Rebirth: City Sovereign

C627 It's Your Turn!

C627 It's Your Turn!

The moment he said this, the entire audience went silent!    


Although Ye Kai had crushed Habock in an instant, but in the end, only Ye Kai was left with the Chinese Team, and he actually dared to provoke the members of the American team who were waiting for him in such a situation, in their eyes, this action was no different than courting death.    


Amidst the silence, Stulla slowly walked into the field, his face covered in bandages.    


U.S. Team 41 Chinese Team    


American team, Stula.    


Chinese Team, Ye Kai.    


Stulla looked at the white figure that was about 20 to 30 meters away from him. The bandage on the side of his mouth was broken, revealing a mouth with sharp teeth.    


"White-Clothed Sword Immortal, it's not so easy to be a savior."    


After he finished speaking, all the pores on his body actually released a purplish black poison aura. The poison aura spread out in the air and floated above Ye Kai's head, forming a black poison cloud.    


"Just from the point of view of the mana consumption alone, you can't fight against five by yourself!"    


"You can leave now. This is my final piece of advice. Don't force me to make a move!"    


"Once my poison technique is truly used, it will be uncontrollable in its range. At that time, not only you, even all of the China spectators will be killed by my poison technique!"    


As for Ye Kai, he quietly stood in his original position, slightly raising his head, watching as the poisonous cloud in the sky continued to expand, slowly covering the entire competition grounds.    


"As long as I am here, no one in the China will be harmed in the slightest."    


With the Red Crystal Longsword behind him, Ye Kai said.    


"Is that so?"    


Thinking that he had been underestimated, Stulla's face darkened. He put his hands together and started to operate the poison aura in his body.    


"Then, you will be destroyed by my poison technique!"    


After he finished speaking, countless corrosive rays that were a hundred times more terrifying than when he was dealing with Miao Ya'er, shot out from the poisonous clouds several hundred meters above Ye Kai's head, straight towards his body.    


Boom, boom, boom, boom!    


The spectators couldn't see it clearly, but the Grandmasters sitting on the first level of the VIP seats could see it clearly.    


There were countless poisonous creatures hidden within the ray of light!    


Gu worms, scorpions, black snakes, poisonous spiders, every single one of them was a terrifying poison that could kill anyone who touched it.    


How many toxins were in the ray?    


Hundreds? Thousands?    


From the perspective of the Grandmasters, there might be even more!    


"How could that be? Even if it's my Miao Family, I can only raise at most ten of these kinds of poisonous substances within my body at the same time.    


A successor of the Miao Family used the True Qi to protect her body and said in surprise.    


"How is it possible for tens of thousands of poisonous creatures to be placed in one body?!"    


"Hurry up and evacuate the normal citizens. If White-Clothed Sword Immortal is unable to clean up these poisonous creatures and let them wreak havoc in the bird nest, the ordinary citizens will definitely die!"    


A Poisonous Fog at this level, even with the help of the Spirit Force referee, would not be able to control it.    


But, as he was immersed in the countless poisons, Ye Kai's expression was calm, unafraid.    


He raised his right hand, gently pinched, and a silly Gu worm appeared in his palm.    


When Stulla, who had a vicious expression on his face at first, saw this Gu worm, he immediately opened his mouth to exclaim in surprise.    


"Spiritual Insect, how is that possible!"    


"Why would something that has almost gone extinct in this world appear in your hands?!"    


Ignoring the nearly crazy Stulla, Ye Kai raised his hand and pointed the Spiritual Insect at the poisonous cloud in the sky.    


As if it had sensed something, the Spiritual Insect shook its little head, and then it raised its head and opened its mouth.    




As it opened its mouth, the poisonous cloud that was enveloping Ye Kai's head was actually sucked into the Spiritual Insect's body at a very fast speed.    


The huge suction force spread across the entire arena, and Stulla felt that the Spiritual Insect's small mouth was like a black hole. The Snake Scorpion Spiders that were about to crawl towards the audience seating all flew up from the ground, shrinking in size, and were all sucked into the Spiritual Insect's mouth!    


A few grandmasters were about to go to the audience stands to let the audience leave when they saw this scene. It was as if their jaws were dislocated and their mouths gaped open, unable to close for a long time.    


The members of the American team immediately stood up from their seats and stared with wide eyes, not knowing what to say.    


This bizarre scene lasted for a full half a minute. When all the poisonous clouds and things were sucked into the Spiritual Insect's mouth, the body of Stulla, who was in front of Ye Kai, also changed.    


Having lost all the poison and poison, Stulla's bandaged body was like a piece of fragile white paper. The only parts of his body that should have had muscles were caved in, leaving behind only skin and bones.    


He opened his mouth and gasped.    


"How is this possible, how is this possible!"    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Ye Kai had instantly forced him down and slapped him on the chest with his palm, sending him out of the arena.    


Different from Habock, when Ye Kai saw that not only did Stulla not kill Miao Ya'er, he even gave him an understanding of the medicine, so Ye Kai only used a tenth of his strength to push him out of the competition grounds.    


The score on stage changed once again. After a brief moment of surprise, the audience erupted into cheers!    


United States Team 42 Chinese Team!    


Ye Kai had already defeated two people in a row, without being harmed at all!    


What was even more depressing was that Ye Kai actually called out loudly towards the Red Crystal Longsword.    


"That guy with the trash Ice Arts, get up here!"    


"Let me tell you what the real Ice Arts is!"    


Ye Kai was like a savior of the China. They did not shout the word Chinese Team anymore, but instead shouted out the world shocking Chinese language at the same time.    


White-Clothed Sword Immortal!    


Yuki's face suddenly darkened, he stood up from the platform and leaped up, landing on the ground.    


He was the pride of the entire America's ice attribute warlocks, and he had even easily defeated the first Ice Arts Master Lu Qingshan of the China's young generation. Now that he was humiliated like this by Ye Kai, how could he not be angry.    


Without any communication, a drip sound came out on the big screen, signalling that the competition could begin, Yuki immediately formed a seal with his hands, and a gigantic purple Magic Formation appeared above the competition grounds, covering the top of the two people's heads.    


"White-Clothed Sword Immortal, if you can defeat my Violet Ice Dragons, just give it a try!"    


Anger caused Yuki's face to warp, his body releasing a suffocating cold Qi as he shouted.    




Accompanied by a terrifying dragon's roar, the wyvern, with a pair of wings that could cover the sky, stuck its head out from the purple Magic Formation and revealed its entire body.    


Yuki fiercely jumped up from the ground, landing on the head of the Purple Ice Dragon, standing on top of it as he howled loudly.    


"My Divine Strength Level's Purple Ice Wyvern is not something that your little worm can absorb, White-Clothed Sword Immortal!"    


As for Ye Kai, he looked at the gigantic dragon in the sky that covered the entire sky, with his eyes filled with disdain.    




Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes as he fiercely stomped his foot on the ground. A blue colored Magic Formation that was a circle larger than the one Yuki had just used appeared on the ground.    


"You dare to call yourself a dragon with this appearance?"    


Ye Kai's body erupted with cold air, as he shouted loudly.    


"In the Eastern Lands, only those who wear silver scales, have huge horns, and breathe in clouds and mist can be honored as dragons!"    


After he finished speaking, the ground that was covered by the blue Magic Formation began to violently tremble.    


"Frozen Wind Tornado!"    


Ye Kai called out the name of the technique Lu Qingshan used loudly, his voice sounding like thunder.    


Hearing Ye Kai's words, Yuki was stunned for a moment, then laughed.    


"Haha, what kind of technique did you think you were going to use? You actually want to use that defeated dog's skill to defeat my Purple Ice Dragons?"    


In Yuki's eyes, what Ye Kai was using, was just Lu Qingshan's Ice Arts that he had defeated once. Originally, he had just been hit by Lu Qingshan's ice tornado, so it could be said that he was not on guard at all, which was why he was injured.    


And right now, he was sitting on top of the Purple Ice Dragon, raising his attention to the highest level. His body was in a completely alert state, so how could the frost tornado possibly harm him?    


However, reality had dealt him a heavy blow.    


Just like Lu Qingshan, two heaven-shaking, earth-shattering amounts of frost energy suddenly exploded out from the two ends of the Magic Formation, forming two tornadoes that were mixed with countless ice and snow. However, their power and scale was completely different.    


Lu Qingshan's ice tornadoes were at most a hundred meters tall, but these two tornadoes of Ye Kai's, were actually a thousand meters tall, and directly arrived at a position several hundred meters above the nest!    


"Boom boom boom!"    


The two tornadoes continued to converge, and Yuki felt as if his and the Violet Ice Dragon's body were about to be sucked in.    


"Crack crack crack!"    


The sound of something shattering entered Yuki's ears. He looked down at the bottom of his feet in shock, and saw that there were faint traces of something breaking within the ice dragon's body.    


"How is this possible!"    


Something far beyond his knowledge appeared in front of him. Yuki widened his eyes in disbelief.    


Then, when the two ice tornadoes merged together, the mystical ice energy it produced practically sucked everything in its path into it.    


The blue and white tornado that reached into the sky roared furiously as it charged towards the Purple Ice Dragons!    


First, it's wings, then its tail, claws, head, and abdomen, the huge purple dragon was annihilated by the tornado and was torn to shreds by the tyrannical energy!    




As Ye Kai formed a spell, the tornado, which contained thousands of the dead body of the purple ice dragon, exploded in midair.    


Even Kagamiya Ryoma, who was standing several kilometers above the bird's nest, felt a terrifying cold energy continuously stimulate his entire body.    


Yuki's body flew out from the explosion, blood spurting out from his mouth, his entire being fell onto the ground helplessly like a tattered rag.    


He could not understand. It was clearly the same move, and it was even used so easily just now. How could there be such a huge difference when it was executed by different people?    


However, Ye Kai no longer bothered with him, and used his palm to casually slap Yuki out of the arena.    


Less than five minutes later, the score on the big screen changed again.    


United States 4: 3 Chinese Team.    


No one had expected that this match, which originally had no suspense, would actually go on to such an extent!    


And the only person who could change the direction of fate, was actually Ye Kai alone!    


He once again swept with his sword and pointed at the only person left in the American team. That Western Mystical Thunder Sovereign was considered a figure of faith by the American Warrior.    


The vice-captain of the United States team, William Jess.    


Ye Kai raised his brows and sneered: "It's your turn."    


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