Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C193 Hubby Is too Fierce

C193 Hubby Is too Fierce

When she heard Shao Zhengfei's footsteps approaching the first floor, she nervously picked up a piece of art from the shelf and stared at the staircase.    


Although one of his eyes was blurred by blood, Shao Zhengfei still quickly went down to the first floor. When he saw Xiaoxiao standing by the window, he staggered to the living room. He did not care about Xiaoxiao and went to the living room to find the medicine box. He put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa and looked at Xiaoxiao, who was not far away, begging her, "There is only a garage outside the door. I can't do anything to you now. I'm sorry. I was wrong! Xiaoxiao, come over and help me treat my wound. I promise that I will never have any improper thoughts towards you again!"    


Xiaoxiao immediately raised the crafts in her hands and looked at him in disbelief. "I don't believe you!"    


She regretted easily believing his words this time. She actually followed him to this kind of place. When she thought of what had just happened, she still couldn't help but feel frightened! If he had succeeded just now. . . When she thought of what he had done to her just now, her heart was filled with unspeakable disgust and discomfort.    


When Shao Zhengfei heard her words, he took away the hand that was covering his eyes and shouted at her, "Take a look yourself! Is my injury serious or not? If you don't do anything, neither of us will be able to leave this place!"    


Xiaoxiao heard his words and immediately stared at his forehead. She found that there was a long cut on the top of his eyes. Blood kept flowing out from the wound, making people look shocked!    


She was immediately nervous. If such a long wound was not treated in time, there would definitely be a problem!    


"Then. . . Then you are not allowed. . . To touch me again!" Xiaoxiao looked at his wound and her words softened.    


"Look at me, can I still attack you with this kind of appearance?" Shao Zhengfei was somewhat speechless and retorted. If the one who hit him was another woman, he would have been angry long ago. But the woman in front of him was Xia Xiaoxiao, and what he did to her just now was indeed a little guilty.    


Xiaoxiao looked at him and nervously swallowed her saliva. After hesitating for a moment, Thinking that she was temporarily unable to leave this place, she took the crafts in her hands and walked to a place beside him to stop. Staring at his wound, he found that it was indeed quite serious. Then he probed: "I'll help you deal with it first, you're not allowed to move!"    


Shao Zhengfei listened to her words and directly laid down on the sofa. He rested his head on the sofa and closed his eyes. "This should be enough, right?"    


Xiaoxiao saw him lying on the sofa and heaved a sigh of relief. She walked to the single sofa beside and sat down. She put the crafts in a place that was within reach. Seeing that he really did not have any reaction, she took the medicine box. She took out the disinfectant from the inside and then took the cotton ball to help him dispel the poison. Seeing that the wound was a little long, she found a gauze and carefully treated it for him. When everything was done, she saw that there was still blood flowing out from the area where he was injured. "I think I need to stitch it up a few times. I still can't stop the blood now. I'll take you to the hospital! "    


Shao Zhengfei listened to her and sat up. He first went to the bathroom to take a look. The wound was a little close to his eyes. He tried to open his eyes. He couldn't open his eyes at all. He stood there and thought for a while. After a while, he walked out of the bathroom. He looked at Xiaoxiao and said, "Go upstairs and take my car keys down! My eyes can't open now. Take me to the hospital!"    


Xiaoxiao heard his words and understood that the wound was indeed a little severe. She immediately got up and ran upstairs. She found his car keys in the room on the fourth floor and ran back down after a while.    


Shao Zhengfei really did not do anything to her that was too much. In fact, he could not do it even if he wanted to. The wound was hurting badly. He felt the pain on his forehead bouncing up and down. Xiaoxiao pressed the words take care of Zhengfei. She took the key and opened the garage door. Under his command, she slowly drove Shao Zhengfei's sports car out of the garage. Then he adjusted the direction and drove towards the hospital.    


Xiaoxiao had never driven a sports car before, but after driving for a while, she basically became familiar with it. She just did not dare to drive too fast, afraid that something unexpected would happen. Fortunately, nothing happened along the way. Xiaoxiao drove the car safely to the hospital and sent Shao Zhengfei to the emergency room. The doctor retreated Shao Zhengfei's wound because it was a little long. The doctor sutured him five times because of anesthesia. Shao Zhengfei could not leave at that moment, so Xiaoxiao had to make a room for him according to his wishes. She let him lie on the hospital bed and rest. After everything was done, she looked at Shao Zhengfei who was on the bed. "Shao Zhengfei, she said. I can totally sue you for what you did today, even if you don't go through legal procedures. If I tell you what Big Brother did, he will definitely not forgive you. But you are also injured, so we are even now! If you do this kind of thing to me in the future. . . Don't think that I'll be so kind to you again!" After saying that, she quickly turned around and walked out of Shao Zhengfei's ward.    


Shao Zhengfei saw Xiaoxiao's figure disappear at the door of the ward. Shao Zhengfei took out his phone and called his mother.    


Ever since Sun Xiaoting got pregnant, she saw mother-in-law and Shao Zhengfei treat her the same as before. But she still felt a little uneasy in her heart. After all, the last abortion had left a shadow in her heart. She could not guarantee that the child she was carrying this time would definitely be her son, nor could she guarantee that the child in her womb would definitely be healthy. She was worried that mother-in-law and Pan Shaomin would find out some problems if she went with her. So she decided that before that, she would go to Municipal Hospital to have a check-up. Today was Sunday. Shao Zhengfei drove off after breakfast. Sun Xiaoting watched his car disappear at the entrance of the villa. Only then did she ask mother-in-law to go back to her mother's house because she was only two months pregnant. Her body movement was no different from a normal person, so Pan Shaomin let her go. She instructed the chauffeur at home to send her daughter-in-law home safely. When Sun Xiaoting got into the car, she even specifically reminded Sun Xiaoting to be careful. After getting her daughter-in-law's affirmative answer, She then let the driver drive Sun Xiaoting away.    


The driver sent Sun Xiaoting back to her mother's house and watched the car leave the neighborhood. Only then did Sun Xiaoting return to her own home. After telling her mother about her situation, Mother of Sunn immediately took a taxi with her daughter and went straight to the hospital. Sun Xiaoting originally wanted to find a smaller hospital. But she was worried that there would not be any problems when the time came, so she thought about it again and again. In the end, she still went to Municipal Hospital with her mother.    


After the mother and daughter registered, they went to the obstetrics department on the second floor. They walked along the corridor towards the obstetrics department. Sun Xiaoting saw that there were not many people sitting in the waiting chair. The mother and daughter immediately walked over and found two empty seats to sit down and wait for the doctor to call out the number. Sun Xiaoting only had three pregnant women in front of her. She sat in the chair and waited for a while before she heard someone call her name. She immediately took her bag and walked into one of the doctors' consultation rooms. Mother of Sunn also wanted to follow him in. She was stopped by the doctor's cold face inside. Sun Xiaoting let her mother wait in the corridor outside and then closed the door of the consultation room. She walked to the chair beside the doctor and sat down. She stared at the female doctor in front of her and looked at her. She felt that she looked familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere before.    


"How many weeks have you been pregnant?" The female doctor took her medical record and placed it in front of her eyes. She then turned her head to look at Sun Xiaoting. The moment their eyes met, Sun Xiaoting immediately recognized the other party.    


"Liang Yaru? I didn't recognize the wrong person, right?" Sun Xiaoting looked at her in disbelief.    


Liang Yaru obviously did not expect to meet Sun Xiaoting here. Hearing her shout out her name, she took off her mask and looked at her, "You did not recognize the wrong person! It is me!"    


Sun Xiaoting immediately stared at her in disbelief, "Why are you here? Aren't you the military doctor in Shao Zhanping's army? Why are you here?"    


Liang Yaru heard her words and sneered, "If I don't come here, where can I go?"    


"No! You are not going to be a military doctor anymore? Aren't you a colonel? Could it be that you're here to help?" Sun Xiaoting looked at her in confusion and asked.    


"I'm back! When I was in college, my major was in the obstetrics department, so after I changed my job, I asked someone to come here! I didn't think that we were really fated. We can see each other wherever we go!" In the past, she didn't like Sun Xiaoting, but now it was the same. However, she had to live in this city in the future. Furthermore, Sun Xiaoting's identity was special. She was the daughter-in-law of Shao Family. She did not want to have too much conflict with this woman.    


"Aiya, it's not easy for you to make it to the Colonel. It's such a pity to have a retinue like this! Did you take the initiative to ask for it?" Sun Xiaoting did not expect to meet someone she knew when she came here for an inspection. However, this was a good thing for her. If she could build a good relationship with Liang Yaru, she would want to see if the child in her womb was male or female in the future. Perhaps she would be able to help her. When she thought of this, her attitude immediately became enthusiastic.    


Liang Yaru heard her words and raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Of course not! The matter of my reinstatement was all thanks to your sister-in-law and former fiancé! If not for Shao Zhanping, I would not have come to this place either!"    


" What do you mean? " Sun Xiaoting was confused.    


"Nothing! It's just that I have always liked Shao Zhanping, and then sister-in-law and Xia Xiaoxiao found out. Shao Zhanping got angry and asked me to change my job. I didn't have the face to go back to my hometown, so I came here. I want to see how happy sister-in-law and her ex-fiancé are! " Liang Yaru replied casually. Her expression did not care that Sun Xiaoting knew that she liked Shao Zhanping.    


"You. . . You like Shao Zhanping?" Sun Xiaoting once again stared at her with an indescribable shock on her face. Of course, there was also a trace of indescribable anger.    


"Yes! I liked him a long time ago! You can say that before you appeared! " Liang Yaru answered very frankly.    


" Hehe, that means that when Shao Zhanping's legs were injured, you were the one who told me all those things on purpose? " At that time, it was because she listened to Liang Yaru's words that she was sure that Shao Zhanping was completely paralyzed and turned around to seduce Shao Zhengfei.    


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