Rebirth: City Sovereign

C581 The War of Returning to the Martial Way

C581 The War of Returning to the Martial Way

Ye Kai stepped on Chi Wen's huge body, and submerged into the clouds.    


From the completely gone Woleveconte Castle, the sounds of Gulaman's cursing, exclamations from the surrounding crowd, and the sirens of the police cars could be faintly heard.    


Using his back to bear all these, Ye Kai returned the Chi Wen to the Legend of Deification and stepped onto the air.    


Although he was already extremely tired and wanted to sit on Chi Wen's body to fly back to Norway, he thought about how the security in Europe would become more and more tight, about how he had caused such a huge ruckus in Europe, and how he would attract too much attention when flying a True Dragon in the sky. Ye Kai thought for a moment, but still decided to open his legs and fly back to Norway.    


Looking down from the clouds, there was the completely destroyed Woleveconte Castle, which had been surrounded by four or five police cars. From the opened car doors, a dozen of French police officers wearing police uniforms walked out and entered the castle.    


Seeing that, Ye Kai seemed to have thought of something, his mouth curved into a smile.    


Sure enough, the moment those policemen entered the castle, they were immediately frozen by the cold air that had yet to disperse. They didn't care about their image at all as they tightly hugged their arms and rushed towards the gate as fast as they could. Two of the policemen couldn't even stand stably as their shoes slipped on the frozen ground and they fell onto the ice, then just slipped out.    


Looking at their funny faces, Ye Kai spurred his Spirit Gathering Jade Pendant to start recovering and flew towards Norway.    


"National War of Martial Arts competition for the top eight, Chinese Team against National Team R, starting!"    


"Let's welcome the contestants in!"    


On the pleasant climate of the plains, an old Yuan Dan Heavenly Master with a long white beard sat on a tall stone pillar and announced the route of the competition loudly. She did not use any equipment, but her voice was so loud that even the hundred people present could hear him clearly.    


Ever since the reform that Ye Kai had proposed at the meetings of the Norse countries had been passed, the National War of Martial Arts had changed the competition rules from the 32nd place.    


The Youth Training Team was a team of ten main team members, and the rules of battle were still the arena battle. However, the two teams' Youth Training Team members would first fight in the tournament, and the tournament was not counted as a competition, it was set up purely for the sake of learning from each other, to improve themselves, and when the organizers of the competition announced the new rules, many of the members from various nations revealed joyful expressions. It was true that the original rules gave few opportunities to the members of the Youth Training Team, because these rules could clearly allow them to gain the greatest amount of experience and experience points.    


When some of the top thirty-two teams heard the news that was announced by the organizers, they actually immediately took out their phones to call the members of their own nation's Youth Training Team who had already returned to their homes, asking them to come participate in the performance competition.    


After all, an opportunity to hold National War of Martial Arts once every four years was really too rare. Compared to this precious opportunity to learn from each other, who would mind running two steps further?    


At this time, China and R Nation's Youth Training Team had already finished their performance matches, and the real arena battle between the top 16 and the bottom 8 would officially begin now.    


A R Team member with five or six Tai Dao strapped on his waist slowly walked to the side of the competition grounds. Opposite him, Lu Qingshan slowly walked over to the other side of the competition grounds.    


In the resting area of the R Nation members, a few Youth Training Team members who had just left were seated. They were wiping the sweat off their foreheads with towels, and were discussing this matter with excitement.    


One of the team members said as he opened a bottle of cool spring water.    


"Is Senior Song Zhiyuan making his debut today?"    


"Yeah, yeah!"    


The other R Nation Youth Training Team member nodded with a face full of anticipation.    


I've long heard that Senior Song Zhiyuan's Gou He Slash is as fast as the wind and as fast as lightning. No one can see it clearly. Today, I can finally see it for myself!    


"Look at the starting position of Chinese Team, it doesn't seem like they have any fighting spirit at all. They might lose in less than a minute!"    


"Haha, not to mention a minute, it's at most half a minute!"    


"But, why are there only four people with Chinese Team?"    


"You don't know that? Their captain and their team members had an internal conflict, so their position of captain was taken down and they escaped! "    


"Is there such a thing?" How are the four of them going to fight? I really want to see what their original captain looks like. "    


Just as they were chatting happily without saying a word, a white figure slowly fell from the sky and landed in their resting area, finding a seat without anyone noticing.    


Although the Chinese and the R Nation were both black haired and black eyed, there was a huge difference in terms of facial features. Several members of Youth Training Team immediately recognized that the man was Chinese, and their faces immediately flushed red. The five of them stood up from their seats, formed a half circle, and leaned towards the corner where the man was seated.    


"Who is it?" This is the resting area of the R Nation's members.    


He was the first to speak, standing in front of the four of them, and obviously the leader of the R Nation's Youth Training Team.    


The white-clothed youth was completely unmoved by the five's slowly approaching appearance. He didn't even turn his head to look at the five's actions. Instead, he quietly leaned back in his seat and watched the two people in the arena face off against each other.    


Seeing that the man didn't even put him in his eyes, the captain probably felt that he was losing a bit of face. He took out a shuriken from his waist, held it with one hand, and ran towards the man.    


"What are you doing!"    


Just at this time, a young man of around thirty to forty years old suddenly blocked in the middle of the group. With a loud shout, he pulled out the small grand sabre on his waist and fiercely struck the head of the Youth Training Team leader with the back of the sabre.    




That captain was completely dumbfounded by this, and his shurikens fell to the ground. He held onto the bag that had been smashed out of his forehead in pain, and raised his head to say with a somewhat angry tone.    


"Senior Kagamiya, why didn't you help him?"    


The other four members had the same indignant looks on their faces. Hearing their captain say this, they nodded their heads in agreement, as if they were pounding garlic.    


"Exactly! Senior Kagamiya, for that Chinese to appear in our resting area for no reason, shouldn't we teach him a lesson? "    


"Yeah, yeah!"    


When the middle-aged man called Instructor Kagamiya heard his teammates say this, two veins on his face instantly popped out as he raised the scabbard in his right hand high up in the air towards the remaining four.    


"You bunch of idiots!"    


Dong dong dong dong.    


The five of them held their heads and squatted on the ground, looking like five rats that had been smashed in the head by a hammer.    


"Kagamiya Ryoma, why are you here?"    


When the white-clothed youth heard the young man's voice, he finally had a reaction. He turned his head and looked at the country of R senior, somewhat surprised.    


This person was precisely Kagamiya Ryoma who had fought a decisive battle with Ye Kai at the peak of the Tokyo Tower.    


Kagamiya Ryoma turned around and revealed an embarrassed smile.    


"Please forgive the members of the Youth Training Team of the R Nation for offending the white-robed Honorable Sword Immortal."    


When the members of Youth Training Team saw Kagamiya's submissive attitude, their mouths gaped open like an apple.    


This man who was at most a little older than them, a little over twenty years old, actually dared to directly call out Senior Kagamiya Ryoma's full name? Not only that, when Senior Kagamiya Ryoma heard it, not only did he not get angry, he very naturally accepted it?    


Ignoring the five Youth Training Team members who had widened their eyes, Ye Kai shook his head and replied.    


"A small matter. Weren't you living in seclusion on Mount Fuji? Why did you come out?"    


When Kagamiya Ryoma heard this, he sat on the ground one or two meters away from Ye Kai, opened the wine pot on his waist and took a big gulp.    


Putting down the wine pot, Kagamiya Ryoma slowly spoke out.    


"Ever since my battle with you at the Tokyo Tower, I realized that my horizons were still too small."    


"Seventy years without leaving the mountain, the world outside has long since become different, and I am still confined within the mountain, believing that I have worked hard, day after day, year after year, tempering my aging skills."    


Kagamiya Ryoma paused, and revealed a helpless smile.    


"I think that there must be many other experts like you in the outside world, so I walked out of the deep mountains, wanting to go to various corners of the world to have a look, and coincidentally just came out, not long ago. The Imperial Army conveniently invited me to be their National War of Martial Arts's leader, and I felt that this is a good opportunity, so I came out."    


"Is that so?"    


Ye Kai only replied lightly, and did not speak anymore.    


When the few members of Youth Training Team heard their conversation, their widened eyes widened even more, as if their eyeballs were about to fall out. They came to a tacit understanding and crouched down to form a circle on the ground, thinking that they were discussing in whispers.    


"I remember! That person is White-Clothed Sword Immortal who beat Instructor Kagamiya on the Tokyo Tower! "    


"Think of a ball! What they just said was so obvious, even Pigs know that it's White-Clothed Sword Immortal! "    


"I never thought that you would actually be so young. I thought you were at least the same age as Instructor Kagamiya!"    


They secretly observed Ye Kai who was sitting beside Kagamiya Ryoma from the corner of their eyes. Ye Kai was obviously around the same age as them, but Kagamiya Ryoma's attitude towards the two of them could be said to be like heaven and earth.    


'As expected, strength is the true reason! '    


A few people couldn't help but think this in their hearts.    


"Oh right, Kagamiya Ryoma, what are your thoughts on National War of Martial Arts this time?"    


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