Rebirth: City Sovereign

C187 From Your King of Hell Palace

C187 From Your King of Hell Palace

A man with sharp eyes, muscular body and arms across his chest stood below the stage. He seemed to be the man closest to Ann Yunru.    


He was wearing a black tight-fitting suit that was hard to identify in the dark.    


This was the newest international research and development nanometer dress, not only was it perfectly springy, even the pulling force of six horses could not break it, it also had the ability to resist bullets and dissolve the hidden force.    


If a normal Warrior with the size of the hidden strength were to punch this nano-sized armor, the hidden strength would be dissolved by the miraculous arrangement of the nano-armor, let alone swords, swords, sticks and sticks.    


Just this set of clothes alone was worth far more than just several tens of millions.    


Suddenly, a figure flashed to his side.    


The armored man swept his gaze over the figure, but didn't see any killing intent. Otherwise, he would have punched the figure to death a long time ago.    


"You were also sent to protect Ann Yunru?" The armored man's voice was deep, but Ann Yunru, who was on stage, was singing, so he suppressed his voice.    


After a few seconds, the armored man didn't even hear a response. Only then did he turn his head and carefully look at the other party.    


It was an average looking young man, and his white shirt had a cut on it.    


The youth stood with his hands behind his back. He had the bearing of a few experts.    


The armored man had a very keen sense of smell. Although he could not tell which sect the youth belonged to, he could tell that the youth had indeed come to protect Ann Yunru.    


"Yama Minamiya will definitely send people over tonight. When the time comes, just stand by the side and watch. Just don't hold me back." The armored man said proudly.    


He was a special forces soldier, and his identity was even above that of Pang Baozong's ordinary Heavenly Dragon Force member. He had already reached the Peak of Hidden Strength a few years ago and was only half a step away from reaching the Grandmaster Realm.    


The young man replied with an 'oh', looking deep in thought.    


Hades' palace?    


Perhaps they were exterminated by the monsters in the military as soon as they sprouted.    


The teenager breathed a sigh of relief as he ran to the bathroom with his head in his hands.    


The armored man looked away and snorted in disdain.    


Just from the way he walked, one could tell that this person might not even have hidden strength. At most, he was a disciple of some martial arts school's Obvious Strength.    


Such a person, in front of the assassins from the Hades Palace, if he couldn't even block a single attack, he would be easily killed.    


"General Pang Baozong gave me this mission because he wanted to give that White-Clothed Grandmaster some face."    


"After this mission, I will be able to accumulate an additional amount of rewards. At that time, let General Pang Baozong arrange for me to meet the White-Clothed Grandmaster so that I can learn the secrets of Dispersing Strength from him."    


As the armored man talked to himself, he suddenly felt a killing intent surging within the arena.    


"Are they finally here, assassins from the Hades Palace."    


The armored man's eyes narrowed and with a flash, he leapt tens of meters away.    


At this time, Ann Yunru had just finished singing a difficult song and was going down the stage to rest.    


When Ann Yunru had just reached the backstage alleyway, a flash of light had already struck her from behind. If not for the fact that she felt a chill on her back and reacted quickly enough, that flash of light would have already pierced the back of her head.    


"Who is it?" After all, Ann Yunru had been in and out of many big events and she was not the young girl from high school. Even if she was assassinated right now, she could still maintain her composure a little.    


"As expected of the famous celebrity Ann Yunru who has been famous throughout the world, even overseas. Although I did not use much strength in that slash, it is still a little difficult for ordinary people to dodge it."    


As he spoke, a man in black clothes jumped down from the sixth floor and landed on the ground. He didn't even make a sound.    


"Hades Hall, Zhou Ren, this is the last name you will remember before you die." The black clothed man even gave Ann Yunru a European etiquette in a very gentlemanly manner.    


"Before I die, can I ask who hired you to kill me?" Ann Yunru said with a haggard smile.    


Zhou Ren laughed and said: "According to the rules of the Yama Hall, you are not allowed to reveal the identity of your employer."    


Zhou Ren suddenly raised his head, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes. He did not know when the small dagger in his hand suddenly shot out, aiming straight at the center of Ann Yunru's brows.    


Suddenly, a big hand landed in front of Ann Yunru and grabbed onto the handle of the dagger.    


"Miss Ann, I was sent by the military sector to protect you. You just need to retreat, there is no need to worry." The armored man casually threw away the dagger and looked at Zhou Ren confidently.    


"What a heavy hand, to use the military region against a small assassin like me."    


Zhou Ren chuckled, he was not afraid at all.    


In the next moment, his legs moved, and his entire person created an invisible afterimage in the night.    


Dang, dang, dang!    


The sounds of dozens of metals colliding sounded out, and then Zhou Ren suddenly retreated, the dagger in his hand was impressively broken into two parts.    


The man in armor patted the dust off his body and said with disdain, "With this little skill of your hidden strength mastery, you still want to learn assassination from someone else? You are really reckless."    


Just as he finished speaking, the man in the battle robe swooped down, the muscles on his right hand bulged, the hidden force was released, his speed was as fast as a bullet, his fist was about to strike Zhou Ren.    


Zhou Ren also chuckled, both of his feet jumped up, and on his right hand he unsheathed a dagger, but this dagger was different from the previous one, there were different words engraved on it, as though there was some kind of incantation.    


Zhou Ren's hands moved up and down, hovering above the stairs.    


"Ever since I entered the Emperor Palace, I have completed many missions, among them there are many troublesome people, and they are even stronger than my hidden strength. But in the end, all of them completed their assassination missions, and they relied on me, Zhou Ren, to do it."    


"Tonight, I received two missions at the same time. One of them was to assassinate Ann Yunru."    


"And the other one, is to kill a person with Dispersing Strength Grandmaster!"    


Zhou Ren laughed as if he was showing off, causing the man in the battle uniform to tremble.    


Kill Dispersing Strength Grandmaster?    


If he could kill a Grandmaster, the nanometer armor he was wearing would be useless!    


Zongshi realm experts wielded hidden strength in their body, forming a protective barrier around their bodies. It wasn't a problem for them to withstand bullets with their physical body.    


"My dagger can cut through a Grandmaster's armor like tofu. Can it cut through your battle armor?"    


"He was able to cut through a Zongshi realm cultivator, is that true?"    


Following which, a young man walked over with his hands behind his back and a faint smile on his face.    


"What are you doing here?" The armored man quickly shouted.    


What's going on? The other party is a terrifying figure who can kill a grandmaster, how can a brat like you join in the fun?    


On the other hand, Zhou Ren's eyes widened as he looked at Ye Kai in disbelief.    


"Didn't I kill you!"    


In front of Ye Kai, there was a long knife wound on the white shirt that stabbed into his heart.    


However, through his clothes, not even a small wound could be seen.    


"Before you came here, did you not ask for my name?"    


Zhou Ren frowned, he had only received the intention to assassinate a youth who was wearing a white shirt and black sweatpants, with a height of only 1.75 meters. He seemed to be a Dispersing Strength Grandmaster cultivator, how could he know who his opponent was?    


At this point, even the man in the battle uniform was suspicious as to who this person was.    


"Let's sit by the side and watch the show." Ann Yunru who was still silent suddenly spoke up, her small face that had turned pale from fright suddenly overflowed with a smile as well.    


"Watching a show?" Previously, when they met under the stage, this was what he had told Ye Kai.    


"I don't care who you are. If I can kill you once, I can kill you twice!" And this time, I will tear you apart! "I want to see how you will revive!"    


Zhou Ren held the dagger in his hand and thrusted straight at Ye Kai. His speed was extremely fast, just like a flash of lightning.    


Ye Kai shook his head: "Do you know how difficult it is for me to reduce my abilities to the minimum so that you can stab me with the dagger?"    


Suddenly, Ye Kai opened his eyes wide, and in the center of his right palm, a small Gu worm surrounded his right hand intimately.    


His face was as if he was talking to himself.    


"Today, someone hired you to kill me. In the future, they will hire you to kill my family and friends."    


Ye Kai flicked his finger and the small Gu worm shot out, its speed surpassing Zhou Ren's by more than a few times!    


Before Zhou Ren could dodge, the little Gu worm ran through his mouth and entered into his body.    


"In order to avoid future troubles, I shall start from your hall."    




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