Unparalleled Martial God

C660 A Hundred Thousand Souls Entered His Body(part Ii)

C660 A Hundred Thousand Souls Entered His Body(part Ii)



Chu Yang's body erupted with a great momentum. Even though he was in the domain of the Seven Demon Generals, he seemed to have fused with the heavens and earth, becoming one with the domain of the Seven Demon Generals.    


At this time, Chu Yang smiled again, "I'm sorry, the Seven Demon Generals, not only do I have a lot of treasures, grandpa is also an array master, you didn't think about it, right?"    


What kind of tone was that!?    


It was as if a child who had won was extremely proud and bragging at the same time!    


Chu Yang was about to die, yet he mocked the Seven Demon Generals.    


"Go to hell!"    


The Seven Demon Generals fully activated their domain, immediately causing Chu Yang's domain formed from the Nine Dragons Bell, formation diagram, and Seven Annihilations Sword to twist and distort.    


"Buzz, buzz, buzz ~ ~ ~"    


As the wailing sounds continued, the space around them began to distort. Chu Yang had completely fused the formation into his domain, but it looked like he wouldn't be able to withstand it.    


If the domain Chu Yang created with the Nine Dragons Bell, Seven Deadly Sword, and formation diagram was a piece of metal, then the domain of the Seven Demon Generals would be filled with countless large hammers that continuously smashed against this metal.    


However, Chu Yang was still very playful as he said with a smile, "Aiyo, so scary, but I still have treasures!"    


As he spoke, the Seven Fiends' eyelids twitched.    


"Hehe!" Chu Yang turned the Soul Refining Gourd in his hand towards the Seven Demon Generals and shook it with a smile. "Seven Demon Generals … Don't you know that I still have such a treasure? You're doomed to lose!"    


Soul Tempering Gourd!    


The seven demonic generals were stunned. Then they thought of a possibility. "Could it be that he wants to devour nearly 100,000 souls of this Soul Refining Gourd? That would simply be courting death!"    


"You guessed it right!" Chu Yang noticed the seven demon generals' confusion, and smiled like a flower, "The seven demon generals guessed right, there's a prize! I will reward you later! "    


As he finished speaking, Chu Yang's tone was no longer serious. He turned to the Soul Tempering Gourd and said seriously, "Everyone inside, I'll take your karma. I'll end your hatred and send you all back to reincarnation to live, so of course I'll swallow you all and temporarily use your power to kill the enemy!"    




The Seven Demon Generals were shocked, Chu Yang actually had such a plan.    


Nearly a hundred thousand souls in the Soul Tempering Gourd died miserably. Most of them were evil spirits or evil spirits. They were extremely vicious; they fought and killed each other within the Soul Tempering Gourd.    


Therefore, if one didn't completely refine the evil aura, the evil aura, and the resentful aura, and then transform these souls into pure soul power, once swallowed, they would enter the spiritual world, and even if a hundred thousand evil spirits killed their way in, their martial souls and souls would be torn apart and eaten alive.    


Only a madman would do such a thing.    


In the eyes of the Seven Demon Generals, Chu Yang had already gone mad.    


At this moment, when Yang Ziming saw that Chu Yang had been forced to such a state, his eyes widened as he roared, "Die, god, you really have no eyes!"    


"Ha ha!" After the shock, the Seven Demon Generals laughed loudly, "Chu Yang, do you dare to swallow — — Haha!"    


He sneered. Only a fool would do such a thing!    


"What do you think?" Chu Yang also laughed. He waved the Soul Tempering Gourd in his hand and said, "After I swallow this gourd of wine, I will give all the rewards that the Seven Devils promised you one by one!"    


As he said that, Chu Yang raised his head, picked up the Soul Tempering Gourd, and poured it into his mouth as if he was drinking wine. Before the wine was finished, he drank it nonstop!    


"Humph, how stupid!"    


When the Seven Demon Generals saw this, they immediately retracted their domain. Chu Yang's actions were equivalent to seeking death, committing suicide, he was definitely going to die!    


He no longer needed to waste his energy to kill Chu Yang.    


In this regard, he was certain that there were close to a hundred thousand vile souls in the Soul Refining Gourd. He understood their ferocity very well, because he and the Holy Son of Golden Roc would not be able to suppress one of the hundred thousand vile souls in the Soul Tempering Gourd.    


Every time he tried to suppress them, the Seven Demon Generals would be exhausted. Chu Yang actually foolishly swallowed the hundred thousand vile souls into his stomach and sent them into his mind. Even if he didn't die, it would still be difficult for him to do so. Even if the deities came, they wouldn't be able to save him.    


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