Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C324 Hubby Is too Fierce 323

C324 Hubby Is too Fierce 323

When Liang Yaru came out of the office and was about to leave, she found Sun Xiaoting's father standing not far away. His old eyes looked at her as if they were spitting fire! She frowned slightly and hesitated for a moment before carrying her bag and walking over!    


"Uncle, are you looking for me for something?"    


"Did you do something to my wife?" Father of Sunn looked at her coldly.    


Liang Yaru smiled and felt Father of Sunn's words were unbelievable. "Uncle, you are the one who called me over. Auntie told me something and I left. What else can I do to her? No, Uncle, what do you mean by that? Auntie asked. Did. . . Something happen to her? "    


" If you really didn't do anything, then why did she vomit blood the moment you walked out? " Father of Sunn asked in disbelief.    


"She was already seriously injured. She only said a few words to me. If she vomited blood, it could only mean that the wound inside was ruptured again! No, that's not right! What about Auntie now? I'll go and see her! I know the doctor in this hospital. I'll ask the director to find the best doctor. . . "Liang Yaru said as she walked towards the elevator.    


" She is already dead. . . "Father of Sunn's voice came from behind, making Liang Yaru's footsteps stagnate. She only turned around to look at him after a while.    


"You. . . How is it possible?" Liang Yaru was stunned for a moment and felt that this matter was too sudden.    


Father of Sunn had been observing her expression and listening to what she said. He felt that this matter was too sudden. She didn't have much to do with it, so she let out a heavy sigh: "Can I still joke with you about this kind of thing?"    


"Then what did the doctor say?" Liang Yaru asked nervously.    


"The rupture of the liver and spleen caused a second hemorrhage. . . What kind of sin did our Sun family commit. . . " Father of Sunn could not take it anymore and squatted down. He covered his face with his hand and started crying.    


"Uncle, don't be too sad. Auntie is dead and can't be revived. You have to take care of your body. . . " Liang Yaru looked at the patients and doctors around her. She reached out and helped him up. She took him to the waiting chair and sat down.    


Father of Sunn looked in front of him with a sad expression and kept shedding tears.    


"Uncle, I have something to do tonight. You see. . . " She wanted to leave as soon as possible.    


Father of Sunn heard her and turned to look at her. He then looked away and said slowly, "Then can you tell me. . . What did my wife. . . Say to you?"    


Liang Yaru heard his words and looked around before slowly saying, "She asked me to help Xiaoting steal the child out. . . But how can I help with this kind of help? Uncle, don't you think so?" She originally wanted to say something else, but when she thought about how Father of Sunn was Sun Xiaoting's father and how much he knew about her, she was a little uncertain.    


Father of Sunn heard her words and sighed heavily. "Sigh. . . Sigh. . . " Father of Sunn did not say anything else. He just stood up from the waiting chair and walked away slowly with painful steps, leaving only an old back.    


Sun Xiaoting had been having a bad time in prison. She did not know why, but she always felt uneasy when she slept at night. It felt like something had happened. She wanted to call her mother, but she was a prisoner and could not find a good reason. She could only wait for her mother to come and see her.    


However, she didn't expect that she would only wait for a month. And this time, it was not her mother who was waiting, but her father!    


As soon as she entered the meeting room, Sun Xiaoting quickly walked to the opposite side of her father and sat down. She looked at her father and asked puzzledly: "Dad, why isn't my mom here? Where's my mom? " Previously, she had promised her mother that her mother would visit her every time, but this time, her mother actually didn't come!    


Father of Sunn listened to his daughter's words and let out a heavy sigh. He then shook his head and said, What?" Father of Sunn did not continue speaking. He just kept shaking his head.    


"Dad! What happened to my mother? Hurry up and tell me! " Sun Xiaoting looked at her father's expression and realized that the situation was not right. She looked at her father and kept asking.    


Father of Sunn lowered his head and looked at the table in front of him and sighed heavily. After a long silence, he finally looked up at his daughter and said sadly, "Your mother, she. . . Left. . . "    


Sun Xiaoting felt her heart thump but she could not believe her father's words. "Wh. . . What left? Dad. . . You. . . What are you talking about? Let me ask you. Why didn't my mom come?" Looking at her father's expression, Sun Xiaoting had already realized what was going on. But she still looked at her father in disbelief and asked.    


Father of Sunn looked at his daughter's expression and answered in a hoarse voice, "A month ago, your mother went out early in the morning. At that time, she only said that she went out for a while and would be back soon, but who knew. . . "    


"What happened to my mother?" Sun Xiaoting stared at her father and asked.    


"She went out for a long time and did not come back. When it was almost noon, I went downstairs to look for her, but I did not know that not long after I walked, I saw a neighbor walking over with two traffic police officers. . . " Father of Sunn said as he raised his hand to wipe the corner of his eye.    


"And then? Tell me!" Sun Xiaoting was tortured to the point of losing control.    


" Later on, from the surveillance data, I found out that your mother went to the entrance of the neighborhood to see a girl. The other party returned fifty thousand dollars to her, then took a taxi and left. Your mom took the money and chased after her. But when she wanted to go home, she didn't notice a truck coming from behind. . . Someone made an emergency call. . . When I rushed to the hospital, Your mom was already in the resuscitation room. . . She was pushed out of the resuscitation room at 2 or 3 PM. At that time, I thought that nothing would happen to her, but who knew. . . She insisted on me looking for a female doctor called Liang Yaru. I had no choice but to find that girl. Your mother seemed to have something to say to her, so she sent me away. But I waited in the corridor for a few minutes before Liang Yaru came out. When I went in to see your mother again, she started to vomit large mouthfuls of blood. . . " When Father of Sunn said this, his tears could not stop falling.    


"Then what happened to my mother? Sun Xiaoting asked anxiously.    


Father of Sunn shook his head. "She bled so much that she couldn't be saved. "    


"Mom. . . How could this be? How did this happen?" Hearing the news of her mother's accidental death, Sun Xiaoting could not help but cry.    


Father of Sunn looked at his daughter crying uncontrollably and also silently cried.    


Because Sun Xiaoting lost control of her emotions, the prison guard quickly took her away. Father of Sunn looked at his daughter's back and shook his head in pain. He turned around and left.    


Afraid that Sun Xiaoting would do something too extreme, the prison guard locked her up in the detention room. Sun Xiaoting sat on the bed with her hands on her knees. She looked blankly ahead and thought about her mother. Her heart was filled with indescribable regret and heartache.    


"Mom. . . I'm sorry. It was all my fault. You. . . I am sorry. . . " Sun Xiaoting buried her head into her arms and tears kept rolling down her face. But no matter how much she regretted it, it could not save her mother's life.    


When she opened her mouth to ask for help from her mother, the door to hell was already open. . .    


Today was the day when Shao Zhengfei's eyes were torn apart. Considering that it was too far away from Shao Zhanping's army, Shao Zhengfei went to Municipal Hospital. Shao Jiaqi was afraid that something would go wrong. He even called the hospital director and asked him to send the best ophthalmologist to disassemble the line for his son. Because he was nervous about Shao Zhengfei's eyes. Xiaoxiao also followed him to the hospital, including Zhao Yahui. They also came. Because Shao Zhengfei's eyes had a different meaning to her.    


At eleven o'clock in the morning, the doctor arrived at the ward on time. Everyone was a little nervous, but they could not express their anticipation.    


The process of disconnecting the thread was very quick and smooth. The doctor looked at Shao Zhengfei's eyes, which were still closed, and smiled at him. "You can open your eyes now. You may not be used to it in the beginning. Don't worry, take it slow. . . "    


Shao Zhengfei opened his eyes a little uneasily when he heard the doctor's words. There was a blurry white feeling in front of him. Everything. It looked a little blurry, but it only lasted for a few seconds. Shao Zhengfei then looked at Kexin, who was beside him. Seeing her face finally appear clearly in front of him, he raised his hand emotionally. He caressed her face and said excitedly, "Kexin. I finally saw you. . . " After he finished speaking, he looked at Xiaoxiao and Zhao Yahui, "sister-in-law, Auntie. . . I saw you guys. . . I really saw. . . I saw! I really saw you guys!"    


Shao Zhengfei looked at everyone excitedly. He finally saw this world again. He saw his family and everything else. He felt like he had been reborn in an instant!    


The doctor looked at his excited expression and smiled as he reminded everyone to pay attention to some small details in their lives. Only then did Shao Zhengfei return to Villa of Shao Family under everyone's escort.    


Xiaoxiao immediately told him about Shao Zhengfei seeing the light again. Shao Zhanping was also very happy. His father woke up and his body slowly recovered. Now, his brother's eyes also saw the light again. The situation in the family was all developing in a direction that was getting better and better. If he didn't work hard, how could he treat his wife?    


This night was the happiest day in Shao Family. In order to celebrate Shao Zhengfei's recovery, and also to celebrate father-in-law and Shao Jiaqi's recovery. Xiaoxiao specially ordered the chef to prepare a sumptuous dinner. The whole family sat around the dining table. Shao Jiaqi looked at his son. Looking at the two daughter-in-law and everyone else, he said emotionally, "Too many things have happened in our family during this period of time. Fortunately, our family has worked together to overcome this obstacle! The two people who should be thanking the most for being able to sit here again today. . . They are the two good daughter-in-law of our family! Xiaoxiao and Kexin!"    


Xiaoxiao was about to speak when she heard father-in-law's words. Shao Jiaqi raised his hand to signal for her to continue, "If it wasn't for Xiaoxiao, the Shao Group would definitely have been stolen by Sun Xiaoting. If Kexin hadn't taken care of Zhengfei, he wouldn't have realized it. Many a time, you understand one thing. It wasn't something that could be bought with money, only experience. Only then can you truly understand. During the time I was unconscious, Shaomin unfortunately left us. Although she will never be able to return to this home again, if she knew that our family is getting better and better now. . . Zhengfei's eyes had finally regained their clarity. She would definitely be able to rest in peace. During this period of time, the thing that made me feel the most gratified was. . . You have truly grown up and matured. I hope that in the future. . . Our family is getting better and better! Come! Cheers!"    


" Better and better! Cheers!"    




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