls. Then, he pushed open the door and walked towards the outside.    


In between the glass, the figure of Heavenly Saint was long gone, and after and the Illusion Saint Abel looked at each other, a tiny Magic Formation rose up from beneath their feet at the same time, and their figures instantly disappeared.    


In the empty passage, Sain's voice slowly sounded out.    


"Have you found it?"    


"Found it." Linda nodded, looking as if she had been prepared for a long time.    


"According to your instructions, move the trace talisman placed on Lord Ghost Saint's body to the Beast Saint Rebel Army's small captain, Liu Lee's body."    


"As expected, the Beast Saint Rebel Army's headquarters is indeed the Spiritual Beast Valley!"    


"Where is that person?" Military Saint Sain's expression did not change, but nodded and continued to ask.    


"Reporting to the Military Saint, 'Human King', has already left with the Rebel Army team led by Liu Lee."    


"Very good."    


At this point, the two of them had already reached the end of the passageway. Pushing open the golden door that was inlaid with countless spirit stones, there was a long prepared platform at the other end of the door.    


Sai stood on the 100-meter high podium, looking down.    


On the ground, a total of thousands of Senior Officer wearing black robes with gold edges lined up into a neat rectangle. Standing there, they too raised their heads and looked at Military Saint Sain's dignified appearance.    


These people were mostly newbies born after the establishment of the capital, and they did not know much about the true history of God Realm. In their eyes, the Military Saint was the law of this God Realm.    


After looking around at the officers, Sain opened his mouth, and an extremely imposing voice came out from his mouth.    


"From the first 'Holy War' to today, it has been a full three thousand years."    


"Over the past three thousand years, we have established the capital, established laws, and created an even more perfect set of God Realm."    


As he said this, a holographic projection of the capital appeared on a water-blue hologram behind him.    


The bright, grand, and grand hall, the clean and clean Divine Capital Square, and the iron walls of the God Realm Army District; the instant they saw the projection, all the officers' faces filled with yearning and pride.    


"I am very happy. In such a long period of time, I have even established a divine body and continuously improved it, moving it towards a direction that is more suitable for the people of God Realm."    


When he said till here, Military Saint's face suddenly darkened, and his voice instantly became gloomy.    


"But for the past three thousand years, someone has been trying to destroy everything!"    


"That is, those Beast Saints who betrayed the Divine Capital, or even those with the entire God Realm, who tried to subvert everything, and those who rebelled against the organization led by the Beast Sage, the 'Beast Saint Rebel Army'. Those bastards who don't have the qualifications to enter the Divine Capital and still hold a grudge due to this!"    


Hearing Military Saint's words, the officers also clenched their fists tightly, their faces red with anger.    


"Countless god's people have died at the hands of the Beast Saint Rebel Army. They are evil, they are terrorists, they are existences that should be eliminated!"    


"If my Beast Saint Rebel Army is not extinguished, then my god will not be able to rest at peace for a day!"    


After saying that, the Military Saint turned and glanced at Linda. Linda understood what was going on and nodded in understanding, she raised her hand and pointed, the huge water blue projection behind the Military Saint changed in an instant.    


The capital was replaced by a deep, endless gorge. Outside the gorge, clouds and mist swirled, making it impossible to see what the gorge actually looked like.    


Sain stood under the projection and slightly raised his hands as he said excitedly.    


"For a long time now, Beast Saint Rebel Army have always relied on the advantage of their terrain to fight with us. And now, their base has finally been found by us."    


"It's the Spiritual Beast Valley!"    


"This will be our last 'Holy War', a war for the safety and freedom of the people of the capital!"    


With that said, Sain's expression turned solemn. Standing at attention, he clenched his right hand into a fist and raised it high up into the air. It was the uniform posture of the Divine Capital Army.    


The other officers also did the same actions as Sain. An orderly and loud voice came out from the mouths of thousands of people, unable to be quietened for a long time.    


"Shattered body, crushed bones, for my god capital!"    


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