Rebirth: City Sovereign

C718 To the United States!

C718 To the United States!

EU Conference Room.    


In the empty and lifeless hall, Representative Kurt paced back and forth alone in the meeting room. His face was anxious, as if he was waiting for something.    




Finally, the door to the meeting room was roughly pushed open. A Blonde-Haired Man wearing a black suit walked in with a stack of A4 paper in his hand.    


"Did you get the data?" "How about it?"    


Kurt turned his head, looked at the Blonde-Haired Man, and asked.    


The man threw the stack of data onto the conference table and said.    


"Take a look for yourself."    


Facing Blonde-Haired Man's rude behavior, not only did Kurt not show any displeasure on his face, instead, he immediately walked over, picked up the A4 paper, and started browsing through it.    


The first sheet of paper was written in large letters in simple black slashes.    


'Data analysis of the battle between White-Clothed Sword Immortal and Chinese Protector '    


Different from the other battles that Ye Kai had, this competition had happened in the capital with a large population. Many experts from different worlds went to the Clear Cloud Mountain to watch it personally, so naturally the Chinese Military Region would not release any specific data about the competition, but these experts were different.    


The data in Blonde-Haired Man's hands was obtained from the Egyptian pyramid Protector by all means possible.    


Kurt's eyes swept across the A4 papers that were filled with diagrams and words. His speed became slower and slower, and the expression on his face became more and more complicated.    


A moment later, Kurt's eyes became lifeless, his hands powerlessly drooping down, allowing the numbers to spill onto the ground.    




He swallowed his saliva and said in a daze.    


"Just the strength of his physical body is comparable to a miniature nuclear bomb, this White-Clothed Sword Immortal …" Is he still human? "    


All this while, Kurt had been holding back a bit of anger in his heart. He always wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge on that White-Clothed Sword Immortal who had humiliated him.    


Blonde-Haired Man shook his head and said helplessly.    


"If only his physical body was comparable to an atomic bomb, then it would be alright. The Silver Dragon, Flying Sword, and Thunder Arts that he used in his battle against the Chinese Protector, according to the data, would be comparable to a small-scaled nuclear bomb. However, his final attack against Loong Qingyun was estimated to be as powerful as a small-scaled nuclear bomb …"    


"A hundred thousand tons of atomic bomb."    


Hearing Blonde-Haired Man say that, Kurt's body softened and he collapsed.    


Back then, the atomic bomb that exploded on an island was only twenty thousand tons, and Ye Kai's sword attack was five times more powerful than that of the atomic bomb.    


No matter how many European Protector they killed, how they defeated the captain of the United States team, Nicholas, or even how they defeated the thirteen Knight of The Round Table s and killed the Sea Ancestor, Kurt had a trace of fantasy in his heart. He believed that on this Earth, there would still be people who could defeat him and help him take revenge, because these people were the strongest, and they were only half a step into the Earthly Immortal Stage.    


But this Loong Qingyun, was a complete, true Earthly Immortal!    


A man that even Loong Qingyun could not defeat, on this earth, who could?    


Blonde-Haired Man paused for a moment, and said with a gloomy face.    


Just a moment ago, those underground organizations that have been in contact with us and had similar enmity with the White-Clothed Sword Immortal sent us a message that they would give up on their revenge against the White-Clothed Sword Immortal and refuse to cooperate with us.    


Kurt laid on the sofa, staring blankly at the big window. In the sky, other than a kind of despair, there was nothing else in the white clouds.    


United States, Los Angeles Airport.    


Accompanied by the huge roar of the engine, a private plane with the symbol of a group of dragon bases slowly landed at the airport. The cabin door opened, and a China man wearing a white shirt and without any luggage slowly walked out.    


When the airport's security chief saw this scene, he immediately frowned in displeasure and said.    


"Chinese? A private plane? "F * ck."    


After sending a simple message to the airport chairman, he pushed aside the people in the security room. With a fierce expression, he walked towards the direction of the man who was slowly approaching.    


"Please show me your ID."    


The head of the security guard's eyeballs moved as he sized up the youth in white from head to toe and shouted in a stern voice.    


Not to mention that before today, there had never been a private plane that dared to stay in the middle of the lane openly at Los Angeles Airport, and this was actually a Chinese, which was even more unbearable.    


The man in white ignored the security chief, who was blocking his path to the airport's lobby. Being ignored, the two veins on the security chief's face bulged as he shouted.    


"Capture that China monkey who sneaked over!"    


More than a dozen security guards rushed out from the corner, swinging their batons and glaring at the young man in white. They surrounded him, and just as they were about to rush over, a stern voice rang out.    


"You bastards, all of you stop!"    


The security chief was surprised for a moment. He turned his fat body around and looked behind him. He saw the chairman's face turn red, and he was holding a dragon-walking case. As he walked towards him, he cursed.    


The security chief was about to say something when the chairman rushed forward with two steps. A slap landed on his face, causing the fat on his face to sway in the air. He almost stumbled and fell to the ground.    


"You, have been fired."    


After saying that, the chairman of the board of directors left the security chief with a blank expression. He squeezed out a smile and walked towards the young man in white.    


"Mr Ye, are you enjoying your journey?"    


With that, he picked up the dragon box with both hands and handed it to the white-robed young man as he spoke with a flattering tone.    


"This is the dragon that you have entrusted to us."    


Upon seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.    


What kind of status did the chairman of Los Angeles have? It was hard for anyone else to see him, from the beginning of the appointment to the end of the meeting. It would take at least a week. However, such a respected chairman actually personally sent the dragon over to the white-clothed youth.    


What was going on?    


The white-clothed youth took the dragon box and nodded.    




After saying that, he walked towards the airport lobby without looking back, leaving behind the stupefied security chief and a dozen other security guards. They stood there like idiots as they stared at the back of the white-clothed youth carrying the dragon-case, unable to say another word.    


Outside Los Angeles, in an unknown underground bar.    


Three or four men in vests were sitting around a small wooden table. Their muscular bodies were covered with long scars. They were holding large glasses and drinking. Their faces were flushed red as if they were excitedly chatting about something.    


A bald man finished the beer in his cup in one gulp, heaved a sigh of relief, and said.    


"I wonder what kind of luck this is. Big clients are looking for me one by one. That feeling feels so good!"    


The man next to him laughed as he filled the bottle with wine. "I can see that you've earned a lot recently. Are you going to pay for this wine?"    


"No problem!" The bald man waved his hand with a straightforward expression.    


"Just the latest bill alone is enough for me to live a good life for a month. When I've paid for that bill, I'll treat you guys to a drink every day!"    


Hearing the man's words, everyone laughed.    


"All fat lists? "Next time, bring our brothers as well." A robust man wearing a beret said while smiling.    


"Speaking of which, I recently got a client who asked to investigate the matter of the vampires."    


The bald man disdainfully smiled as he heard Dudian's words: "Rich people are interested in these kind of things that cannot be exposed to the light."    


"But this customer is a Chinese."    


Hearing the man in the hat say this, everyone couldn't help but raise their eyebrows. The bald man smiled, then revealed a greedy smile.    


"Oh? I heard that the Chinese is full of cowards and easy to bully. This person actually wants to investigate about vampires.    


The four of them looked at each other, laughing in unison.    


The man in the beret lowered his head to look at his watch, and then said with a sinister smile.    


"The appointed time is coming. He's coming."    


"Fat has already been delivered to our doorstep, what are we waiting for?"    


The other three men nodded and immediately retreated to a table on the other side of the tavern, pretending that nothing had happened.    


Following that, the old wooden door of the tavern was pushed open and a Chinese Youth dressed in white walked in, carrying a Dragon Traversing Box in her hands.    


The man in the beret whistled, and Chinese Youth noticed the man in the beret. He sat down opposite to him and asked straightforwardly.    


"How's the investigation going?"    


The man in the Beret Man scratched the back of his head, revealing an awkward expression as he spoke.    


"Boss, as you know, our profession has been getting more and more difficult lately. News channels are getting fewer and fewer, and vampires in particular are becoming more and more difficult to deal with."    




Out of the corner of his eyes, the man in the Beret Man glanced at the small Dragon-Traversing Chest in the white-robed youth's hands. He understood that the inside of the chest was filled with white US dollars.    


The man in the beret licked his dry tongue as he continued speaking.    


"Let us be frank. Give me all of the things you have on you, and I'll tell you the news."    


When the Chinese Youth heard the Beret Man's words, he smiled lightly.    




Then he raised his hand and put the box on the table. He turned towards the man and opened it.    


The neatly arranged US dollar bills were lying in the Dragon Boat. It was hard to imagine how many there were.    


Seeing this scene, everyone in the tavern stood up, not to mention the man in the beret. But the white-clothed youth didn't care and slowly opened his mouth.    


"There are fifty million dollars here. Want to buy it?"    


Without waiting for the man in the beret to react, Ye Kai closed the Dragon Boat, raised his eyebrows, and revealed a disdainful smile.    


"In your dreams."    


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