Rebirth: City Sovereign

C868 Ye Kai's Attack!

C868 Ye Kai's Attack!

The dead silence lingered in the conference room of the White House.    


Sequence, Admiral, and the researcher's face were all pale.    


The Director of the Aeronautics and Space Administration, Charles, slumped in his seat, his eyes glinting as if he might faint in the next second.    


The moment he saw the Staff of God explode on the starship's sword, Charles knew that, just like how the NASA had calculated countless times, the explosive power of the Staff of God far exceeded that of the nuclear weapon, even exceeded his expectations. It was much stronger than he had expected.    


Normally, this result would have excited the members of NASA, but today, no one felt the slightest bit of excitement.    


On the electronic screen, the intact main ship's tail was spewing fire as it sped towards Earth.    


Everyone knew what that meant, but no one said it out loud. The result was far beyond what they could accept.    


From within the communication device, the report officer's hoarse voice slowly sounded.    


"Report, this is NASA. "Space-based weapons, defeat!"    


"At the same time, we detected that the alien spaceship suddenly sped up. The 7 hours it originally needed to reach Earth's atmosphere is probably less than 3 hours now."    


"Echelon, us!"    


Just as the reporter was about to say something, their fingers reached out and turned off the communication device.    


As the leader of America's tens of thousands of people, it was as if they had never experienced such a feeling of helplessness and despair. It was like a mountain was pressing down on their chests, making them unable to breathe.    


As the strongest technological weapon in the United States, the Staff of God was almost on the same level as the hope of humanity.    


Now that hope had been shattered and the alien battleship was about to land on Earth, no one knew what would happen next.    


Possessing an alien race capable of nullifying all weapons on Earth, would Earth be able to fight against them?    


The answer was obvious.    


It's over.    


The American leader lowered his head and clasped his hands together, supporting his wrinkled forehead as he thought to himself.    


Seeing their actions, fear instantly spread throughout the meeting room.    


A researcher stood up, the documents in his hands scattered all over the floor, and his brows knitted as he spoke with a twisted expression.    


"Definitely, there must be a way, right?"    


"Other than the Staff of God, we still have so many technological weapons that we haven't tried!"    


"If we can't destroy the armor of the starships, we'll start with their electronic equipment and destroy their systems. What do you think?"    


"Invade the system?" An Asian general heard this and smiled gloomily.    


"You don't even know what system they're using, how are you going to hack it?"    


"How would we know without trying?" The researcher didn't seem to want to give up, so he continued to speak with hope.    


"Laser Weapon, nanomites, electronic bombs, there are so many things we haven't tried yet. We might have succeeded!"    


"It's useless." The general smiled wryly. He understood the researcher's feelings very well, so he patiently answered his question.    


"Their technology is a thousand years ahead of ours. Do you know what that means?"    


The more he spoke, the more bitter his expression became.    


"Weibo, Electronics, Nanomites, these things that we are proud of, to them, may just be old antiques!"    


"Space-based weapons are already our strongest weapons, we have no way to stop the descent of the starship, do you understand!"    


The general's words were like a clap of thunder, striking against the researcher and causing him to wake up completely.    


First fear, then madness.    


A bespectacled man spoke with a twisted expression, saying a line that no one present was willing to hear.    


"Why not, surrender!"    


"Bastard!" Beside him, an officer suddenly turned around and punched the man in the face, sending him flying several meters away. However, no one said anything to stop him.    


"Do you want humans to live under the rule of the alien races and become slaves?"    


"Is there any other way?" How about living? So what if he became a slave? It's better than extinction! " The man struggled to stand up, teeth and blood all over the floor, but he did not care.    


"Just die! Humans will not compromise like the alien races! "    


"Your opinion alone does not represent all humans! If you want to die, go die! "    


With the two of them arguing as a signal, the entire conference room was in chaos.    


Clamoring, cursing, and even the sound of swords mixed together. People were arguing and beating each other up. The group of people who represented the last hope of Earth had already given up on fighting against the alien fleet.    


Loong Qingyun sat in his seat, quietly watching the crisis before him.    


"Elder Brother Ye, I protected the China for three hundred years, but never did I expect that it would be this kind of ending."    


"Are humans really going to perish?"    


Without any answer, Loong Qingyun slightly froze for a moment, before he turned his head and looked to his side.    


There was no one at the side. The door of the meeting room was opened and it was shaking. Apparently, someone had pushed it open forcefully just now …    


Outside the White House, a white light pierced through the horizon and flew towards the Kunlun Mountains.    


Hades' palace.    


Samer sat on the roof of the hall, looking at the scene that occurred in the high altitude of ten thousand kilometers. The scene that was difficult for a normal person to observe, was actually clearly visible to him.    


boom rumble rumble rumble * When the sound of the explosion reached Samer's ears, he saw the scene of the Staff of God exploding on the Devil Ship's body. He grinned and said with interest.    


"It's quite spectacular. Is this a human weapon?"    


Behind him, the Devil Clan Chieftain also raised her head and looked at the scene in space as she answered Samer's question.    


"Master Samer, that's a Staff of God, a human's satellite strike weapon."    


"Staff of God? Haha! Humans truly have no sense of shame. They could even think of such a name. " Samer chuckled, his expression full of ridicule.    


"Please forgive me for my bluntness, but in terms of human technology, satellite attack weapons are already the strongest weapon that a lowly human can forge. It is only natural for a person to be able to come up with such a name."    


"Hmph, how's your contact with the Devil Ship?" Samer sneered and asked.    


"The captain, Mos Tima, has been contacted, allowing them to speed up their descent. Three hours later, the Devil Ship team will descend from the skies above Kunlun Mountains, starting from Mount Kunlun, and execute the plan to kill the humans and take back Earth."    


"That's right." Samer nodded with satisfaction and stood up from his position.    


"Then, it's time for us to welcome them."    


"Does Master Samer want to welcome us personally?" Hearing Samer's words, Abaddon's expression froze.    


"This kind of thing, I will do it myself!"    


"After all, this is our side of the news. We should at least show some sincerity, right?" Samer laughed.    


"En" Abaddon nodded his head, he seemed to have thought of something and continued.    


"One more thing."    




"The White-Clothed Sword Immortal is rushing over to Kunlun Mountains from the White House of the United States!"    


Hearing Abaddon's words, Samer's face changed slightly.    


"Is that so? He hasn't given up yet, fighting the entire Devil Ship team and us alone? Ye Kai, you're too arrogant. "    


"Hehe, that's good too. It just so happens that the two of us still have an account to settle."    


After he finished speaking, Samer looked up, and saw the spatial tear in the Kunlun Mountains that was continuously pouring out spirit energy, and said with a grin.    


"White-Clothed Sword Immortal, from now on, you have to welcome the most painful time of your life."    


"No matter if it's me or the Devil Ship, you can no longer stop them."    


"Earth is the strongest?" Humanity's hope? Ha, you will only see the humans you have protected, without exception, die tragically in the hands of Devil Army and me! "    


"Then you will die tragically in this powerless grief and anger!"    


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