Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C174 Hubby Is too Ferocious

C174 Hubby Is too Ferocious

Her smile had always been like the sun in the winter, like the breeze in spring, always giving people a warm feeling, but the her in front of her had completely changed!    


Xiaoxiao did not expect Mr Dongzi to see through her change at first glance. She quickly lowered her head and was about to walk towards the lobby of Xiafeng Group with the bag. Before she could take a step, Zheng Haodong grabbed her arm!    


"Tell me what happened. " Zheng Haodong's big hand tightly grabbed her arm. Looking at her current appearance, his heart was filled with indescribable pain and discomfort. If she had married him back then, he would never let her suffer any harm.    


Xiaoxiao forced the corner of her lips again, but she still did not dare to look Mr Dongzi in the eyes. " Mr Dongzi, I have had a cold these two days and I am not feeling well. I am fine. You misunderstood!" Xiaoxiao said as she pushed Zheng Haodong's big hand.    


"I have known you for nine years. Do you really think Mr Dongzi is a fool? Even if he has caught a cold. You can't be in such a state. Who do you think has a cold and swollen eyes like yours? You didn't even pull out the car keys when you got off the car. And you say you're fine?" From the moment she got out of the car, he had been staring at her every move. He looked at the car keys still stuck in the keyhole, then looked at her appearance. He instantly knew that she must have encountered something.    


Zheng Haodong's words hit Xiaoxiao's heart. The corner of her mouth twitched, and she swallowed all the grievances in her heart. She held back her tears and said with a choking voice, " Mr Dongzi, don't ask me anymore, okay? I still have work to do. . . "    


"Did Shao Zhanping offend you? Tell me what he did to you. " Zheng Haodong's big hand did not move. Seeing Xiaoxiao like this, how could he be at ease and let her leave?    


Xiaoxiao shook her head powerlessly. " Mr Dongzi, he did not do anything to me. Can you let me go to work?"    


"Since he didn't do anything, why don't you look up at me? Did you do something wrong? Why didn't you look up? Xiaoxiao, raise your head and look at me!" Zheng Haodong commanded her in a domineering manner.    


" Mr Dongzi. . . "Xiaoxiao's tears could not help falling. Facing Zheng Haodong's question, she really did not know how to answer. She really tried her best, but her tears could not stop falling.    


She looked at her tears falling. Zheng Haodong's heart instantly hurt. He lowered his head to look at her and slowed down his tone. "Xiaoxiao, even if I can't be your lover, I am still your best friend, your Mr Dongzi. No matter what happens to you, you can tell me. Do you understand? "    


. . . " "Xiaoxiao nodded silently but still did not say anything.    


" Then can you tell me what happened between you and Shao Zhanping now? " From her expression and reaction, he had already guessed that something must have happened between her and Shao Zhanping, which was why she was so shocked.    


" Mr Dongzi, can I tell you in a few days? Don't make things difficult for me anymore, okay?" Xiaoxiao finally raised her head and looked at Mr Dongzi with tears in her eyes, begging him.    


When he saw Xiaoxiao's teary eyes, Zheng Haodong's heart instantly softened. He sighed and nodded compromising. "Alright. Can you still work in your current state? Why don't you go home? I'll tell the president about work. " Seeing how uncomfortable she was, he was very worried about her body.    


"I'm fine! When I get home, I'll think about three things and four things. When I get to work, I don't have to think about anything anymore. . . "    


"Okay. . . " Zheng Haodong let out a long breath. He reached out and opened Xiaoxiao's car again. He helped her remove the car keys and lock the car for her. Then he handed the keys to her and looked at her. "Let's go!"    


Xiaoxiao put away the car key and nodded silently. She followed Zheng Haodong to the lobby of Xiafeng Group.    


Just as the two of them were about to walk up the stairs in front of the company, Xia Shaoming's yellow Ferrari quickly drove over from the side of the slope. It stopped in front of the two of them with a squeak. Following closely behind Xia Shaoming's car was Xia Yingying's red Maserati sports car. The car door quickly opened. Xia Shaoming and Xia Yingying got out of the car almost at the same time. Zheng Haodong and Xiaoxiao immediately greeted the two of them.    


Xia Yingying looked to be in a good mood today. When her eyes fell on Zheng Haodong, there was a bit of ambiguity in her eyes. Seeing Zheng Haodong and Xiaoxiao walk around the car and walk over, she looked at the two of them half-jokingly. "Are you two coming to work together?"    


"I just happened to meet you in the square. . . " Knowing that Xiaoxiao did not want to speak, Zheng Haodong immediately explained.    


Xia Yingying raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiaoxiao who was by the side with her head slightly lowered. She did not care about anything and lifted her chin as she walked towards the company's elevator.    


Xia Shaoming looked at the secretary beside him and blinked his eyes. Then he smiled and said: "Let's go!" After saying that, he also followed his sister's footsteps.    


Because Xia Shaoming and Xia Yingying were there, Xiaoxiao and Zheng Haodong followed them into the CEO's special elevator. Xiaoxiao was afraid that her two superiors would notice her strange behavior, so she kept her head down and stood behind Xia Shaoming. Luckily Xia Shaoming kept chatting with Xia Yingying and did not notice her change. This made her heave a sigh of relief. The elevator stopped at Xia Shaoming's floor. Xiaoxiao followed Xia Shaoming out of the elevator and walked along the corridor towards the Secret Room. They had just walked a few steps when. . . Xia Shaoming suddenly stopped and looked back at her.    


"What happened at home?" The girl's eyes were red and swollen. The moment he saw her at the lobby door, he realized something was wrong. But he didn't want to make her feel too awkward. So he pretended not to notice anything.    


Xiaoxiao immediately shook her head when she heard the CEO ask her. "No! Thank you, CEO!"    


"What's wrong with your eyes? Don't tell me you watch me drive that sports car every day and get jealous of my red eye disease and become like this?" Seeing that her mood was a little low, Xia Shaoming smiled and continued to walk forward jokingly.    


"No. . . "    


"Then what is going on?" Xia Shaoming put his hand in his pocket and walked to the door of his office. He stopped and looked at her. "Come in!"    


Xiaoxiao heard his words and had no choice but to follow him in. She walked to Xia Shaoming's table and stopped. She still did not dare to look up to let him see her eyes.    


Xia Shaoming sat down in his leather chair and looked at Xiaoxiao in front of him. He smiled and said, "Still don't want to tell me?"    


"President, I really am fine. . . "    


Xia Shaoming heard what she said and raised his eyebrows. He crossed his hands on the table and nodded. "Okay! If you don't say it, it will not be hard for me to do it for you. I have two meetings to attend in a while, so don't follow me. " After saying that, Xia Shaoming opened the drawer next to him. He took out a piece of information and placed it in front of her. "Arrange this information according to the time and type. I will use it in the morning the day after tomorrow. Go and do your work!"    


Xiaoxiao immediately nodded and reached out to take the information on the table. She turned around and wanted to leave but was stopped by Xia Shaoming again.    


"Oh right, wait a moment!"    


"President, what is it?"    


Xia Shaoming looked at her and was silent for a moment. He tapped the table with his finger and after a while, he slowly asked her, "Half a month later is my grandmother's 84th birthday. I have a favor to ask of you, is that okay?"    


"Go ahead, CEO!"    


. . . "Can I attend my grandmother's birthday?"    


"Yes!" How could she refuse such a thing? She just couldn't understand why Xia Shaoming would make such a request to her. She looked at him and asked in confusion. "Is it because I am your secretary or is there any other reason for me to go?"    


Xia Shaoming blinked his eyes. He answered frankly, "For another reason!"    


"Can you tell me the reason?"    


"When you go there, you will definitely understand!"    


Xiaoxiao nodded her head in understanding. "I understand!"    


Xia Shaoming smiled and waved his hand at her. "Go and do your work!"    




It was Xia Yingying's birthday the night before yesterday. Looking at Zheng Haodong's attitude towards him that night, She originally thought that Zheng Haodong would not appear in the company the next day. She did not expect that he would still come to work like usual these two days. This made her very happy in her heart. When the two of them walked out of the elevator, Xia Yingying let him into her office. When she walked to the center of the room, She turned around and saw Zheng Haodong closing the office door and walking towards her. She smiled faintly and looked at him with a bit of scrutiny.    


"Do you have any instructions, Vice President?" Zheng Haodong walked in front of her and stopped in front of her. He looked at her and asked slowly.    


"Do you have to call me that?" This kind of address made her feel a little depressed.    


"We're at the company now!"    


Xia Yingying heard his words and smiled helplessly. "Did I always hurt others when I spoke in the past, so now I have to face retribution?"    


"Vice President is thinking too much. I did not mean that. . . "    


"Do you know that sometimes your words hurt people?"    


"I'm sorry. . . "    


Xia Yingying looked at him and smiled. "What should we do? Our family likes you very much!" Xia Yingying looked at him very directly. Although Zheng Haodong was an assistant, in front of his family the night before yesterday, his every move was seen by the people of Xia Family, especially Xia Yingying's father, Xia Jianlong. She felt that he was a very calm young man.    


"Is that so? Thank you!" Zheng Haodong heard Xia Yingying's words and smiled faintly. In fact, he only saw Xia Yingying as a good superior. As for other matters, he really did not think about it.    


After experiencing Xiaoxiao and Meng Fei's matter, he only wanted to do his career well now. As for other matters, he did not want to think too much about them for the time being.    


"My dad wants to talk to you alone!" Xia Yingying went straight to the point again.    


"Chairman?" Zheng Haodong was slightly stunned.    




"Vice President, I want to clarify with you again. . . " Zheng Haodong really did not want to deepen the misunderstanding between them, but he was interrupted by Xia Yingying's words before he could finish his sentence.    


"He is waiting for you in the office. No matter what you want to clarify with me, go and meet him first!"    


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