Rebirth: City Sovereign

C588 Human Beings Who Are Not Pure-blooded

C588 Human Beings Who Are Not Pure-blooded

Pill refining?    


Hearing Ye Kai's words, all the members present, including Kurt and the others in the cubicle could not help but be slightly stunned.    


Then, the bead on Ye Kai's left wrist that was on his exposed left hand instantly exploded with a blinding white light, illuminating the entire small room.    


When the light finished, the representatives saw that on the conference table in front of Ye Kai, there were ten different types of herbs.    


Before the councilors could adjust their glasses and look at the elixirs on the table, the herbs were actually emitting a vigorous aura of a Spiritual Strength, filling up the entire meeting room.    


A fragrant smell filled the representatives' noses and noses. All of the organs in their bodies felt as if they were brand-new, their blood surging and their cells surging. Just the smell of these medicinal herbs made the representatives feel as if they were twenty years younger.    


Finally, one of the representatives saw the appearance of the medicinal ingredients in front of Ye Kai and immediately shouted out in shock.    


"Ah, that's Sky Blue Butterfly Grass!"    


"The medicinal plant that was almost extinct hundreds of years ago. I heard that the medicinal pill it concocts can extend longevity, and can even cure all of the ailments on the body!"    


The other councilor was born in a medical family, so he was so shocked that his mouth couldn't close.    


"Heavens, it's actually a Gold-Silver Ganoderma!"    


"You're saying that it was extinct a thousand years ago and that consuming the Gold-Silver Ganoderma would directly increase one's cultivation?"    


"That's right, that must be it. I've seen the book on medicinal herbs in my house. This Lingzhi looks exactly the same as the one in the book."    


Not only the councilors present, but also the few people in the cubicles who were watching the medicinal herbs on the screen with their projector, had their eyeballs pop out from their eyes.    


"Crimson Fire Dragon's Saliva, Head of the Frostbite Crow, Sun Ginseng …"    


Kurt's entire person was standing in front of the screen, looking at all the precious herbs that had been extinct for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, he recited their names one by one.    


Let alone a few, even the value of one of these herbs couldn't be measured by numbers!    


"Representative Kurt..."    


An operator spoke carefully.    


"Speak." Kurt clenched his fist and said.    


"The medical team, the military, and the EU headquarters have all sent us an urgent communication."    


"The requirement is that no matter the means, you must obtain the medicinal ingredients in White-Clothed Sword Immortal's hands."    


The situation in the meeting room was not only being broadcasted to the black opaque room, almost all the European upper echelons were in their own rooms, broadcasting and observing Ye Kai's every move in the meeting room.    


And when Ye Kai took out these medicinal herbs, those who understood their value instantly went crazy.    


As long as they had these legendary medicinal herbs, they could strengthen the army, transform the human body, and even make people live for a hundred years!    


Kurt's eyes revealed greed, he opened his mouth and replied.    




The councilors were surprised, and they exclaimed in admiration. All of their shocked expressions lasted for several minutes.    


Only when the leaders in the middle realized that they had lost control of themselves and coughed out loud did those councilors withdraw their heads, adjusted their glasses, and sat upright as if nothing had happened.    


However, their gazes never left those medicinal herbs.    


The council member in the middle calmed down for a moment before slowly opening his mouth.    


"Since the Honorable Sword Immortal has such a beautiful wish, we should also give these herbs to the EU."    


"We, the EU, will make the best use of these herbs for the benefit of all mankind."    


The Buddha beads in his hands flashed with a white light, and all of the medicinal ingredients were stored inside the Buddha beads. He sat back down at his seat, raised his head and smiled at the councilors whose eyes were completely red, opened his mouth wide, and spat out a word in a voice that everyone present could hear.    




Ye Kai's completely inhuman actions made all the councilors all dumbstruck one by one.    


First, he released the medicinal herbs, then he kept them all. What kind of logic was this?    


An elderly council member who was standing at the side and did not say much immediately spoke up.    


"Does Honorable Sword Immortal feel that the value of these medicinal ingredients are too high? "My EU can use money to exchange for it. Honorable Sword Immortal, just name your price, my EU will definitely satisfy you."    


Ye Kai rested an elbow on the chair's handle, his palm clenched into a fist on his own face, an expression of boredom on his face.    




"If money doesn't work, then what about technology and technology? All modern weapons developed by our EU, no matter whether it's design drawings, or raw materials, you can take as many as Sword Immortal wants! "    




"Then the EU's secret techniques and high-grade magic tools, the Sword Immortal must be very curious about the secret of our EU cultivators!"    


Ye Kai squinted his eyes and even yawned.    




Finally, the representative in the middle was enraged by Ye Kai's actions. He slammed both of his palms on the conference table, straightened his body, and hooted loudly.    


"These medicinal herbs are related to all the common people in the world. Even if you don't want to give them to me today, you must!"    


Hearing that, although Ye Kai did not stand up from his seat, he imitated the look of the representative and slammed his palm on the table.    




The next second, the entire pure black conference table made of expensive wood was smashed to smithereens.    


Facing the representatives who were stunned by the sudden turn of events, Ye Kai's cold face slowly opened his mouth.    


"Saying it's related to the common people is just your own selfish desire!"    


"Don't think that by interfering with the electromagnetic waves, I won't be able to sense what was said in the next room."    


When the people inside the cubicle heard Ye Kai's words, they all stood there, not knowing what to say.    




The leader of the councilors deeply furrowed his brows. He looked at Ye Kai, but didn't say anything. In the end, he raised his head and revealed his true appearance.    


"In that case, there's nothing left to say."    


Right after he finished speaking, the ceiling's skylight suddenly opened, a ray of light found the table that Ye Kai had smashed into pieces.    


Afterwards, the seven human figures orderly came down from the skylight one by one, and landed a few meters in front of Ye Kai, forming a circle around him.    


Ye Kai swept his eyes over them, then raised his eyebrows.    


"Seven Protector s? Isn't it a little too extravagant for your EU to deal with me? "    


"Considering the strength of the Honorable Sword Immortal, we think that it should be a minimum preparation."    


The leader, a Tall Man, replied sternly. He was the only person that Ye Kai knew out of the seven.    


British Protector, Mastheus.    


Irish Protector, Sigu.    


Portugal Protector, Bacania.    


Spanish Protector, Mira.    


Danish Protector, Yi Xiu Barr.    


Greek Protector, Mighty.    


As well as the French Protector, Gulaman.    


"White-Clothed Sword Immortal, I will discuss this with you one last time. Hand over the medicinal ingredients and the enmity between you and the EU will be eliminated."    


"Otherwise, I will make sure these seven Protector s die without leaving a whole corpse behind!"    


The leader of the council stood behind the seven Protector s, his face red as he said angrily.    


Ye Kai who had been sitting on the chair and had not moved an inch suddenly laughed.    


"They died without a complete corpse?"    


He stood up from the chair, his entire body releasing an extremely terrifying Spiritual Strength energy wave.    


The pressure that the Spiritual Strength's fluctuations gave was too huge, a few of the Protector s could not help but take a few steps back.    


"Just based on these ants?"    


This voice was like thunder that resounded in everyone's ears. The Protector s did not react and the representatives behind them all had their eardrums shattered. Streams of red Blood Line s slowly flowed out from their ears.    


In the face of Ye Kai's provocative words, although the corners of the few Protector s' mouths twitched, they did not express anything. Gulaman walked out from the crowd and stared straight into Ye Kai's dark green eyes with his red eyes.    


"White-Clothed Sword Immortal, in this meeting room, there are restrictions on both of us, please."    


Ye Kai laughed slightly, his figure instantly disappearing from the conference room, the seven Protector s also disappeared along with Ye Kai. In just an instant, the meeting room was left with only broken tables and a few council members whose eardrums had been shattered.    


Two thousand meters above the British Royal Hotel, eight figures appeared at the same time.    


Different from the situation in the meeting room, the seven people had neatly formed a circle with a radius of dozens of metres, surrounding Ye Kai at the center. Their eyes were filled with killing intent.    


Facing such a suffocating scene, Ye Kai could only smile faintly.    


"As expected, it's the Hongmen feast. The seven Protector s are really generous."    


The giant sickle in the Portuguese Protector Bacania's hand drew a circle in the air.    


"Don't say that we oppressed you with our numbers, White-Clothed Sword Immortal."    




Ye Kai laughed, and then said.    


"Things that even pure-blooded humans aren't capable of, it doesn't matter how many come."    


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