Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C301 Hubby Is too Fierce 300

C301 Hubby Is too Fierce 300

"We did, but Sun Xiaoting never got off that truck. She was wearing a hat and sunglasses. She was far away from the surveillance camera. We could only vaguely see a person sitting inside. We could not be sure that it was Sun Xiaoting. "    


"That's impossible, right? If Feng Zhitao transferred money to Chen Er, the bank card was Sun Xiaoting's name. How could Feng Zhitao transfer such a large sum of money to Chen Er if he was not present?" Xia Yingying asked in disbelief.    


" Before they transferred the money to Chen Er, Sun Xiaoting transferred all the money to Feng Zhitao's name. The most important thing now was Feng Zhitao's statement. He insisted that the money was from Sun Xiaoting! Because there is no conclusive evidence, we can't do anything about it for now. We can only interrogate Feng Zhitao properly and see if we can get an opening from him. "    


"What if he refuses to admit it?"    


"Sun Xiaoting will escape from the law. . . "    


Xia Yingying stood up angrily and could not swallow this anger no matter what. "Then I will investigate it myself! I don't believe that I can't find out?" After saying that, he angrily walked out of Captain Zhao's office!    


Xia Yingying walked out of the police station and sat in her own car. Thinking about what happened just now, she was so angry that she wanted to get angry. She took her phone. She wanted to call Xiaoxiao, but when she thought about the Shao Family, she felt that they were in a terrible situation. Without solid evidence, she could not give Xiaoxiao any more trouble. She put the phone back. But when she thought about it, she felt very angry. She sat in the car for a while. After thinking about it, she still picked up her phone and called Xiaoxiao.    


"Sister. . . "    


"Xiaoxiao, I want to tell you something. Is it convenient for you to talk now?"    


"Yes, it is. Tell me, what is it?"    


"Let me tell you. You have to be careful of Sun Xiaoting at home in the future, okay?"    


"What happened?"    


"Anyway, you have to listen to what my sister said. This woman has a bad heart! said Sun Xiaoting. Your car accident might have something to do with her! Wang Yao said. "    


Xiaoxiao heard Xia Yingying's words and immediately asked in surprise, "Did you find any evidence?"    


" Now it is because there is no evidence. If there was evidence, she would have gone to the police station long ago! But even if there is no evidence, this matter is 100% related to her. So you have to be more careful in the future, do you know?"    


"Okay, I got it, Sis!"    


"Is Sun Xiaoting in the villa now?"    




"Where did she go? "    


"She went to the Shao Group! "    


"Go ahead then. I won't bother you anymore. "    


"Goodbye, sister!"    




Xia Yingying retracted her line and squinted her eyes as she looked in front of her. Then, she quickly started the car and drove in the direction of the Shao Group. The car soon arrived at the square in front of the Shao Group. Xia Yingying parked the car. Just as she was about to get off the car, she saw a black Rolls-Royce stop in front of the lobby of the Shao Group. A moment later, the door opened and a girl got out of the car first. The next person to get out of the car was Shao Zhengfei. He watched as the Rolls-Royce drove away. Shao Zhengfei held the girl's hand and walked into the lobby. After a while, he disappeared.    


Xia Yingying stood where she was and hesitated for a while. Finally, she sat back in the car gloomily. No matter what, Shao Zhengfei's mother had just passed away for three days. It was somewhat unreasonable for her to disturb him now. With this thought in mind, Xia Yingying reached out and started the car. After a moment, she left again.    


Ever since the male and female police detectives left, Sun Xiaoting's heart had been in turmoil. She could not describe the uneasiness in her heart. Before anything happened, Feng Zhitao had already become Shao Zhengfei's assistant driver. If Shao Zhengfei started to suspect her, then she would have no place in the Shao Family in the future.    


What should he do? What should he do?    


No! It was not easy for me to reach this stage today. No matter what, I can't give up easily!    


She raised her hand and patted her chest. She walked to the table and picked up her phone to call Xiaojing, the maid. She found out that Shao Zhengfei and Lee Kexin had left the villa and thought about it for a while. The two of them would probably be there soon. She thought for a moment and picked up her phone again. She found a familiar number and dialed it!    


When the black Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the lobby of Shao Group, the door had not opened yet. Kexin's phone rang. She took it out to take a look. It was her father. She looked at Shao Zhengfei, who was beside her, and pressed the reject button. She held his subordinate's car and led him into the lobby. It was not time to go to work. There were not many employees in the lobby, but when they passed by Kexin and Shao Zhengfei, The way they looked at the two of them was still a little strange. After all, everyone knew Shao Zhengfei's wife, Sun Xiaoting. Shao Zhengfei was holding hands with another woman in the company. Even if he knew that his eyes could not see, it would still make people let their imagination run wild.    


Kexin ignored the gazes of these people and led Shao Zhengfei towards the elevator. They entered the CEO's elevator. The elevator door slowly closed and Kexin's phone rang again. She quickly picked it up to take a look. It was still her father's number. She reached out and pressed the reject button again. She thought that the elevator would arrive soon. She then called her father.    


"Who called you? Why didn't you answer?" Although Shao Zhengfei was extremely depressed, he still cared about Kexin's matter.    


" Oh, my dad called. I'll call him back when you reach the office later!"    


"It's fine. Call him now! Don't let the old man wait too long. " Shao Zhengfei said slowly.    


"I will call you when you are in the office. Kexin shook his hand.    


"Does Uncle want you to go home again?" Knowing that Kexin's father did not have a good impression of him, Shao Zhengfei could not help thinking about the bad side when he heard that it was him calling.    


"No way. . . Don't think too much. . . "    


The elevator arrived very quickly. Kexin brought Shao Zhengfei out of the elevator. The phone in her hand rang again and again. She looked helplessly at it. She pressed the reject button again and took Shao Zhengfei to his office. When she opened the door, He saw Sun Xiaoting sitting in front of the boss like a boss handling documents. He saw two people walking in. Sun Xiaoting immediately stood up and greeted them.    


"Zhengfei, you are here? There are a lot of documents in the past few days. I think I will be busy today. " Sun Xiaoting walked to Shao Zhengfei and helped him to sit down at the boss's table.    


"Sister Ting, I will go and make a call first. " Seeing Shao Zhengfei sit down, Kexin felt relieved and greeted Sun Xiaoting.    


"Go! Go!" Sun Xiaoting slightly waved her hand at her.    


Kexin left Office of President and walked into the lounge by the side to close the door and call back for her father!    


"Lee Kexin! Your wings are hard now, right? Do you think you can abandon your parents now that you have Shao Zhengfei backing you? " Kexin's father quickly picked up the phone and angrily questioned her daughter.    


"Dad, it was a little inconvenient just now, so I hung up. "    


"Not convenient? Is it because your dad is dying? Is it also inconvenient for you?" Kexin's father retorted angrily.    


"Dad. . . I was wrong. . . " Kexin had no confidence in front of her father.    


"Forget it, forget it. What could be wrong with you? The ones who were wrong were all your father! I shouldn't have asked you to be a servant of the Shao Family! Tell me now, where are you?"    


" Dad. . . I just arrived at the company. . . "Kexin originally wanted to lie, but thinking that her cousin Sun Xiaoting was also here, she could only tell the truth.    


"Shao Zhengfei went to the company to work?"    


"Yes. . . "    


"The man nodded and said, Alright! Since he went to work at the company, you should come back! A few days ago, it was because his mother had just passed away. I asked Da Sheng to take care of me for two days. Da Sheng just called. He said that he was going to work at the construction site in the city. Now, your father has no one to take care of him. Since Shao Zhengfei has already gone to the company, come back! "    


"Brother Dasheng didn't go today?" Kexin heard her father's words and immediately asked worriedly.    


"No! I haven't even eaten breakfast yet. Do you want Shao Zhengfei or your dad? You can decide for yourself! " After Kexin's father finished speaking, he hung up without waiting for Kexin to speak.    


"Hello! Hello! Dad. . . " She anxiously shouted a few times. When she heard a blind sound coming from the phone, she quickly pressed it back again! However, after calling a few times, her father refused to answer her phone anymore.    


She knew that her father must have been angry. Kexin put away her phone and quickly returned to Office of President. Seeing Shao Zhengfei talking to Sun Xiaoting about the documents, she walked over with some difficulty.    


"Zhengfei, there is something urgent at home. I want to go home now, okay?" Kexin looked at Shao Zhengfei and said with some difficulty.    


Shao Zhengfei frowned and asked with some unwillingness. "Why?"    


"The neighbor who took care of my dad went out to work and earn money today. No one took care of my dad. He hasn't even had breakfast yet. I just called him and he refused to answer. Can I go back first? "    


Shao Zhengfei was silent for a moment. He wasn't in a good mood to begin with. He really did not want Kexin to leave, but hearing what she said just now, he felt a little helpless. After thinking for a moment, he said slowly, "Do you think this will work? You can call your neighbor and I will pay for taking care of your father. It's ten times his current salary! Ask him! " He was really unwilling to let Kexin leave him.    


Kexin bit her lips awkwardly. "He went to work in a foreign province and has already left. My dad hasn't had breakfast yet and he has a very stubborn temper. I will go back and discuss with him first today, okay?"    


Sun Xiaoting kept staring at Kexin's face and listening to what she said, she kept silent. . .    


" Alright. . . Then when are you coming back? "    


"After making arrangements for my dad, I will come back. . . "    


"Don't forget to find someone to take care of your dad. I'll pay for all the money! The other party can pay any price!"    


"Got it. . . "    


Kexin quickly left the company and stopped a taxi by the roadside to go home. Sun Xiaoting stood by the window. Seeing Kexin's car disappear, she felt relieved and turned around. She looked at Shao Zhengfei who was sitting in the leather chair with a dejected look on his face. He did not have any passion for work at all. He had just experienced the pain of losing his mother, and now even Kexin had returned home. He could not raise anyone's interest at all.    


Working for him had become a form of torture.    


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