Young Madam Has Multiple Identities

C569 How Long Have You Known about This

C569 How Long Have You Known about This

When Chiang Xiaofeng thought about how his family had been thrown into chaos because of Su Wan, he couldn't hold back the strength in his hand. He squeezed his phone until it made a cracking sound.    


He had never wished for Su Wan to die like this before.    




Did he still have a chance to kill Su Wan?    




Zuo Xiaohan went to socialize and drink very late last night. When he woke up today and opened Weibo, he saw Nine Pastry and Chiang Yaxin fighting on the trending page. He instantly became alert!    


"What is this Chiang Yaxin? She even dares to cheat on my goddess!"    


Zuo Xiaohan was about to pick up the keyboard and do something big. Luckily, his goddess performed well in front of him. However, when he saw the picture, he was instantly dumbfounded.    


Isn't the female lead in this picture the little girl from Shi Jiu Family?    


Zuo Xiaohan thought about the time when he met Su Wan in the Fragrance. Su Wan said that he might enter the Fragrance in the future. He also said that he would let her come to his' Zuo family 'and open the back door for her. Now he thought about it.    


He felt that he was the clown!    


With her strength, why would she need him to open the back door? Even if she came to the' Zuo family 'to be a senior executive, it wouldn't be a problem!    


Not only that, even when she wanted to be the person in charge of the entire capital, Jiu would be satisfied, right?    


When he thought about how he had bought her perfume to give to her previously, he felt a burning sensation on his face and wished that he could leave this planet on the spot.    


"No, I can't possibly be the only one who was kept in the dark about this matter, right?" Zuo Xiaohan thought. He opened his contact list and called Shi Beisheng.    


"Shi Jiu, what are you doing now?"    


The phone rang a few times before it was picked up. Zuo Xiaohan had not figured out how to ask Shi Beisheng to make him appear less dazed. He did not expect Shi Beisheng to answer the phone so quickly. He could only clear his throat and greet him first.    


"I'm working."    


Shi Beisheng was originally working, but he suddenly received a call from Zuo Xiaohan. He thought that there was something wrong with him, so he just picked up the phone and continued what he was doing.    


There was the sound of keyboard tapping on the other side of the phone. Zuo Xiaohan was even more confused.    


"I have something to ask you..." Zuo Xiaohan asked. ___ felt that there was something he could not say in the middle of his sentence. No matter what, he felt that he was an idiot.    


"What do you want to ask? If you don't tell me, I will hang up. I still have work to do." After listening to Zuo Xiaohan for a long time without replying, Shi Beisheng prepared to hang up.    


"Don't, don't, don't. I will say, I will say... That, have you heard about Nine Pastry? "    


Zuo Xiaohan saw that Shi Beisheng really wanted to hang up the phone, so he did not care about his shame and directly asked.    


"I know."    


He already knew that Su Wan was Nine Pastry. When he saw Zuo Xiaohan ask, he thought that Zuo Xiaohan had suddenly understood and was not surprised. He secretly complained in his heart that Zuo Xiaohan's IQ was low.    


"How long have you known?"    


When Zuo Xiaohan heard Shi Beisheng say he knew, he suddenly remembered that when he ridiculed Nine Pastry for being heartless in front of Shi Beisheng, Shi Beisheng had helped Nine Pastry speak.    


He was originally curious to find an opportunity to gossip about Shi Beisheng and Nine Pastry, but he did not expect that she already knew that Su Wan was Nine Pastry!    


"It has been a while. I thought you already knew about it, but I didn't expect you to wake up so late." Shi Beisheng's words were still cold. "Is there anything else? If there's nothing else, I'm hanging up. I'm busy."    


"There is nothing else. I wish you and Su Wan a long time." Zuo Xiaohan hung up the phone weakly like a deflated balloon.    


"Gan! Why did Shi Jiu take over all the good things?"    


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