Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C205 My Husband Is too Fierce

C205 My Husband Is too Fierce

At night, as Shao Zhanping had said, there was indeed a rather large scale party held in the military camp. The reason why this program was held was because during the days Shao Zhanping had been here, he had pulled all the soldiers' nerves too tightly. Xiaoxiao followed Shao Zhanping into the army's auditorium and not long after, the entire venue began to sing loudly.    


The sky was gray and the wilderness was vast. The autumn wind blew with a knife.    


We were born in this world, and the Kunlun above our heads is full of lofty sentiments.    


We traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, and we only treated our hometown as our hometown. . .    


. . .    


Only by falling in love with you would I know what it means to be in love, thinking about how many nights and days you have forgotten.    


Only by falling in love with you would I know what it means to be in love, to think of your happiness is always filled with my heart.    


I dreamed that you were calculating the date of my return, shouting at you, chasing you, wanting to kiss your dark face.    


I dreamed that you would always give me a long way back, shouting at me, chasing me, wanting to hug me tightly in front of my chest.    


You said you loved my soldier's determination, but you protected yourself in the snow.    


You said you wanted to bring back too much warmth, using your palm as my shelter from the rain.    


My heart flew towards you, to the horizon. . .    


. . .    


Xiaoxiao quietly sat beside Shao Zhanping, her small hands tightly held by him. It was clearly just an ordinary love song. Xiaoxiao listened to the touching lyrics, but her tears silently fell, no matter how hard she tried, she could not stop them.    


Perhaps it was because she had experienced it herself that she understood that this happiness was not easy to come by.    


Fortunately, she performed some crosstalk and skit at the end of the song before Xiaoxiao's emotions slowly calmed down.    


The party ended in less than two hours. Xiaoxiao followed Shao Zhanping back home. When they entered the living room, Xiaoxiao remembered the lyrics of the song and couldn't help hugging Shao Zhanping and crying. Shao Zhanping gently pushed his wife away. He reached out to hold her face and looked at the tears rolling down her face. He lowered his head and gently kissed the tears on her face, then gently kissed her cherry red lips. She reached out and gently hugged her. She gently patted her back and comforted, "Baby, the pain in your heart. . . Hubby knew and understood everything. But Hubby is a soldier, and he is destined to owe you in this life. . . "    


Xiaoxiao listened to him and shook her head hard in his arms. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. " Hubby, I didn't mean that. I just don't want to leave you. I want to be with you every day. . . "    


Shao Zhanping smiled in relief when he heard her words. He raised his hand and gently rubbed her face. "Don't cry, okay? Hubby's heart broke when he saw you cry. . . "    


Xiaoxiao heard his words and knew that he definitely did not feel good. She raised her small hand and placed it on his heart. "Then I'll go buy a bottle of glue tomorrow and paste it for you. . . "    


Shao Zhanping was amused by his little wife's words. Seeing that there were still some tears on her eyelashes, he lowered his head and kissed her lips lightly. "As long as you are fine, Hubby's heart will be complete, do you understand?"    


"Yes, I know. . . "    


No matter how happy the days of reuniting were, they still had to be separated.    


In the blink of an eye, five days passed.    


Today was the day that they had agreed to meet with Zheng Haodong. To tell the truth, Shao Zhanping couldn't express his gratitude towards Zheng Haodong for his little wife's visit this time. So last night, he specially called Zheng Haodong. He asked him to book a flight ticket for the afternoon. He wanted to treat Zheng Haodong to a good lunch at home. Zheng Haodong was a smart person. Once Shao Zhanping said it, he understood his intentions. There were some words. Of course, he didn't need to say it too clearly. Therefore, the next morning, he arrived at the army early in the morning. Shao Zhanping personally drove to the entrance of the military camp to pick up Zheng Haodong and brought him back to his home.    


Xiaoxiao had been waiting at the door of the living room for a long time. When she saw Mr Dongzi, she immediately invited him into the living room and poured him a cup of hot tea. She treated Mr Dongzi like a hostess.    


"Don't do these things. Mr Dongzi is healthy and has hands and feet. You should just sit there obediently. If you have the fetus Qi. If your chief roars at me again, the loss will outweigh the gain. . . " Mr Dongzi looked at Xiaoxiao who was busy at the back. Worried about her body, he made her sit on the sofa opposite him. He would do everything by himself.    


Shao Zhanping put on an apron and walked over with a smile. He looked at his wife and said, "Beloved, just sit here and chat with him. He was a big man. He could do whatever he wanted. If he was restrained here, He's not you, Mr Dongzi! "    


Zheng Haodong immediately looked at this guy and said rudely. "You are really rude to me! I am a guest here!"    


Shao Zhanping heard his words and smiled. "You have green onion stuck in your nose, right? You still want to pretend with me. . . Be careful that my son is born and not let him call you uncle!" Shao Zhanping said as he returned to the kitchen.    


Zheng Haodong looked at the man's back and smiled as he walked to the kitchen door. "Uncle, forget it. Why don't we discuss it and call him godfather?" This was a good way to address him! He liked it!    


Shao Zhanping immediately looked at him without any politeness. Wishful thinking! You can only dream of me saying the word 'father'. Uncle is so good! He sounds like a family member!"    


Zheng Haodong immediately teased him," You are a big official, but you are too petty. What happened to your godfather? It's not like they're related. . . "    


"It's so dry that it's wet! I want my son to give birth to your wife!"    


"My wife was taken away by you, okay?"    


"A wife who can be taken away is not a wife!"    


"I was just giving in to you. . . "    


Shao Zhanping heard what he said and looked at him with a smile. "Do you want a female soldier to be your wife? I can be your matchmaker for free. . . "    


"You can forget about it. I can't stand being separated from each other! Xiaoxiao is so stupid to fall for someone like you!" Zheng Haodong immediately gave up on Military Commander Shao's idea.    


Shao Zhanping heard what he said and could not help but laugh.    


Xiaoxiao smiled and walked over. " Mr Dongzi, do you have any thoughts about our Vice President? You asked Kexin to be your secretary. Don't tell me you like Kexin?"    


"Then who do you think is better?" Zheng Haodong looked at her and asked directly.    


"They are all good!"    


"You only know how to be a good person!"    


Shao Zhanping heard their conversation and directly expressed his opinion. "Personally, I think your vice president is not bad! Other than floating in the air, he is good in other aspects!"    


Xiaoxiao immediately asked in a daze, "What do you mean by floating in the air?"    


"It's just that she doesn't like the air! Her family definitely won't eat the kind of food we usually eat. She won't wear ordinary clothes and won't enter those low-class places. In any case, don't expect her to go to the food stall with you to eat. But whether or not she can fall down depends on Mr Dongzi's charm. . . " Shao Zhanping looked at Zheng Haodong and smiled after he finished speaking.    


Zheng Haodong immediately took revenge. "I have always been more charming than you!"    




This lunch was especially good. Xiaoxiao had never thought about it. The two men who used to be hostile would sit together and have a meal so harmoniously. Listening to them constantly tease each other, But after teasing each other, they would raise their wine cups and drink forthrightly. Xiaoxiao sat by the side and watched. Her heart was filled with indescribable joy and gratification. In the past, she felt that in her life, It was impossible for her to eat at the same table as now with Mr Dongzi and Shao Zhanping. Such a scene was a luxurious dream for her. After all, she owed Mr Dongzi too much. . .    


But what surprised her was that Mr Dongzi's heart was even wider than the ocean. Even if she couldn't marry him, he still cared about her happiness. To have such a good Big Brother to protect her, how honored was her life?    


Lunch was finished very quickly. Shao Zhanping looked at the time. Knowing that he could not keep his wife anymore, he brought his suitcase to the door. Zheng Haodong understood that the two of them definitely had something to say, so he carried his suitcase downstairs first. He sat in Shao Zhanping's off-road vehicle. Shao Zhanping looked at the door, then walked in front of his wife. He raised his hand to help her tidy up her coat and helped her put up the collar. He then pulled down the edge of her hat and felt satisfied. Only then did he lower his head to kiss his wife's red lips. He looked at her and silently smiled. He held his wife's hand and walked out of the house.    


When they went downstairs, Xiaoxiao did not say anything. Actually, there were a lot of things that she wanted to say to him. But when she thought about how it would take a long time for her to see him again after she left this place, her throat choked. There were a lot of things to say. Even if he didn't say it, it seemed like he could understand it.    


"Wife, your belly is getting bigger and bigger. Don't run around anymore in the future, okay?"    


"Take good care of yourself! When you give birth, I will take a family visit leave!"    


"If it's inconvenient to move around, then don't go to work anymore. Your family doesn't lack your salary!"    


"If you don't want to go back to the villa, then don't go for now. You're pregnant now, so you don't have to care about other people's feelings!"    


"Call me when you miss me! If Hubby doesn't take it, he will definitely return you in a while! "    


"You have seen my situation here. Don't worry about me. It's good that Hubby is here!"    


"It's cold now. You should wear warm clothes when you go out. If you really catch a cold, don't take western medicine. Antibiotics are not good for the human body. It's better to take Chinese medicine. "    


"Your stomach is getting bigger and bigger. Don't drive by yourself anymore. If you really want to work, take a taxi to work! That won't cost much! "    


" If you want to buy something, don't buy too much. If you really want to buy something, you have to call my mom! "    


Shao Zhanping held his little wife's hand and kept reminding her downstairs and downstairs. Like a long-winded old woman, Xiaoxiao followed beside him and listened to his endless words. When she looked at his face again, her throat choked again.    


As Shao Zhanping spoke, he went downstairs and brought his wife to the car. He stretched out his hand and helped her tidy up her clothes. He looked at his wife, a little worried. "Baby, do you remember what I said just now?"    


Xiaoxiao nodded heavily. Yes, I did. Don't worry, I will be careful. . . "    


"Hubby still has work to do in a while. I can't personally send you to the plane. Call Hubby when you get home, understand?"    


"Yes, I know. . . " Xiaoxiao nodded heavily again.    


Shao Zhanping smiled. He wanted to kiss his wife again, but he still had to pay attention to his image as a soldier. He opened the door for his wife and held her arm. "Get in the car!"    


Xiaoxiao heard his words and slightly pursed her lower lip. Her throat was choking and she felt uncomfortable. She turned around and hugged Shao Zhanping and kissed him heavily on the lips. Only then did she hold Zheng Haodong's hand and get into the car.    


Shao Zhanping looked at his wife and smiled faintly. Then he quickly closed the car door! He looked at the driver in the driver's seat and raised his hand. "Drive! Be careful on the road!"    


The car started quickly. Xiaoxiao put her face against the window and looked at Shao Zhanping, who was outside the window, reluctantly. Tears slowly slid down her face. The car drove for a distance. Xiaoxiao rolled down the window and stuck her head out. She looked at Shao Zhanping and shouted, "Hubby. . . " When she shouted Hubby, the rest of her words turned into silent tears.    


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