Rebirth: City Sovereign

C569 Emissary

C569 Emissary

France, Northern Sea Fleet Base.    


This fleet that had been established for decades was famous for its strict management and high enforcement ability. However, not a single person present revealed a relaxed expression.    


The entire North Sea and its area of jurisdiction was reflected on the huge screen. Normally, the entire blue area on the screen, which was the surface of the sea, didn't have any movement.    


However, a red cursor could be seen moving at a terrifying speed on the map.    


It had to be known that this was a standard map of 118000000. A centimeter on the map was equivalent to dozens of kilometers away from the real world, but this red cursor was moving at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye. It was astonishing how fast it was.    


"Captain Linda, I expect the target's movement speed to have exceeded Mach 2, and it's still increasing!"    


"The target is completely out of the jurisdiction of the Norwegian port, crossing Iceland and heading straight for France!"    


As the youngest female captain in recent years, Linda was frowning. Looking at the map that showed a red cursor that was running away from Norwegian port all the way in the North Sea, she gritted her teeth and spoke.    


"What about the license? Haven't you issued it yet?"    


"Got it!" Three seconds ago, I received a reply from the French representative. With all our might, we definitely cannot let the target leave the North Sea and enter the European continent! "    


"The air and naval forces will attack. No matter what happens, we must stop that monster at the North Sea! "We can't let him enter the European continent!"    




After placing Maude at the Norwegian wharf, preventing his own cruise ship from being completely destroyed, Ye Kai stepped onto the surface of the sea. With a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye, he madly rushed across the surface of the sea.    


Maude's Spiritual Strength reaction was getting closer and closer. Ye Kai understood, at this rate, it would not take long for him to catch up with Maude on the steamer that would take him to France and punish him.    


However, at that moment, eight fighter jets appeared above his head. They drew long clouds of smoke in the air, biting down on their own treads.    


"Fighter? Fleet. "    


Ye Kai frowned, he had long expected that when they were chasing after Maude in the North Sea, they would encounter many obstructions like patrol boats. However, he did not expect that his actions would actually alarm the North Sea Fleet.    


"Report, we have traced the target's exact location and requested to fire a loaded missile."    


"Launch them all!"    


Hearing the driver's request, Linda commanded loudly.    


Hearing Linda's instructions, the eight pilots did not hesitate to click the Projection button with their thumbs. The missiles on the Fighter had all left the fuselage and were flying towards Ye Kai, cutting through the air.    


"Since you guys want to make a move, don't blame me for being impolite."    


Ye Kai coldly glanced to the side, glanced at the incoming missile flow, and said softly.    




The missile struck the surface of the water where Ye Kai was standing, and the huge explosion sent waves dozens of meters high!    


However, on the surface of the sea, the white-coloured figure had already disappeared.    


The air was filled with water vapor, making it impossible for the pilot to see what was happening on the surface of the sea.    


Following that, a blinding light shot out from the bottom of the sea where the wave had been sent up!    


Linda who was sitting in the fleet Command Room saw the scene, her eyes opened wide, and shouted.    


"It's the Flying Sword attack that was used in the country of R, quickly dodge!"    


Linda had already investigated Ye Kai's past and knew that he would use the Flying Sword's secret technique that had been lost in China for a long time. Upon seeing the scarlet sword ray that suddenly shot out from the ocean surface, he naturally opened his mouth to give the order.    


"Enemy attack, retreat!"    


The captain's reaction was the fastest. The moment he saw the scarlet light, he immediately issued an order to the other pilots in the cockpit to retreat. At the same time, he began to operate the fighter jet to avoid the sword beam. Then all the fighters turned sideways and took evasive positions.    


However, the inexperienced pilot of Flight Three could not react in such a quick counterattack. The wings were pierced through by the scarlet sword beam that came from the sea.    






Looking at the explosion not far behind him, the captain loudly shouted the name of his comrade in the third plane.    


A huge explosion sounded, and the fighter jet slowly fell down while emitting black smoke. Before it fell into the sea, the pilot pressed the ejection button, causing the entire cabin door to explode. The seat bounced into the air, and the parachute slowly opened.    




After confirming that the driver's life was safe, Linda adjusted his glasses and gave the order to the remaining seven pilots.    


"The attacks of the Flying Sword will come again. Before that, focus your mind and dodge, waiting for the support of the cruiser."    




However, as if mocking their judgement, the calm surface of the sea was completely calm, and there was no longer that scarlet sword light flying out.    


A tense atmosphere surrounded the pilot's mind. They were watching the aircraft's radar while simultaneously paying attention to the situation under the sea. They tightened their grip on the pilot's steering gear, increasing their concentration and observing without saying a word.    


On his back and forehead, cold sweat was continuously seeping out. No one made a sound.    


Di, di!    


A white dot of light suddenly appeared on the surface of the radar.    


With this white dot of light as a signal, all the pilots shook and the captain ordered loudly.    


"Everyone pay attention, be careful of the enemy's attack, it might still be Flying Sword s!"    


At this moment, the captain saw a flaming longsword appear next to him through a special material made of glass.    


The one holding the sword was the figure that was just a few hundred meters below the surface of the sea a few seconds ago.    


Ye Kai was actually standing on the Red Crystal Longsword that was erupting with dense Spiritual Strength, riding on his flying sword!    


The Flaming Longsword in his right hand was emitting a terrifying aura.    


"Dodge!" "Dodge!"    


The captain's face was livid!    


However, before that, Ye Kai who was flying on his sword had already made his move.    


As Ye Kai waved his right wrist, the Flaming Longsword's sword tip continued to spin in the air, slicing through the air, drawing silver lines one after another. All the fighter planes that came into contact with the slashes were sliced in half!    




Huge explosions sounded one after another. Seven luxurious fighter aircraft, none of them escaped, all of them plummeting to the ground while emitting black smoke.    


"Captain, the first air units have all lost their ability to fight!"    


"The target did not stop, continue heading towards the French port at high speed!"    


Linda listened to the report that came from the Seaman and gritted her teeth fiercely.    


In less than half a minute, he had already destroyed half of the air battle force of the North Sea Fleet. What kind of monster was this?    


After a while, Linda raised her head, her eyes filled with determination.    


"Main ship, head in the direction of the target at full speed."    


"No matter what, this kind of monster must not be allowed to take half a step into the Continental Europe."    


Just then, one of the Seaman turned to look at Linda, her face full of joy.    


"Captain, the councilor has reported that Gergiev is already on his way to intercept the target!"    


"Is that so?"    


Linda's nervous expression slowly relaxed.    


"Since he's here, the pressure on us will be reduced a little."    




After taking care of the Fighter that was following him, Ye Kai continued to run across the ocean without stopping.    


"A few fighters are trying to stop me too, what a joke."    


However, a few hundred meters in front of him, a black figure appeared.    


It was a Blonde-Haired Man wearing a black suit, looking at Ye Kai, he revealed a smile, even though the two were only ten metres apart, the man did not move, but stood in front of Ye Kai, blocking his path.    


After understanding the intentions of the other party to stop him, Ye Kai no longer hesitated. The Red Crystal Longsword appeared from thin air in his right hand, and with a leap, he stepped on the ocean waves.    




Unexpectedly, in the instant that the Red Crystal Longsword was about to cut the man's head, a terrifying energy exploded from his body, forming a green circular protective shield. When the Red Crystal Longsword slashed into it, a cracking sound came out, and a crack appeared on the protective shield, but in the end, it still blocked Ye Kai's sword.    


With his attack blocked, Ye Kai did not retreat. Instead, he slowly stabilized his body and looked at the man in front of him with a cold gaze.    


The green protective shield disappeared, and Blonde-Haired Man squinted his eyes as he smiled at Ye Kai.    


"White-Clothed Sword Immortal, I am the envoy sent by the European Union. Can you talk to me for a bit?"    


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