Young Madam Has Multiple Identities

C567 Teacher Jiang Started Her Class Is That so

C567 Teacher Jiang Started Her Class Is That so

At the same time, Chiang Yaxin was really the master of figure management, Yaxin. Teacher Jiang, can you start a class? I'll kneel and listen!    


The Weibo that Chiang Yaxin and Nine Pastry had torn up soon became a hot topic. One was a big shot in the spice industry who had recently been exposed as a mistress, and the other was the daughter of the poor Chiang family. The conflict could be said to be very colorful.    


Ever since Chiang Yaxin had sent the news to the marketing account last night, she had been paying attention to the hot topic on Weibo. Seeing Su Wan being scolded made her very happy, so she stayed up until midnight to sleep.    


Now, she had just woken up and grabbed her phone in a daze, wanting to see how things had developed.    


Chiang Yaxin opened her home page and found that the posts about Su Wan on her home page were no longer very popular.    


"What's going on? Did this matter become unpopular so quickly? This shouldn't be the case..." Chiang Yaxin frowned slightly and felt that it was a little strange in her heart.    


Last night, those netizens were still in a heated debate on the Internet. How could the popularity disappear in such a short half a day?    


She habitually opened the trending page and skimmed through it in a daze. She found that Nine Pastry's name was not there, but then she saw that her name was actually ranked in the top three of the trending page?    


Now, the top three of the trending page were all related to Chiang Yaxin and Nine Pastry...    


"Nine Pastry and Chiang family's daughter are tearing each other apart!"    


"The Chiang family's daughter is fooling around with hooligans!"    


"Chiang Yaxin!"    


Chiang Yaxin immediately woke up when she saw the hot words behind the three headlines. She had a bad feeling in her heart.    


She gritted her teeth and opened the second title shakily. But just as she opened it, she saw her naked photo.    




Chiang Yaxin was so scared that she screamed and almost threw the phone in her hand out.    


After a long time, she finally calmed herself down. With trembling hands, she switched her account to her main account. Flipping through the comments section, she felt dizzy again.    


Teacher Jiang, can you open a class for me to learn body management? I'll buy whatever it costs. I promise I'll pay attention to the class!    


+ 1, and the skincare tutorial. I looked at it carefully. There were no wrinkles on her face at all. Even if she closed her eyes and didn't make any facial movements, I still felt that I, a woman, was going to have a nosebleed.    


I just want to know where you got such a big face from. It was clearly someone else's perfume that I stole. She even had the cheek to turn the tables and accuse me. When you slandered Su Wan, have you ever thought of a little girl watching her things being stolen? And being slandered in front of so many people, how unbearable would it be? Back then on the forum, she had been scolded and blacklisted. Did you feel any pain in your heart?    


How could her heart feel pain? She would only feel pain in her heart. If she had the time, she might as well go and hook up with a few hooligans. Tsk.    


Don't look for those hooligans. I don't know how many women I've messed with at night. I might as well find a good wife, like me. I promise I'll be cleaner than those hooligans!    


What's going on? Why are they so brave?    


I say, what are you guys doing in a little girl's comment section? If she gets depressed, you guys won't be able to escape responsibility!    


We can't escape responsibility. Why don't you think about it? What if Su Wan doesn't think it through at that time? A brainless thing!    


Going to the temple was just for fun. To worship the Bodhisattva, one still had to go online. Tsk tsk, what kind of Holy Mother b * tch!    




Looking at the filthy comments in the comments section, Chiang Yaxin only felt that there was nothing in front of her eyes, and there were only two words left in her mind.    




She was finished!    


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