Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C614 Hubby Is too Fierce 613

C614 Hubby Is too Fierce 613

"You reckless thing, how dare you extort money from me. . . " The old man looked at Kang Shaoxi who was beaten to the ground and squatted in front of her. He reached out and pulled her hair up before fiercely smashing it onto the ground. He did not pity that she was a girl at all.    


Kang Shaoxi felt dizzy from the fall. Her ears buzzed. At this moment, that damned drug addiction started to act up again. The old man looked at Kang Shaoxi, who was drenched in sweat, and laughed. He took out a small bag of drugs from his pocket and lured her.    


"You really want it, right? Give us a strip dance in front of everyone, and this small bag will be yours! Haha!" The old man looked at Kang Shaoxi who was hugging his leg tightly on the ground and laughed loudly. He lowered his head to look at her and continued, "I will only give you ten seconds. . . "    


Kang Shaoxi's entire body kept trembling. Looking at the disgusting face of the old man, she struggled to stand up from the ground. She had not gotten her revenge yet and Aunt Yun was still alive. She could not die so easily. She raised her trembling hand and prepared to get rid of the clothes on her. . .    


"Bang!" Following a loud sound, the door of the room was kicked open and a familiar man appeared in Kang Shaoxi's line of sight. The moment she saw that face, she felt at ease and fainted.    


The person who came was Yi Feng. The moment Kang Shaoxi entered this entertainment city, He received a call from the waiter and rushed over without stopping. The four men in the box were not scared. Seeing Yi Feng's imposing manner, they were not afraid of him. The four of them smiled sinisterly and surrounded Yi Feng. Although these few men were physically stronger, Yi Feng had been by Aunt Yun's side all year round. His kung fu was naturally better than these hooligans. After a few rounds, The four men were all beaten to the ground. Yi Feng took Kang Shaoxi and left the entertainment city.    


Just like that, Kang Shaoxi ran out of the hospital for a month and returned to Aunt Yun's side.    


When Yi Feng brought Kang Shaoxi back, Kang Shaoxi was completely in a sorry state with a drug addiction acting up. Yi Feng originally wanted to give the small bag of drugs that he brought back from the entertainment city to Kang Shaoxi, but Aunt Yun snatched it away. Kang Shaoxi's drug addiction flared up. She hugged Aunt Yun's legs and begged her. Her messy and lifeless eyes were tightly locked onto the small bag that was swaying in front of her eyes.    


"Aunt Yun, I beg you! As long as you give it to me, I am willing to do anything you want me to do! Aunt Yun, I beg you!"    


Aunt Yun smiled evilly and bent down slightly to look at Kang Shaoxi and asked, "What if I let you kill Kang Shaonan?"    


"I kill! I will listen to Aunt Yun! Aunt Yun, I beg you! Give it to me! " Kang Shaoxi's eyes were completely in disorder. At this moment, in her world, there was only that white powder that could bring her to heaven. . .    


Seeing Kang Shaoxi's messy eyes, Aunt Yun smiled and threw the small bag in her hand in front of Kang Shaoxi. Facing Kang Shaoxi like this, No one would doubt her loyalty to this team. After a night of adjustment, the next morning, She had already returned to her original appearance. After Kang Shaoxi finished washing up, she walked out of the bathroom. Luo Yi looked at the beauty in front of him. He was completely unable to hug Aunt Yun's legs like last night. The person with messy hair was linked together.    


"You. . . You really are Kang Shaoxi?" Luo Yi looked at Kang Shaoxi in front of him and his eyes lit up. In the past year, he had been imprisoned every day. Not to mention beautiful women, he could not even see an ugly woman. Looking at her sexy figure, the thoughts in his body were ignited again.    


"What do you think?" Kang Shaoxi snorted coldly. Looking at his eyes that kept sizing her up, she knew that he did not have any good intentions.    


"Hehe. . . Working together with a beauty is really not a bad thing!" Luo Yi drooled over Kang Shaoxi who was in front of him. Aunt Yun left early in the morning and Yi Feng was not around. Now there were only two people left. Looking at her weak body, it should not take much effort to take her down.    


"Is that so? You are not bad either! How did you get along with Aunt Yun when you are so handsome?" Kang Shaoxi knew very little about Luo Yi. Other than knowing that he was Yu Xiao's ex-boyfriend, she knew nothing else. At this moment, it was a good opportunity to understand him.    


Luo Yi saw that Kang Shaoxi did not have an expression of disgust towards him. He walked to the seat beside her and sat down. He smiled and grabbed her hand. "Speaking of knowing Aunt Yun, I still need to thank that Big Brother of yours!"    


Kang Shaoxi slightly raised her eyebrows and did not reject his actions. She just looked at him and asked in confusion, "Kang Shaonan?"    


"Yes! If it was not for him and Yu Xiao, I would not have been sentenced to prison for fraud. It was all because of him that I have come this far!" When Kang Shaonan was mentioned, a dark cloud covered Luo Yi's face.    


"No wonder Aunt Yun found you! Is your sentence over?"    


"I was sentenced to more than three years. It has only been a year. There are still two years left!"    


"Then how did you get out?"    


"Wasn't it all thanks to Aunt Yun? She caused a fake traffic accident, and my father was seriously injured. The prison gave me a week of visiting leave before I was lucky enough to escape. However, I reckon that the arrest warrant has already been issued, right? "    


" If you're caught, your crime will be even worse! Isn't it just three years? Just bear with it and it will pass! Did you make a bad deal?"    


"Aunt Yun promised me that as long as I get revenge from Kang Shaonan, At that time, I will take the money and run away. In the future, I will live a carefree life. I will not do whatever I want to do. " When Aunt Yun asked the three of them to put on makeup and return to T City, He felt that it was unnecessary. He did not expect that the police's actions were all under Aunt Yun's control. Therefore, Luo Yi did not have the slightest doubt about Aunt Yun's ability.    


"Humph! I have come to this point because of Kang Shaonan. If not for him, I would not have taken drugs and would not have been homeless like now! I must take revenge for this! " When Kang Shaoxi finished speaking, a thick killing intent surfaced on her face.    


"But. . . He is you, Big Brother. . . " After all, both of their surnames were Kang. Luo Yi still had some doubts about Kang Shaoxi.    


"We are not the same father at all! In other words, I am not from the Kang Family! So. . . He is not my Big Brother! " Kang Shaoxi replied coldly.    


"Oh. . . I see! No wonder!" Luo Yi nodded his head in understanding and a charming smile appeared on his face. The hand that was originally holding Kang Shaoxi moved up along her arm.    


Kang Shaoxi slapped his hand away and looked at him with disgust. "If you want to be my man, you can wait until you get your revenge!"    


Luo Yi did not mind and smiled. "Okay! Then it's a deal! "    


"What are you going to do today?"    


"Before this, I have been monitoring the villa of Ming Family. Most importantly, I want to see what Yu Xiao is doing. But now that I think about it, I feel that there is something wrong with her! " Luo Yi and Yu Xiao had known each other for more than a day or two. Although he had only looked at her from afar during this period of time, he felt that Yu Xiao now was different from before.    


"Something's not right? Are you talking nonsense?" Kang Shaoxi looked at him with a sneer.    


"You don't know. She and I have known each other since college. I am very familiar with her every move, but the current Yu Xiao feels that there is something different about her! She seems to have changed into a different person! "    


"Are you too far away from her? And. . . Didn't you stay in prison for a year? There will definitely be changes!" Kang Shaoxi heard his words and her eyes slightly moved.    


"Anyway, I keep feeling that something is not right!" Luo Yi still shook his head suspiciously.    


"Then what are you going to do today?" Kang Shaoxi asked him one question after another.    


"Let's go to the tea shop and have a look!"    


"Are you crazy? You are now the same as a prisoner who escaped from prison. If you go to the tea shop and look at her, isn't it the same as walking into a trap?"    


"As the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you obtain the tiger's nest? This time, I must get closer to her and take a look! "    


" Then when are you planning to go? Do you want me to accompany you? This way, I can cover you! "    


" You'll accompany me? " Luo Yi was slightly stunned, then he shook his hand. "Forget it! This is a mission that Aunt Yun gave me alone. I have to complete it well! Otherwise, how can I be worthy of her painstaking efforts to save me? "    


"Then do as you see fit!" Kang Shaoxi did not insist. She walked to the dining table and ate the breakfast that Luo Yi had bought.    


After Luo Yi finished his breakfast, he went out alone. This time, he wore a pair of sunglasses, a new windbreaker, and a cap. He felt that he would not be recognized, so he went out.    


Not long after Luo Yi left, Kang Shaoxi looked around and confirmed that there was no one else in the house. She then took out her phone and pressed a familiar number. "Hello, Zhuang Junjie. . . "    


Luo Yi went downstairs and stopped a taxi by the road. He went straight to Yu Xiao's tea shop. In fact, he knew very well that Kang Shaonan was a soldier. It was not very likely that he wanted to take revenge on Kang Shaonan, but Yu Xiao was different. She was a woman who did not have the strength to truss a chicken. When she was classmates with her in university, She was a woman with a weak personality, so there was a possibility of taking revenge on her. But after being imprisoned for a year, When he saw her from afar, he felt that Yu Xiao had changed into a different person. He couldn't tell what was wrong, but it also felt like there was something wrong everywhere.    


The taxi stopped not far from the tea shop. Luo Yi pressed the cap on his head. He crossed the road and headed towards the tea shop. But before he got close to the tea shop, he saw a police car slowly stop in front of the tea shop. A policeman in casual clothes got out of the car and strode into the tea shop. Luo Yi panicked. He quickly found a place to hide himself.    


Luo Yi waited near the tea shop until Yu Xiao closed the shop and left. He originally thought that he would have a chance when she left. But what he didn't expect was that she actually got into that person's car and left. His original plan failed. He stopped a taxi by the roadside and prepared to return to the rented house. The car didn't drive very far. He unexpectedly received a call from Kang Shaoxi. She asked him to discuss an important matter at the seaside of Old City District.    


Since it was an invitation from a beauty, he naturally had no reason to reject it!    


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