Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C210 Hubby Is too Fierce

C210 Hubby Is too Fierce

"Wait a minute! If I didn't hear wrongly, Shao Zhengfei and his prospective sister-in-law are together?"    




"This Shao Zhengfei is too disgusting! That Sun Xiaoting is also not a good thing! How can there be such a person? I am so angry! Doesn't Xiaoxiao know how to fight back?" This was the first time Xia Yingying heard about Xiaoxiao. She originally scoffed at this kind of thing and before Zheng Haodong could say it, she was already panting heavily.    


"Her personality is different from yours! At that time, she did not know what she was thinking. Not long after Shao Zhanping took her out of the office, she went with him to register for marriage. . . "    


"How is Sun Xiaoting doing?"    


"She married Shao Zhengfei!" Shao Zhanping said.    


"Oh my God! How could such a thing happen? Xiaoxiao actually let them get married?" Xia Yingying was so angry that she kept exhaling.    


"Xiaoxiao's personality is sometimes weak. If she is the same as you, then. . . She definitely would not have gotten together with Shao Zhanping. After all, she had liked Shao Zhengfei for nine years. But there is a saying: It was a blessing in disguise! To Xiaoxiao, it was like this. You might not have thought that she was very happy right now. Although Shao Zhanping was a soldier, he was very good to Xiaoxiao. He also doted on her. Although I only ate lunch at his army this time, I could tell from his subtle movements. He is someone worthy of Xiaoxiao entrusting her life to. . . " The reason why he chose not to disturb Xiaoxiao's marriage was not because she was married. It was not because he was powerless, but because he saw it from Shao Zhanping. That man could give Xiaoxiao a lifetime of happiness!    


If she lived well, he would be satisfied and relieved. . .    


"It's just that Xiaoxiao's personality is too weak. If that pair of dogs and men meet me, they will not live well!" What Xia Yingying could not bear the most was this kind of person. Even if she had some dealings with Xiaoxiao before, she did not expect that the girl would experience such an encounter.    


Zheng Haodong heard her words and smiled as he looked at her. "When did Deputy President Xia also start to scold people?"    


"How am I scolding people? I am fighting for justice for Xiaoxiao that lass. It is too infuriating! If she is my biological sister, I will make Shao Zhengfei and Sun Xiaoting not even have the chance to regret! "    


Zheng Haodong looked at her and smiled. "Are you still angry now?"    


"How can I not be angry? This kind of thing is enough for an outsider like me to be angry when I hear it. Xiaoxiao that lass must be angered to death. . . "    


Zheng Haodong stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "I am asking you. . . Are you still angry with Kexin?"    


Xia Yingying was stunned for a moment and then she looked away awkwardly. "I am not angry anymore. . . Actually, I thought about it. It's my fault. Haodong, do whatever you want in the future. I won't interfere with you anymore. . . " On the way today, she tried to think from his point of view. She felt that her brother's analysis was right. She had always been too strong, so she always gave people a sense of oppression. She really liked Zheng Haodong, and he clearly refused her help. However, from the bottom of her heart, she liked him even more.    


"Not bad. You know how to criticize yourself. You have improved!" Zheng Haodong heard her words and smiled.    


"I hate it. . . " Xia Yingying was a little embarrassed by what he said.    


Xia Yingying still did not help much during dinner, but the relationship between the two of them was much better than before. Not long after dinner, Xia Yingying left. Zheng Haodong sent her downstairs. Seeing that she had lost some of the pride and coldness of the young mistress of Xia Family, he looked at her and smiled.    


"Come back in the future. You don't have to buy so many dishes. Just tell me what you want to eat. Drive carefully when you go back!"    


"Got it! Then I'm leaving!" Xia Yingying saw him standing where he was and did not move at all. She was still a little disappointed in her heart, but she still maintained a smile. She lifted her foot and sat in the car. After starting the car, she waved at him and drove out of the neighborhood.    


Zheng Haodong saw her car slowly disappear from his sight. He slightly lowered his head and smiled, then turned around and walked into the apartment.    


Xiaoxiao wanted to go to work the next day, but Xia Shaoming said that the company did not have any important work these two days. He told her to come back on Monday. Xiaoxiao knew that this was because she met a good boss, plus that little bit of precious fate between her and Grandma Xia. That was why Xia Shaoming was so good to her. But since her superior had said so, she did not insist. In the blink of an eye, it was Monday. Xiaoxiao had breakfast early in the morning and drove her red Buick to the Xiafeng Group. Actually, with her current size, She didn't need to go to work at all. But she was afraid that she would be depressed to death at home, so she insisted on going to work.    


The car quickly stopped at the square in front of Xiafeng Group. Xiaoxiao parked the car properly. She took her bag and got out of the car, walking towards the building of the Xiafeng Group. She had just walked a few steps when. . . Xia Yingying's red Maserati drove over quickly and stopped beside her with a squeak. The window rolled down quickly. Xia Yingying looked at her and waved her hand. "Xiaoxiao, don't go to work today! Follow me to do something!"    


"Vice President, what are you going to do?"    


"It is inconvenient to talk here, let's get in the car first!"    


"But I haven't entered the company to play cards yet. . . "    


"I've already told your boss that you'll be under my control for the next two days! Hurry up and get in the car!" Xia Yingying said it cleanly and then waved at her.    


Hearing what she said, Xiaoxiao nodded her head and carried her bag to the other side of the car. She opened the car door and went in. Xia Yingying smiled and looked at her before starting the car and leaving the Xiafeng Group.    


"Vice President, where are we going now? Don't tell me you want to take me to see a client?" Looking at Xia Yingying who was beside her, Xiaoxiao did not know what she was going to do with her but she knew that the Vice President had always been very serious about work. Since he was bringing her along, then it must be something related to work.    


Xia Yingying heard her words and could not help but laugh. "Do you think it is appropriate for you to meet the client with your current size?"    


Xiaoxiao smiled embarrassedly, "I also feel that it is not suitable. . . Then where are you taking me?"    


"Xiaoxiao, when you are not in the company in the future, don't call me Vice President. Call me Ms Yingying!"    


"Really?" Xiaoxiao's heart warmed when she heard her words. One must know that the other party was not an ordinary person. Xia Yingying was not an ordinary person. In her heart, she was the kind of person that she could not even touch with her hand. Now, she actually wanted her to call her older sister. For a moment, she felt a little overwhelmed by the unexpected favor.    


"Why not? Aren't you my grandmother's granddaughter? It's natural to call me sister! Call me Ms Yingying! Call me Ms Yingying and I will listen! " Xia Yingying looked at her and smiled. Ever since that night when she heard Zheng Haodong talk about her, she had a better impression of this girl.    


"Ms Yingying!" Xiaoxiao immediately called out sweetly.    


Xia Yingying heard her shout and smiled, "Yes! Just call me that from now on!"    


"Ms Yingying, is there something important that you want to talk to me about today?"    


"Cough cough. . . That. . . Is not a very important matter. I just want to ask you to help me out a little. . . "Xia Yingying was somewhat embarrassed and stuttered when she spoke.    


"Okay! Ms Yingying, tell me, what do you want me to help you with? " Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked at her to ask. She felt that Xia Yingying today was somewhat different from before.    


" If I say it out loud, you are not allowed to laugh at me! "    


Xiaoxiao could not help but laugh, "I did not think that Ms Yingying would also be afraid of others laughing. . . "    


Xia Yingying immediately raised her eyebrows and replied. "Of course! You, Ms Yingying, are also a woman, okay?"    


Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded. "Go ahead! I will not laugh at you. What exactly is it? " Seeing Xia Yingying's hesitant attitude, she became even more curious and did not know what kind of help she wanted from her.    


"Ahem. . . Um. . . Didn't Zheng Haodong like you in the past?"    


"That was all in the past. I am only siblings with him now. Ms Yingying, don't misunderstand. . . " When Xiaoxiao heard her words, she immediately explained anxiously, afraid that it would cause unnecessary misunderstandings between the two of them.    


Xia Yingying immediately raised her hand and turned her head to look at her angrily, "Am I that petty? If I misunderstand your relationship with him, then. . . I would have kicked you out of the company a long time ago. I know that you are only siblings now. Besides, The reason Haodong liked you was before I met the two of you. You don't have to feel sorry for me. "    


" Thank you, Ms Yingying! " Xiaoxiao heard what she said and her heart relaxed.    


"I asked you to help this time because I want to ask you, what kind of home cooking do you usually cook?"    


"Home cooking? Why did Ms Yingying ask this?" Xiaoxiao was a little stunned when she heard her words and did not understand what Xia Yingying wanted to do.    


Xia Yingying listened to her words and hit the steering wheel with her hand. She then parked the car by the side of the road. She looked at Xiaoxiao and said truthfully, "You also know that I have never done housework since I was young, so there is no need to talk about cooking. These two times I went to Haodong's house to eat. He asked me to wash the vegetables, but I didn't know how to do it. Although I am the vice president of Xiafeng Group, every contract I sign can be worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. In terms of work, I can proudly say that I am more outstanding than many men. But during this period of time when I was dating Haodong, I realized that these things were completely useless in front of him. If he was an employee of the company, I know that I am very outstanding, but as a woman, I feel like I've failed. Because I didn't realize it before, but now I know that I can't even do a small thing in my life. Today, I'll tell you the truth. I like Haodong, and I want to be closer to him! Because he liked you before. He definitely likes the dishes you cook. That's why I came to find you!" Xia Yingying's character was straightforward and straightforward, so she simply told Xiaoxiao all of her thoughts.    


Listening to Xia Yingying's words, Xiaoxiao looked at her, a little touched. "You really want to learn?"    


"Yes, I do! Tell me everything you know!" Xia Yingying said as she took out a notebook from under the armrest and handed it to Xiaoxiao, "You can write down everything you know in your life!"    


"Don't tell me you even need to write about cleaning?" Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes and felt that it was a little inconceivable as she looked at this vice president who had always been high and mighty. He actually wanted to learn these ordinary life trifles from her. But in her heart, She was very happy. It should be known that this kind of thing might be very simple to other people, but to Xia Yingying, who had been a rich young lady since she was young, who had a lot to offer, It was not that easy. Seeing that she was willing to change herself for Mr Dongzi, Xiaoxiao felt happy from the bottom of her heart.    


"Write it down! As long as you will!"    


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