Rebirth: City Sovereign

C698 Ye Family's Martial Stage

C698 Ye Family's Martial Stage

In the capital, you could choose to not know the names of the Echelon officials, politicians, merchants, and government moguls. However, you would have heard that there was a well-known family in the capital that could cover the sky with one hand.    


Ye Family of Beijing!    


The history of Ye Family in the capital could even be traced back to the Qing dynasty. Since then, Ye Family had already established itself in the capital, and many Ye Family ancestors had focused on studying the martial arts and pursuing the peak of martial arts.    


And because of this, even in a modern society with such advanced technology and weapons, the people of Ye Family still advocated the martial way and viewed it as their goal in life.    


No matter what kind of success Ye Family the young generation had obtained in the business world or the political world, if you were a person who didn't know martial arts, then even if you could rank among the top in Ye Family, it still wouldn't be the top.    


This point could be seen from the most important coming of age ceremony in Annual Meeting of Ye Family.    


This was because during the coming of age ceremony, the Ye Family would show the strongest skills in the martial way to all the famous aristocrats in the capital!    


Capital, Lake-Round Manor.    


Dozens of round table and chairs made from high-grade materials were placed on both sides. In the middle of the long white flagstones encircled by the lake, there was a long red carpet with gold lining.    


Right now, the opening ceremony of Annual Meeting of Ye Family had ended, and the most important adult Ye Family ceremony was about to begin.    


Lee Mengying and Ye Kai sat around a small guest table with relaxed expressions.    


"How impressive." Lee Mengying exclaimed as he looked at the Staff s who were preparing in front of the stage.    


"After all, this is the largest private villa in the capital. Any one of these small villas is not something that can be bought with money." Ye Kai only nodded in response.    


Finally, following the clear sound of a flute, a middle-aged man in a white suit walked onto the stage.    


His grey hair was combed all the way down to his head, revealing his forehead. The white collar of his white suit was tied with a red bow tie, which not only made him look old, but also gave him a mature charm.    


"This reception of popularity is not bad. Who is this Ye Family?"    


Lee Mengying raised his head and looked towards the stage.    


"Ye Hua, the most capable assistant to Ye Jinxuan, is also an elegant uncle."    


Ye Kai squinted his eyes and looked at the spirited Yun Che.    


Ye Hua answered.    


Ye Hua raised both of his hands, signalling for the guests to quiet down, and then picked up the microphone and said.    


"Thank you all for being able to participate in this session's Annual Meeting of Ye Family. I represent all the clan members in the Ye Family. Thank you all."    


The audience burst into applause.    


"As everyone knows, every year at Annual Meeting of Ye Family, the coming of age ceremony is the most important event. At the coming of age ceremony, we will introduce the most promising new generation within Ye Family to the entire capital."    


"The entire capital? Is he really boasting shamelessly? "    


Lee Mengying frowned, his expression revealing nothing.    


"What he said is true. Look up." Ye Kai nodded indifferently.    


Hearing that, Lee Mengying raised his head and looked towards the sky above Lake-Round Manor.    


Lee Mengying frowned as he looked over. The cabin door of the plane was opened, and the people inside were dressed in formal attire, holding onto large video cameras and constantly taking pictures of the scene.    


"What a great battle array."    


Seeing this scene, Lee Mengying was stunned.    


"These hundred or so people are not the only ones waiting for the Annual Meeting of Ye Family coming of age ceremony." Ye Kai said with a smile.    


"You still don't know, right? Anyone who has had a small achievement in the capital would be paying attention to this Ye Family Coming of Age Ceremony."    


"The Ye Family coming of age ceremony is not only a way for the Ye Family to display its strength to the outside world, it is also a way for the Ye Family to transport talents to the entire capital."    


"For the Ye Family members who appear at the coming of age ceremony, if anyone is interested in leaving, and if they work for their own department, they only need to pay a certain amount of money. After the coming of age ceremony, the Ye Family will arrange for both sides to meet and discuss."    


"Wow, paying for a single meeting? Aren't you thinking too highly of yourself?"    


Hearing Lee Mengying's words, Ye Kai shrugged his shoulders.    


"But the reality is, every year, more and more people will be watching the coming of age ceremony, and the number of enterprises that want to take advantage of Ye Family will increase exponentially every year."    


"The coming of age ceremony has already been going on for several decades, and now, people with Ye Family have already completely infiltrated into the capital's business, political, and martial world. It can be said that at least half of the people with power in the capital all have the surname Ye."    


Hearing Ye Kai's words, Lee Mengying subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and spoke with a face full of disbelief.    


"How come I didn't know that he was this powerful?"    


Ye Kai only smiled and did not speak anymore.    


Ye Hua's speech continued for around 15 minutes. From the history of Ye Family in the Qing Dynasty to their current development, to their plans for the future, Ye Kai and the others naturally did not have much interest. The people sitting in the other seats were all listening with interest, some even took out a small book from their pockets, using a pencil to quickly record something.    


Finally, the Staff at the side went up on stage and whispered in Ye Hua's ears, indicating that the coming of age ceremony was about to begin. Ye Hua licked the tip of his tongue that was somewhat dry, and said loudly with his loud voice.    


"I'm sure you're tired of waiting."    


"Accept! Let me introduce each and every one of you to them. You will be an outstanding member of our generation who will participate in this Ye Family Coming of Age Ceremony!"    


Following that, high-pitched music rang, and at the very end of the red carpet, at the Lake-Round Manor's entrance, a red high-grade long car slowly stopped.    


Countless cameras clicked and the strobe lights lit up one by one and disappeared. The door opened and a tall young man in a black suit walked out.    


"Let us invite the second young master of the Ye Family, Ye Qing!"    


Following Ye Hua's introduction, the man lifted his head, stuck out his chest, and stepped onto the red carpet with a haughty attitude.    


"I think there's no need to introduce Ye Qing. There's no one in the capital who does not know of the second young master Ye Family. No matter if it's in the business world or the political world, they are already famous.    


Ye Qing revealed a disdainful smile, his expensive leather shoes stepping on the red carpet, he welcomed the gaze of the entire capital.    


When Ye Qing walked onto the main stage and exchanged simple words with Ye Hua, a second man walked out of the sedan.    


"Ye Family Ning Hai branch young master, Ye Li!"    


"The outstanding new generation member of the Ning Hai branch family, at the age of twenty-three, established a consulting company in Ning Hai. The branch is covered with the entire China, and in just two years, all the Chinese have heard of the name of Li Qi's consulting company!"    


"The second young master of the Shang Hai branch family of Ye Family, Prince Ang!"    


"Prince Ang's twenty years of life have been constantly progressing in the pursuit of martial arts. He is now the strongest Warrior in the Shang Hai branch family's young generation, and even if he were to face some of his own peers, he would still not be at a disadvantage."    


The Ye Family was huge, and their branches were spread throughout the entire nation, making it hard to count their disciples. After the eighth person, Lee Mengying revealed a bored expression.    


However, the next sentence that Ye Hua said caused Lee Mengying to instantly become alert.    


"Last, let us invite the Jianghai branch family, the capital's Lightness Group's chairman, Ye Qingying!"    


Hearing Ye Hua say that, Lee Mengying's eyes lit up, he immediately turned and looked at the car.    


Although the Lightness Group had a small reputation in the capital, Ye Qingying herself rarely appeared in public. Many nobles and officials of the capital wanted to know what exactly this talented young lady looked like.    


Initially, they thought that the women who had their jobs going smoothly would all look like strong women, but Ye Qingying's appearance on stage dispelled all of their thoughts.    


They just saw Ye Qingying walking out of the car wearing a scarlet red formal attire and a high hat while stepping on high heels.    


Her normally shawl's long hair was combed high, revealing her fair neck and half of her shoulders. Her dress fluttered in the wind, and the makeup on her face was just right. She had the loveliness of a young girl, as well as the mature charm of a working girl.    


Regardless of whether it was men or women, or the elderly and young, everyone's eyes were fixated on Ye Qingying, because Ye Qingying's attitude was actually tens of thousands of times more beautiful than they had imagined!    


Those photographers had even forgotten their shooting tasks, as they stood there stupidly, looking at Ye Qingying's back, wishing that they could carve it into their hearts forever.    


Even Ye Hua, who was standing on the stage, couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he saw Ye Qingying's appearance.    


When Ye Qingying arrived, Ye Hua had even only explained her origin and name, so much that she did not even need to go through the details of her identity. But now, Ye Qingying's appearance on the stage, seemed to have overshadowed all the people from the Ye Family who had gone on stage before!    


Many of the young masters that saw Ye Qingying through the screen revealed greedy expressions, and ordered their stewards to immediately ask for Ye Qingying's permission to meet him.    


This victory belonged to Ye Qingying alone. Facing the Ye Family people who looked down on him, Ye Qingying used his own actions and ruthlessly slapped them in the face.    


Half a minute after Ye Qingying left the stage, the wonderful atmosphere finally calmed down. Ye Hua forced out an awkward smile and said loudly.    


"Next, we will hold the stage that everyone is looking forward to the Ye Family coming of age!"    


"Ye Family!"    


Hearing Ye Hua's words, Ye Kai unconsciously squinted his eyes. With a glance, he landed on the stage, as if he had exchanged blows with the few of them in an instant.    


The main show was finally about to begin!    


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