Rebirth: City Sovereign

C268 Cloud and Yunnan Travel

C268 Cloud and Yunnan Travel

"The strongest cultivator in the China, White-Clothed Grandmaster?"    


When many of the professors present heard this name, they were all shocked and sucked in a breath of cold air.    


These professors would often go to the business grounds and study bodyguards' martial skills. Especially after they came to China, they would often hear the name of White-Clothed Grandmaster.    


Especially today, news of Han Sheng Group being destroyed arrived. It was precisely this White-Clothed Grandmaster's masterpiece that managed to kill five Grandmasters on the way. His physical body was able to withstand one cruise missile but remained unharmed.    


Just these few things alone made him one of the top Warrior in the entire world. How could they, a few biological companies, afford to provoke it?    


The professor wearing thick glasses continued to laugh bitterly: "I never thought that this Professor Ye was actually the legendary White-Clothed Grandmaster. I was curious as to why he was not moved by the billions of profits, so that's how it is."    


A Martial Arts Grandmaster, if he wanted to, she could go serve some big shots from the international community. A few billion was simply not a lot of money, furthermore, she had the Spiritual Water herself. She could take the initiative and buy shares in biological companies, taking up 50 or more shares.    


Who would dare to kick a Martial Arts Grandmaster out?    


"It's laughable that we even organized ourselves to try and snatch the Spiritual Water from the hands of the White-Clothed Grandmaster."    


Professor Hardy's smile was worse than crying.    


"In the next Professor Ye class, we should continue to listen and see if we can fight for it or hear something from his class."    


In Hua Luo.    


Pang Baozong gloomily looked at the report in front of him.    


"What is this?"    


Pang Baozong asked the generals behind him in a daze, but he only shrugged his shoulders and shrugged, showing that he did not understand what was going on.    


In Pang Baozong's eyes, there was only a report. Logically speaking, at this time, it should be Han Yu District issuing an application, strongly asking for to be handed over for trial by a Korean court.    


After all, these were the lives of dozens of people, and each one of them was worth billions of dollars.    


And now, Korea's reputation had almost fallen to the bottom. Their largest listed company had been annihilated in front of the army, and they were even sent back. How could they still have any face to speak?    


It was good that Korea did not send out any troops to force to submit, but they only sent a single report, and that report said that they were going to hand Ye Kai over to the Hua Yun District.    


The report read as follows: "I hope the Hua Luo District will be careful in obtaining evidence and punish the murderer severely."    


These short two sentences, with a dozen or so words, caused Pang Baozong to be stupefied.    


At this moment, the uniformed man slowly walked over.    


"Don't worry about it. White-Clothed Grandmaster's foresight is also not something that we can imagine. "    


"What do you mean?" Pang Baozong handed the slip of paper over to the uniformed man.    


"Although I did not investigate the situation in detail, there is a Jin Clan in Korea that is second only to Han Sheng Group, and have swallowed all the remaining resources and manpower from Han Sheng Group. to become the number one listed company in Korea and change its name to 'Hansheng Group'. "    


Hearing "Han Sheng Group", Pang Baozong immediately understood.    


"There really is no need for us to take action. We can use our economy to indirectly interfere with the military's decision." For White-Clothed Grandmaster to be able to think of this, it is definitely the end. " Pang Baozong secretly clapped his hands.    


"Although the Han District hasn't issued an international order, they will definitely use quite a few underhanded methods. During this period of time, strictly check the entry list to prevent killers from entering the country."    


The uniformed man said. In his heart, he felt that his China was about to turn into a bloody rain, causing him to be unable to calm down.    


Jinling University, male dorm.    


"You're back. You didn't say where you went just now." Hee Sitong saw Ye Kai coming in. He casually greeted them and continued to read the news.    


"The economic layout of the world changed a lot when you left." Hee Sitong said in an exaggerated tone.    


"I just saw on the news that Han Shengxun is trying to stir up trouble everywhere. This time, he messed with a tough bone. Others directly killed their way up to Han Sheng Group and completely exterminated the upper echelons of his Han Sheng Group.    


The information Hee Sitong saw on the news was also incomplete. As for the battle between White-Clothed Grandmaster and Huang Hai, he was even more unsure.    


"In order to celebrate my mortal enemy, Han Shengxun, getting beaten to death, and tomorrow's the weekend, how about we go to the snowy mountain and play together?"    


Without waiting for the other two to agree, Hee Sitong jumped up and started to plan where to go to play.    


"In the vicinity of the Yundian Province, there is a snowy mountain called Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. It's definitely a tourist attraction. "    


Looking at the entire dorm, Ye Kai and Ye Ning were not sons of rich families, so Hee Sitong naturally treated himself as the boss of the dorm. Regardless of Ye Ning's rejection, he pulled along to travel.    


"Oh yeah, bring the people from my girlfriend's dorm with you. That dorm is really high quality, except for my girlfriend. As for the other girls, whoever's in the right eye, hurry up and make your move, don't let others snatch them away. "    


Hee Sitong snickered and poked Ye Ning's ribs. Ye Ning could only smile bitterly, unable to reject Hee Sitong's invitation.    


Since Ye Kai had nothing better to do, let's go together. Ye Qingying expressed that she wanted to take the examination, and added that she had to deal with the various matters of Lu Family. There was no time to attend.    


But not long later, Hee Sitong booked a train ticket to Yundian. There were seven of them altogether, which meant that four more people would come to the female dorms.    


"Come, come, let me introduce his to you. This is my girlfriend, I had his not long ago, Deng Yuxin. It comes from the Hong Kong Island, and is the eldest miss of a large family. " Hee Sitong didn't mind at all as he pulled his girlfriend over.    


Deng Yuxin was carrying a crocodile bag on her shoulder. Anyone who knew what she was talking about would be able to tell at a glance that she was made of leather. There was only one in the market for at least a few tens of thousands, which was enough to emphasize her extraordinary status.    


Deng Yuxin did not block them, and introduced them to the three girls who were entering the room one after the other: "These are my sisters, they are all elemental flowers. Guo Wenwen, Han Xue, Long Yunqing."    


The four of them were indeed as Deng Yuxin had said, beautiful beauties at the department's flower grade. Even in the Jinling University, there were people chasing after them.    


Guo Wenwen's face was painted with makeup, making her look like a girl from next door, from time to time she sized up something, and Han Xue's name was the same as her. It was icy cold, and its face was as white as snow. Only when they introduced each other did it nod slightly. On the other hand, Long Yunqing was more quiet, and not cold at all. She was a girl like Ye Ning who liked to read books.    


Deng Yuxin introduced his boyfriend and the other roommates. Hee Sitong was naturally as handsome as the sun, even though he deserved to be called rich, the remaining two were not that good.    


Ye Ning was shy like a little boy. One look was enough to tell that he had no experience interacting with others and that he would probably stutter if he spoke?    


The other one, called Ye Kai, was even more boring. Seeing that his four beautiful beauties were as still as wood and didn't reveal any emotion on his face, he was a little unable to see through them.    


After mutual introductions, Ye Ning and Long Yunqing started off with a few books on their backs. Han Xue and Guo Wenwen brought a few simple sunscreen products.    


Ye Kai then casually made two phone calls, told some important people that he was about to leave Jinling for the Yundian.    


Deng Yu Xin looked behind her from time to time, sizing up Ye Kai and asked Hee Sitong: "What's wrong with your friend here, he seems to be busier than you."    


Travel is just for fun, and you're talking on the phone like a busy man, no one's happy watching it.    


Hee Sitong laughed awkwardly: "My friend is like this. I have a lot of relatives, that's why I have to account for him."    


Although she said it like that, Deng Yuxin still felt that something was wrong with Ye Kai.    


Seeing the four of them, even the usually reserved and bashful Ye Ning came up to greet them, but Ye Kai merely nodded in place, and even introduced himself as Hee Sitong.    


They quickly got on the train. According to the seating restrictions, Hee Sitong, Deng Yuxin, Ye Ning and Long Yunqing, and Han Xue and Guo Wenwen, on the other hand, seemed to be isolated and sat alone on the train. However, Hee Sitong and Yue Yang were sitting opposite of them.    


The train ride was boring, but when the seven of them sat down, a thought struck Deng Yuxin and she asked everyone.    


"Do you have any men and women?"    


Ye Ning shook his head embarrassedly, but from time to time, he would look at Long Yunqing. The two of them had the same interests, so they would naturally come together.    


The other two girls shook their heads.    


Deng Yuxin looked towards Ye Kai, but in truth, she did not want to ask anymore. After all, people like Ye Kai, whose face was not outstanding, and whose background was not outstanding, would not think much of him.    


To everyone's surprise, Ye Kai casually replied.    


"I do."    


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