Rebirth: City Sovereign

C453 An Assault of Bengal Tigers

C453 An Assault of Bengal Tigers

When Ye Kai stepped into the cave, the expedition team consisting of all these India was startled.    


There was no one in this mountain range all year round, and even the army stopped coming here a few months ago. Only these idle rich second generations who wanted to search for the legends and legends would come all the way here.    


Moreover, they were all fully armed, and each of them was carrying a huge bag of items. Only then did they dare to set foot into this uninhabited land.    


However, Ye Kai did not have any luggage on him, and even his pocket only had something that looked like a scroll.    


They were now at the heart of the mountains, and it would be impossible for them to make it here in just a few days. Plus, they were surrounded by yellow sand and gravel, without even a tree or a lot of preparations, how could they have made it here?    


Therefore, the leader and many other rich second generations immediately pulled out their weapons from their backpacks. With their family background, it wasn't difficult to get these things.    


Elsie looked at Ye Kai, and felt that he was extremely familiar with her.    


"Excuse me, do any of you know where the base of India is?"    


With Ye Kai's talent, it would be easy to learn the language of India. Previously, when he was communicating with the Black-Robed Great Wizard God, he had already learned it using his spiritual will.    


Just as Ye Kai asked this, Elsie stood up, pushed away the arms and pistols of the rich second generation, and walked to the front.    


"Elsie, what are you doing? Come back quickly! This fellow is very dangerous! " A fuerdai shouted.    


"Sir, are you Chinese?" Elsie respectfully saluted Ye Kai with his India.    


Many of the rich second generations were stunned. They had known Elsie for a long time, but had never seen Elsie this respectful attitude towards others.    


Ye Kai looked at the group of people and nodded.    


"According to the legends, the one who could trigger the God's base and use the intercontinental missile Raging Inferno 6 was a Chinese." Elsie said in surprise.    


"Elsie, don't be silly, that was a year ago. If the legend is true, then Chinese should have died a long time ago."    


This generation after generation of rich people would all be safe with their pistols. As long as Ye Kai did anything dangerous with Elsie, they would instantly shoot him, turning him into a hornet's nest.    


"So does anyone know where the India's base is?" Ye Kai asked impatiently again.    


He was counting on a group of people to tell him the answer.    


"What are you looking for India Base for? Could it be a spy from China?" A fuerdai pointed his gun at Ye Kai's head and shouted.    


"Samit, what are you doing? Have you ever seen a spy who doesn't even know the way out and lost in this desolate mountain?" Elsie turned around and rolled her eyes as she scolded.    


Samit was startled, and his face immediately darkened.    


They understood why Elsie protected him. It was not for anything else but because the Chinese Youth in front of them was just too handsome.    


A pair of bright eyes and white teeth, a pair of long hair that was like an ancient style, and a flawless face, even the most handsome star in the world couldn't compare to him. It absolutely fit the beauty of any country, and any girl who saw him would fall in love with him at the first glance.    


Elsie's situation was undoubtedly due to him falling for Ye Kai's face.    


"Elsie, hide behind us quickly. He might be some Charm Demon or something. I don't think any one of them can look that handsome!"    


Samit screamed, his mouth full of sour vinegar.    


"If he was a Charm Demon, all of you would have been finished long ago!" Elsie sighed, if he knew earlier, he would not have let these young masters whose minds were filled with jealousy follow him.    


"Elsie, if you don't believe me, I'll try my sword to see if he is normal!"    


Just as Samit was about to pull the trigger, he heard a roar coming from outside the mountain. Elsie was just too familiar with this roar as he had even gone to take a risk with the Congli before.    


"It's the Bengal tiger." Elsie said.    


"Bengal tiger? Leader, didn't you say that this place is deserted without even a tree? How could a Bengal tiger be living here? " Samit and the rest panicked. How could they control Ye Kai?    


"Look at our mountain cave here, it's cool with water. This mountain area definitely doesn't only have this mountain cave. It's not surprising that there are other living creatures living here." The leader said innocently.    


"Hurry up and come in. I'm guessing the Bengal Tiger has discovered us. It's very dangerous at the cave entrance!" Elsie said to Ye Kai.    


The eyes of the second generation rich people behind them all reddened. Letting Ye Kai in wasn't just to lure the wolf into the cave, it was even more dangerous!    


However, they did not dare to shoot now. If they did, the loud sounds of the swords would definitely attract the Bengal tiger and it would be over then.    


"Bengal tiger? "It's nothing to be afraid of." Ye Kai laughed faintly.    


"Damn, who doesn't know how to boast. When the Bengal Tiger arrives, don't get so scared that you'll kneel on the ground with your legs too weak to walk." Samit said in a sour tone.    


"Everyone, keep quiet."    


After Elsie finished speaking, she wanted to pull Ye Kai away, but just as she approached Ye Kai, she realized that even as a girl, Ye Kai was still deeply envious of him.    


Just as she was about to reach out to grab Ye Kai, she suddenly heard the low roar of a tiger coming from outside the cave. In between them, there was a white, brown, yellow, and black intertwined Bengal Tiger that was slowly advancing forward through the yellow sand.    


The Bengal Tiger's sharp eyes looked over. Even Elsie, who had experienced a lot of big events, felt her whole body tremble, and a chill run down her spine.    


"Elsie, be careful!"    


Taking advantage of the chaos, Samit ran over and carried Elsie back, leaving Ye Kai alone at the cave with his back to the Bengal Tiger.    


A sinister smile appeared on the faces of the surrounding fuerdai.    


As long as Ye Kai was bitten to death, they could kill the Bengal Tiger in one shot. That would be the perfect outcome.    


Sure enough, when the Bengal Tiger saw Ye Kai's back, it immediately and impatiently rushed forward.    


"Are you dumbfounded? In such a hot and dry place, a Bengal tiger's temper must be very bad. In order to find food for its cubs, if it sees someone, it will definitely take the initiative to attack. Just wait for its death!"    


Samit shouted out fearlessly.    


The Bengal Tiger behind him pounced forward with a speed as fast as a car, its claws aimed to kill, a speed that many fuerdai could not help but be shocked. If it were not for Ye Kai blocking them, they would have pounced at him, not even enough time to fire.    


However, Ye Kai just indifferently turned his head back and did nothing. He only looked at the Bengal Tiger with his green eyes.    


The berserk Bengal Tiger glared at Ye Kai and their eyes met. Instantly, they froze and landed on the ground with their four claws. After rubbing against the ground for a while, they came to a stop right in front of Ye Kai.    


Seeing this scene, the rich second generations were so scared that they couldn't even breathe.    


They could even see that the Bengal tiger had once wanted to retreat, but had stopped as soon as its hind legs moved a little.    


Ye Kai laughed and placed his hand on the Bengal Tiger's head. As if stroking a kitten's fur, Ye Kai caressed the tiger's head.    


"This, this."    


Everyone was stuttering as they frantically rubbed their eyes, afraid that they had seen wrongly.    


But Ye Kai acted like he was the owner of the kitten, the ferocious Bengal Tiger didn't even dare to move from his hand.    


Ye Kai raised his hand, and in everyone's eyes, they saw a ray of green light appear in Ye Kai's hand, which slowly condensed into a green bead.    


Ye Kai was not afraid at all and immediately let go of his hands. The Bengal Tiger obediently opened its mouth, not daring to make any other movements.    


Ye Kai placed the green bead into the tiger's mouth, then patted Bengal Tiger's head and said: "Let's go save your baby."    


As the Bengal Tiger listened, a trace of reluctance appeared in its fierce eyes. However, it turned around and ran away.    


"Wait, wait. What did you just give him?" Elsie could understand that Ye Kai was a skillful beast trainer, but Elsie could not understand the small round green pearl that appeared out of thin air.    


"The cub was just born sick and urgently needed nutrition to cure it, so it took the initiative to attack us. I gave it a Spiritual Energy Pill, and as long as the sick cub consumed it, it would naturally be fine." Ye Kai did not hide anything and told everyone about what had happened.    


When everyone was listening, they were completely confused. The only thing they could do was let go of the sword in their hands, as the leader was basically able to confirm Ye Kai's identity. He was definitely some kind of super strong expert rumored to be in the China.    


"Alright, can you tell me the direction of India Base now?"    


"Elsie dares to ask Sir, what are you looking for India Base for?" Elsie said respectfully in front of Ye Kai.    


Ye Kai chuckled: "There's someone in the base who owes me this debt."    


"I'm going to collect my debts."    


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