Rebirth: City Sovereign

C456 The Prestige of Ye Kai

C456 The Prestige of Ye Kai

"Is there a terrorist organization coming? This is the first time I've seen so many troops within the territory. Isn't this the first time I've seen such a line of defense?"    


The man in the couple sighed.    


They were preparing to go out and buy some supper, when they saw a grand arrangement with soldiers walking back and forth. The road was guarded, and the spectators were all around.    


"What is this all about? The India has been pretty calm recently, I've never heard of any organization attacking the commoner district."    


"God knows, I just met a soldier who told me he wanted to defend a person. I don't believe that there is anyone in this world that can single-handedly force over 10,000 soldiers." A well-informed fellow complained.    


"If it's one person, they might be trying to stop a fugitive with a large amount of bombs." Someone asked suspiciously.    


The man who spoke first cursed a few times at the soldiers on the defense line and was about to drag his girlfriend upstairs. However, after a few attempts, his girlfriend had no intention of going upstairs.    


"What are you doing? The military doesn't have anything to look at."    


The man's gaze followed his girlfriend's line of sight, only to see a young man in simple and crude long hair walking over from a short distance away from the defensive line.    


However, as he got closer, all of the women in the hall started screaming like they were infatuated with the world.    


"The appearance of that person should be Chinese right? Why would there be a Chinese here? "    


"That Chinese is so handsome!"    


The Spiritual Body was a form that everyone followed subconsciously. Even without any makeup, it was the most attractive appearance in the world.    


Several hundred meters away from the defensive line was a cordon line. It was to check the people coming and going so that no one would be overlooked.    


But when Ye Kai took a step forward, it was as if he was walking in a park, he did not take the defense lines set up by the thousands of people seriously.    


"Stop, accept the inspection. If we recklessly take another step forward, we will be executing the sword technique!"    


When a soldier noticed Ye Kai, he immediately raised his sword and warned him.    


When the surrounding pedestrians heard this, they immediately retreated, especially those who were walking in the same direction as Ye Kai and were about to pass through the cordoned area, all fled in fright. With Ye Kai at the center, there was no one within a few hundred meters of him, and only Ye Kai walked forward indifferently.    


With every step Ye Kai took, his entire body seemed to be surrounded by a burst of sand.    


"Oh my god, this is practically a single person!"    


There was no one by Ye Kai's side, but in front of him, were tens of thousands of fully armed soldiers. Over ten thousand pitch-black swords were aimed at Ye Kai, yet Ye Kai stood with his hands behind his back and walked over indifferently.    




The leader was the first to fire, his sword accurately striking at Ye Kai's knee. This strike was enough to cause an ordinary person to lose his ability to move normally, falling to the ground and not moving at all.    


However, the moment this bullet was fired, it drew the cries of shock from the audience.    


They only saw the yellow-orange rifle warhead land seven or eight meters in front of Ye Kai before it stopped in mid air. After struggling for a bit, it twisted before falling.    


Not to mention injuring Ye Kai, even encountering Ye Kai would be a difficult thing to accomplish.    


"Is, is this magic?"    


Even the soldiers in the defensive line had their eyes wide open and their jaws dropped. They could not help but grin at the scene before them.    


"It's the Martial Arts Grandmaster. They can condense Body Protecting True Strength and block bullets."    


"Could he be the target that was set up to block them?"    


"That's impossible, right? Isn't his way of doing things an assassination attempt? As long as it's someone with a normal intelligence, they wouldn't attack the defense line, right? "    


"Who cares. Let's kill him first. Arm your troops and prepare to fire!"    


A burst of bullets went into the chamber and the sound of a safety catch rang out. The first round of bullets was washed away by the rain of bullets.    


The first group of people to fire was a small squad. They only had a total of ten people, but the rifles in their hands were enough to shoot out three hundred rounds of bullets towards Ye Kai.    


From what they knew, the Dispersing Strength Grandmaster could indeed block bullets, but it could only block a dozen or so of them. Those extremely weak Body Protecting True Strength s, if they were to encounter hundreds of bullets, would instantly shatter.    


However, in the next moment, the soldiers couldn't help but gasp.    


Even if it were more than a hundred rounds of bullets, they would all land in front of Ye Kai, and would not get any closer.    


"It's not Dispersing Strength Grandmaster, it's Elemental Core Stage of Heavenly Master! Heavenly Master in the Martial Way! "    


Once the name of the Heavenly Master was out, these soldiers did not dare to be careless anymore.    


"Fire at will!"    




Behind the first line of defense, the soldiers who were laying down their heavy firepower were suddenly alarmed.    


"What's going on? He's shooting from the front?"    


"They'll be done for if they shoot. That's over ten thousand automatic rifles, even a tank can be turned into a sieve. What else do we need?"    


"What's there to worry about up there? He's asking us to bring in a single-target missile, rocket launchers, and tanks. What kind of target would he need to use so much firepower to deal with?"    


However, when a soldier climbed onto the tank and looked ahead, he was stunned.    


He actually saw a youth with blue eyes walking over. His black hair fluttered in the wind and his white shirt didn't have the slightest damage to it, let alone the fact that it was actually him.    


"White shirt, is he the White-Clothed Heavenly Master that was killed by the Raging Inferno 6 a year ago?"    


"Who cares about the White-Clothed Heavenly Master s in black, if he dares to forcefully break through our defense, we can blast him to death with cannonballs!" The group of soldiers were immediately roused from their stupor and loaded their own heavy firepower weapons.    


All sorts of tanks, rocket launchers, and single class missiles were brought up to the platform and sent forward.    


And right in front of the defensive line, Ye Kai did not dodge or dodge. Instead, he walked straight forward, and he was at most a thousand meters away from the defensive line.    


At this distance, although the automatic rifle's accuracy would drop drastically, it still had enough killing power. Especially towards Ye Kai who was a straight line target, they had a 70% chance of hitting it.    


However, this accuracy was completely useless. Even if more than ten thousand rounds of bullets came at him one after another, Ye Kai's Body Protecting True Strength that was so solid that it could shock the heavens, was not cracked in the slightest.    


"Damn it, are all the heavy weapons behind us sleeping? You haven't had any reaction after fighting for so long? "    


A commander bellowed into the intercom.    


Seeing that Ye Kai had already covered a distance of 500 meters, if they were to approach him again, let alone use heavy weapons, they would not even dare to use their rifles or swords.    


Under the command, the heavy weapons behind them finally began to move.    


All sorts of howitzers, rockets and missiles flew across the sky, slicing through the sky as they came at them.    


The might of these heavy weapons were extremely terrifying, as they immediately enveloped Ye Kai within them. Furthermore, their destructive power was a mixture of explosion, shock waves, and shrapnel.    


For a time, black smoke and flames were drifting in the wind. This kind of firepower was more than enough to deal with an elite company.    


"Complete hit!"    


"Perfect, now it will be hard for him even if he doesn't want to die!"    


The soldiers at the front and back of the defense line were all cheering, but before they could laugh twice, the black smoke was dispersed by a palm. The youth with jade-green eyes and black hair continued to calmly walk forward.    


"How is this possible?"    


"Even if you're wearing the biomimetic armor, you should be seriously injured by such firepower!"    


When an old veteran saw this, he suddenly took a puff on the cigar in his mouth and exhaled a thick cloud of smoke.    


"Everyone disperse, there's no need to fight."    


"Old man, what are you going to say? Retreat without a fight, this is a capital offense! " a young soldier replied.    


"He's definitely the White-Clothed Heavenly Master from one year ago. He's an existence that can use his flesh to block Bramos' cruise missile. How could us small rocket launchers threaten him?"    


The old soldier shook his head with a bitter smile.    


White-Clothed Heavenly Master!    


When this name came out of the old veteran's mouth, no matter what the people present did, they had no choice but to believe it.    


They looked at each other, and watched as Ye Kai walked over step by step, from five hundred meters to a hundred meters, until he landed in front of the soldiers.    


At this distance, heavy firepower was no longer needed. Facing Ye Kai's pair of eyes that were emitting a cold light, these soldiers could not even lift their swords, and subconsciously opened a path for Ye Kai.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the tens of thousands of soldiers on the defensive line, as well as the tanks and armoured vehicles, all moved out of the way, consciously opening a path.    


The commander watched as Ye Kai's figure disappeared in the distance as he opened his communication device. He found the India Base Headquarters and spoke with a bitter voice.    




"The first line of defense was broken through by the White-Clothed Heavenly Master."    


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