Rebirth: City Sovereign

C763 The True Use of Nuclear Weapons

C763 The True Use of Nuclear Weapons

Nevada was located in the western part of M, followed by Oregon and Idaho to the north and Utah to the east. It had an area of 280,000 square kilometers, and was ranked seventh in the country's 50 states.    


The Nevada Desert, on the edge of Nevada, is famous for its brightly colored geysers, dry old lake beds, and extremely dynamic mountains.    


At the same time, within a hundred years of the development of the nuclear bomb, the Nevada Desert, as the hard and sparsely populated territory of the M Nation, became the best place for the M Army to test their nuclear weapons.    


Even today, a hundred years later, the US military has found no other place more suitable for nuclear testing than the Nevada Desert.    


A total of 3500 square kilometers of the surface was filled with deep craters caused by the nuclear test explosions. The surface of the Nevada Desert was now like the surface of the moon, riddled with holes.    


Today, other than Ye Kai, there would be a nuclear test that no one would have expected.    


Numerous tanks with Nevada badges patrolled the desert border, pulling up huge cordon lines to disperse passersby.    


Rather than calling it a nuclear test, it would be more accurate to call it a nuclear bomb. After all, the nuclear bomb that was about to be launched would be developed by the United States military and could be put into actual combat.    


Roughly ten hours ago, the White-Clothed Sword Immortal and the M Nation military region issued a judgement on the International Tribunal for kidnapping Ye Qingying and forcing the Ye Alliance to surrender.    


On the American side, following the instructions given by the series, they expressed their willingness to provide any compensation that they could without conditions. After refusing all those requests, the White-Clothed Sword Immortal made a request that was difficult to understand, not just for the countries of M and even their China.    


"Bomb me in an area that won't harm the masses."    


Hearing Huang Qin's request, everyone in the court was stunned.    


No one knew what Ye Kai's goal was, but the M Nation's Echelon cultivators were all delighted, as if they had already known about this from the start, and directly sent out an agreement through the communication device. This puzzling contract was signed directly in court.    


Ten hours later, the contract was completed.    


The general of the Nevada military region sat in the middle of his Command Room. Looking at the big screen, at the center position of the Nevada Desert, the Chinese Youth that was dressed in white asked with a puzzled expression.    


"White-Clothed Sword Immortal, you actually put forward such a request, what exactly do you want to do?"    




Just then, the Command Room's metal door was roughly pushed open. An old man followed two guards and walked in.    


"Hmph. I think it's because I don't want to live anymore and gave up on myself."    


The old man pulled out a chair and sat down as he shouted. He was one of the people who was threatened by Ye Kai when he broke into the White House.    


The military general turned around and bowed to the Echelon leader.    


"I wonder what caused the Echelon to come to such a conclusion."    


Hearing the general's words, the series revealed a sinister smile.    


"According to the reports sent by the scouts, the relatives of the White-Clothed Sword Immortal were kidnapped and sent to the Door of Immortality by the members of the Door of Immortality ten hours ago."    


"Celestial Gate?"    


The general was slightly surprised as he heard the familiar yet strange words.    


"But isn't the other part of the Heavenly Portal of West still closed? How could that immortal come to the Earth Realm before the gate of immortality opened?"    


"Who knows? Maybe he used some sort of heaven-defying magic tool."    


As for the problem with the general, it was obvious that the Echelon leader didn't care about such things at all.    


"The White-Clothed Sword Immortal seemed to be trying really hard to open up the passage to the Door of Immortality, but in the end it did not succeed. They could not stand the pain of losing their loved ones and decided to commit suicide."    


"On this planet, I'm afraid only nuclear warheads can kill me, that's why I made such a request."    


He seemed in a good mood, one leg resting on the knee of the other as he smiled.    


"In short, no matter what goal he has, it won't do us any harm. If he died in a nuclear explosion, that would be a good thing!"    


The military general quietly watched the young man's silhouette on the big screen, not saying a word.    


Ye Kai sat on a hard rock in the Nevada Desert with his eyes closed. He seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, yet also seemed to be waiting for something.    


Countless unmanned video cameras floated a few hundred meters above his head. The news of Lee Mengying and his captive by the Envoy of Immortal Sect had already spread far and wide through the air. Everyone had a myriad of opinions on Ye Kai's actions.    


A few minutes later, a Senior Officer pushed open the door to Command Room and spoke full of energy.    


"General, all the nuclear warheads at the Nevada base have been inspected. The insurance is turned on and can be launched at any time."    




The general nodded, turned on the communication device, and gave the command to the nuke control room.    


"All members of the control room, listen to my orders."    


"No. 1 nuclear warhead, fire nuclear warhead."    




Bang!" The door of the first warhead opened with a loud bang, and a huge nuclear warhead with a radius of ten meters rose slowly into the air while emitting steam.    


"No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 warhead, fire the warheads."    


The same sound rang out again. The three nuclear bombs of the same ten million ton grade followed the first nuclear bomb and lined up in a neat row. They drew a long arc in the air and flew towards the pre-determined coordinates.    


Although it was a few seconds away, there was no doubt that the Nevada military had all their nuclear warheads ready to fire at the same time.    


Separated by the screen, Pang Baozong watched as a total of four nuclear bombs ascended into the air. His right hand formed a fist, and smashed onto the table.    


"Launch four at a time? Are these bastards determined to kill Instructor Ye? "    


Just one million ton nuclear bomb had turned a third of Los Angeles region into scorched earth ruins. Four millions ton nuclear bombs had exploded, so what would happen?    


The answer was obvious.    


The four nuclear bombs flew to a position a few thousand meters above Ye Kai's head. After a short pause, they landed neatly in the direction of where Ye Kai was sitting.    


As the nuclear bomb approached the ground, the temperature of the entire Nevada Desert rose abruptly, and a suffocating heat rose from the dry soil.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Just as the ground was about to melt, the nuclear bomb exploded into rays of white light and exploded a hundred meters above Ye Kai's head.    


Compared to hearing, vision was the first thing he felt.    


In the entire Nevada, within a radius of three thousand square kilometers, it was as if the sun had set above the ground. Red and white rays of light intertwined as they rose, and the people in Nevada could feel the temperature rise sharply.    


Even though they were separated by a specially made layer of glass, the white light almost blinded people's eyes. Aside from a blinding white light, there was nothing at the location of the huge window due to the Command Room.    


Half a second later, the sound of an explosion finally reached everyone's ears.    




The sound was so loud that it was hard to describe. The people in Nevada felt as if someone had roughly stuffed two bombs into their ears. They let out a blood-curdling screech and covered their ears.    


Closer up, there were even a few innocent people whose eardrums were shattered from the explosion, as threads of Blood Line flowed down from their faces.    


Finally, a mushroom cloud that covered the entire Nevada Desert slowly appeared and then rose into the air.    


The thick smoke and dust from the explosion of the four nuclear bombs engulfed the entire Nevada Desert. All the organisms, plants, and microorganisms exposed to the poisonous gas and radiation were dead without exception.    


In the infernal hell-like scene, Ye Kai's figure was like a tiny ant, disappearing into the layers of enormous mushroom clouds without leaving a trace.    


"All drones are out, searching for signs of life in the Nevada Desert."    


The military general turned on his communication device and issued an order.    


"What are you still looking for? You must have blown it to bits, haha!" Let's go, let's go celebrate at a feast. We're celebrating that the Eastern Deathgod has finally descended into hell! " The contestants shook their heads and laughed, then stood up and prepared to leave the Command Room.    


And just as countless people were shocked, a green light broke through from the black smoke of the Nevada Desert, tearing apart countless mushroom clouds. It pierced through the nine heavens, directly towards the heavens!    


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