Rebirth: City Sovereign

C866 Mysterious Man

C866 Mysterious Man

At the same time, at a location 3000 kilometers away from Earth, Cosmic Space Outer Space Fleet's main ship, Devil Ship.    


boom rumble rumble *    


However, none of the Devil Clan in the main ship showed any signs of panic or unease, they only sat in their own seats with a calm expression, as if nothing had happened.    


Sitting in the middle of the main ship, Captain Mos looked around at the surrounding Devil Ship and said with a grin as smoke dissipated due to the explosion of fire.    


"What are humans doing, releasing fireworks to celebrate our arrival on Earth?"    


Hearing Mos' words, the surrounding Seaman also began to giggle.    


"Captain, a second wave of nuclear weapons from Earth has been detected." In the midst of the ridiculing atmosphere, a Seaman reported in an extremely relaxed and disdainful tone.    


"Still not giving up?" Mos sneered and did not instruct the Seaman to make any defensive measures.    


Because there was no need at all.    


boom rumble rumble rumble *    


A slightly more violent sound rang out, but the battleship was still unharmed.    


Moss' face was filled with disdain as he watched the nuclear bombs explode one by one around the ship. He spoke with a dull expression.    


"The nuclear weapon, which was eliminated a thousand years ago, is actually Earth's strongest weapon?"    


"The technology of the human race is truly disappointing. If not for Samer saying that there are boundless spiritual energy resources on Earth, I'm afraid that the Devil Clan would never come to such a desolate place in this lifetime."    


"Commander Moss, the humans have already launched two consecutive waves of nuclear weapons. Shouldn't we express our opinion as well?" When a Seaman heard Mos' words, she suggested.    


"Yes." Moss thought for a while and nodded.    


"Alright, prepare to launch mobile weapons. Heavenly Thunder of God Domain, it's time to let humans know how much more advanced our Devil Clan technology is!"    


"Yes!" "Captain Moss!" Seaman responded and turned on the launch button. Just as she was about to launch, in the middle of the main ship, an illusory black light suddenly appeared.    




In the light pillar, a faintly discernible figure with a faint pixel radiance slowly appeared. Seeing that figure, all the demons in the main ship paled, revealing a helpless expression.    


From the appearance of that figure, it could be seen that it wasn't his original form. At most, it was just a projection, not even a clone. However, the expressions on the faces of those Fiends were as though they had met a supreme existence.    


Captain Moss got down from his position, bent his legs, and knelt on the floor of the ship, facing the projection.    


"Master Saliye."    


Mos looked up at the projection and called out the real body's name.    


The projection, whose appearance could not be seen clearly, slowly opened its mouth and emitted a hoarse and cold voice that seemed to come from the void.    


"Moss, from the day you became the captain of the Devil Ship, I should have told you before, the captain of the Devil Ship doesn't need to make any decisions without permission."    


"I remember that I should have told you before, without my permission, before landing on Earth, you aren't allowed to reveal any of the Devil Ship's weapons."    


That voice was very calm, as if it was just an essay. When Moss heard it, he felt as if a thunderclap had suddenly exploded in his heart and he couldn't calm down for a long time.    


As he kowtowed, Mos trembled as he spoke.    


"I'm sorry, Master Saliye! I guarantee that there won't be a next time! "    


"Yes." The projection nodded, raising his blurry head and looking at the surrounding Seaman s who did not even dare to breathe loudly, he continued.    


"Even though Earth's technology and martial arts are far behind, we can't be careless."    


"According to the report Samer sent back, among the humans on Earth, there is a peak Foundation Establishment cultivator. Not only did he walk out of the destroyed Immortal Gate space alive, he even killed four of the Earth's Devil Clan Leader."    


Hearing the projection say this, everyone present was slightly surprised.    


In their eyes, the humans on Earth were like the inhabitants of the planet they had previously occupied. They were just a bunch of ants that were about to be crushed.    


Captain Moss asked, swallowing his saliva.    


"A mortal body of a human from Earth, how could it have this kind of ability?"    


"This guy is a bit stronger than Fan Yuan. Seems like, he should be a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator that only appears in this abandoned Star Domain for tens of thousands of years." The projection opened his mouth and slowly replied. However, his eyes were filled with contempt.    


Foundation Establishment cultivators, to Earth, might be the most powerful legend, but to an existence that far surpassed the Aurous Core stage, it was simply not worth mentioning.    


As the holographic figure finished speaking, its eyes slowly turned to Mos who was kneeling on the ground. Mos was indeed a demon that was worthy of being the captain of the Devil Ship.    


"Master Saliye, I promise, there won't be a next time!"    


"Yes." That projection nodded, and instantly disappeared into the Main Palace's Command Room.    


Tens of seconds after the holographic projection disappeared, Captain Mos finally stood up from the ground. He patted the dust on his body, raised his hand, and smacked the back of Seaman's head with her palm.    


"It's all because of your rotten idea. If the Heavenly Thunder of God Domain really did fire, I'm afraid that Master Saliye would not be just summoning a simple projection!"    


The Seaman rubbed the back of her head in pain, looked at the furious Mos, and carefully asked.    


"But Captain, are we just going to watch that human keep throwing his weapons?"    


Mos' face was filled with disdain as he coldly harrumphed.    


"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's impossible for the weapons on Earth to hurt the Devil Ship's team."    


"When the fleet lands on Earth, I will let them know the consequences of rebelling against our Devil Clan!"    


At the same time, the meeting room in the White House of the United States fell into a deathly silence.    


Dozens of people were sitting around a large round table. Despair and helplessness were mixed on their faces as they revealed extremely complicated expressions.    


After the first round of nuclear strikes failed, they had expected it to end like this, but the Russian military did not seem to plan to give up immediately. Instead, two minutes later, a second round of nuclear strikes was launched.    


Looking at the nuclear warheads, everyone understood that this second round had cost the Russian military almost all their nuclear weapons.    


Over a dozen nuclear warheads hit the target at the same time.    


However the ship that appeared in front of the electronic screen was still unharmed.    


The Russian general sat in his seat, his entire body frozen in place like a clay sculpture. It wasn't just him, many of the people present had the same reaction.    


Russia, as the country with the most powerful nuclear weapons, had launched all of its nuclear weapons without harming that ship in the slightest. How could the other countries deal with it?    


Finally, after a few minutes of silence, the fear that had been suppressed gushed out like a flood. The military general, the researchers stood up from their positions one by one, their facial features twisted as they shouted out in fear.    


"It's over! Earth no longer has any means to prevent the starship from falling! "    


"Calm down, there must be a way! "Don't panic!"    


"What can we do? "20 million ton nuclear bombs, they can't even penetrate the deck of a ship. Tell me, what can we do to stop that alien warship from landing on Earth?"    


"The end of the world, I understand. This is the end of the world!"    


"Hurry up and enjoy the next few hours of your life!"    


Ye Kai sat in his own seat. From the moment he had fired the nuclear bomb until now, he hadn't said a single word. He just quietly watched these people who had given up.    


At this moment, a serious voice sounded.    




Right in the middle position, the American team member coldly snorted. He took out the handgun in his sword sheath, turned on the safety, and pointed his sword at the Sky Dragon Board.    




Hearing the gunshot, the people present recovered and obediently shut their mouths. But even so, their expressions were still filled with despair.    


He looked around at the dozens of people in the meeting room and spoke slowly with a serious expression.    


"It's not over yet. Aside from nuclear weapons, Earth still has a final trump card."    


Hearing what the Echelon leader said, everyone froze for a moment, revealing a helpless expression.    


An American general seemed to have understood something. His eyes were wide open as he opened his mouth.    


"Don't tell me …"    


"That's right." Before he could finish his sentence, Su Duo nodded his head and let out a sound that left everyone dumbfounded.    


"Space-based weapon, Staff of God!"    


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