Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C170 Husband Is too Fierce 169

C170 Husband Is too Fierce 169

Xiaoxiao's taxi drove for nearly five hours on the road. Under Xiaoxiao's guidance, Finally, it stopped in front of Shao Zhanping's army gate. Xiaoxiao paid the fare. She walked to the on-call room at the door. The soldiers standing guard did not know who she was, so they stopped her at the main door. After Xiaoxiao said Shao Zhanping's name, the soldier on duty picked up the phone and informed her. After a moment, he told her that Military Commander Shao was not in the army. Because Shao Zhanping's phone was not connected, he could not let her in. Xiaoxiao became anxious when she heard that.    


"Comrade, I am really Military Commander Shao's wife. Please let me in!" Xiaoxiao anxiously explained to the other party.    


The soldier looked at her and felt sorry, but he had to follow the rules of the army. "sister-in-law, I am really sorry! If commander was here, everything would be fine! But he is not here now. Please wait a little longer! " The young warrior was also in a difficult position.    


"Then don't you have Battalion Commander Hee here? He knows me, can you help me call him? That should be fine, right?"    


"What's the name of the Battalion Commander Hee you mentioned?" The soldier asked her.    


"His name is Hee Yang! He used to be commander's subordinate!"    


"Sorry sister-in-law, the Battalion Commander Hee you mentioned just now has been transferred away!" The young soldier once again answered somewhat awkwardly.    


"When will Military Commander Shao be back?"    


"I'm sorry, when will the chief come back? I don't know about that either!" He was just a soldier on guard. How could he know when the chief would be back?    


"Alright, then I can wait at the door, right?"    


"sister-in-law, there is a guest house here. You should go there first. Maybe the chief will come back in the afternoon after lunch. " Although he was not sure that the young girl in front of him was Military Commander Shao's wife, the soldier did not dare to neglect her. He let another soldier lead her to the guest house next to the army.    


Although Xiaoxiao was somewhat unwilling, she also understood some of the rules in the army. She could only follow him to the guest house and booked a room inside. Because she was too anxious when she came. She forgot to take the phone charger. Xiaoxiao wanted to call Shao Zhanping but could not get through. Worried that she would not see Shao Zhanping when he came back, Xiaoxiao first ate some food in the guest house. Then she ran to the entrance of the army and found a place to sit by the roadside. Waiting for Shao Zhanping to return.    


Xiaoxiao waited until three o'clock in the afternoon. Seeing an army green off-road vehicle slowly drive towards the army's gate from the foot of the mountain, Xiaoxiao immediately stood up in anticipation. She stared at the off-road vehicle, hoping that Shao Zhanping was sitting inside. But she stared at it for a long time. Not only did she not see Shao Zhanping's figure, she also saw another familiar face - Liang Yaru.    


She saw the off-road vehicle drive past her and stop a few meters away from her. After a while, the door was pushed open. Liang Yaru got out of the car and said a few words to the driver in the off-road vehicle. Then, she saw the green off-road vehicle drive into the army. Liang Yaru looked at Xiaoxiao who was not far away and walked towards her.    


When she saw Liang Yaru's face, the photo that made her heart ache flashed in front of her eyes. Xiaoxiao stood where she was and looked at her coldly.    


"What are you doing here? Are you pestering me?" Seeing Xia Xiaoxiao here really surprised her. When she thought about how her words would be exposed very soon after she saw Shao Zhanping, she was somewhat nervous. But when she walked in front of Xiaoxiao, she still maintained a proud attitude.    


"I came to find Zhanping. I want to ask him face to face. Is what you said true?" Xiaoxiao also did not shrink back as she looked at her. From the beginning until the end, she only heard Liang Yaru talking alone. Before she heard what Shao Zhanping told her personally, she would not completely believe it.    


"He doesn't want to see you now! Do you know why he turned off his phone? I just don't want you to find him. Stop pestering him. Let go of him. You shouldn't have walked together!" Liang Yaru looked at her coldly.    


"Even if he doesn't like me, shouldn't he tell me why? If he keeps hiding like this, we won't be able to handle the divorce procedures. Why are you two together? "    


"You can sign the divorce agreement first. I can pass it to him!" Liang Yaru replied coldly again.    


"Humph! Do you think marriage is a family? We can divorce without even seeing each other? I won't divorce anyone who can't see him!"    


" Do you think it's meaningful to persist like this? " Liang Yaru never would have thought that Xia Xiaoxiao would be so stubborn.    


"Whether it is meaningful or not has nothing to do with you! This is a matter between him and me, please do not interfere! Furthermore, I do not wish to talk to you now. You can leave!" When Xiaoxiao thought of the photo taken by this woman in her bedroom, her previous favorable impression of her had already disappeared. She looked at Liang Yaru's cold face and finished speaking. She turned around and walked to the side and sat down again. She continued to stubbornly wait for Shao Zhanping.    


Liang Yaru saw that she sat back down again and looked at the road up the mountain. Her eyes slightly moved and she walked up to Xiaoxiao to look at her. "If you really like him, then let him go! If you continue to persist like this, he will definitely be punished! He just mentioned commander. . . "    


" You can leave! I really don't want to talk to you anymore!" Xiaoxiao felt extremely depressed when she saw her face. She turned her head and looked at the road up the mountain, hoping that Shao Zhanping's car would drive over from the end of the road. However, no matter how hard she stared, there was no trace of a car there.    


Liang Yaru saw her stubborn attitude and smiled as she sighed, "Alright. Originally I did not want to care about you, but seeing that you and him were once husband and wife, I will tell you the truth today. He actually moved away from here yesterday morning. If you really want to wait here for him to come back, Then it can only be a year later!"    


Xiaoxiao's heart sank when she heard Liang Yaru's words. She stood up nervously, "What did you say? You said that he will not come back?"    


"He has already been transferred away. The reason why he didn't tell you was because he didn't want you to know where he went. Don't come back in the future. I think he will go and look for you to settle the divorce procedures a year later!"    


Xiaoxiao heard what she said and her tears instantly fell. She shook her head in disbelief. "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! He will not leave me like this!"    


" Since you're so stubborn, then there's nothing I can do. Wait for him here! I'll be leaving first! " Liang Yaru turned around and was about to leave when Xiaoxiao immediately called out to stop her.    


"Wait a moment!"    


"Liang Yaru turned around to look at her and smiled. "Have you thought it through?"    


" Can you tell me. . . Where did he transfer to? "    


"I'm sorry! Zhanping is now the chief. His whereabouts must be kept a secret! Please forgive me! " After Liang Yaru finished speaking, she turned around and quickly entered the army's main gate.    


Xiaoxiao stood where she was and stared blankly at Liang Yaru's back. Her heart was so stifled that she could not catch her breath. She originally thought that as long as she came to Shao Zhanping's army, she would be able to see him. But no matter what, she did not expect that he had already moved away from here.    


Turning her head to look at the intersection leading up the mountain, Xiaoxiao's heart was once again tangled together!    


Shao Zhanping, where did you go?    


Did you really transfer him away?    


Although Liang Yaru had said it clearly, Xiaoxiao still sat at the entrance of the army. She stubbornly waited until night fell and saw that the lights in the guest house had already lit up. Xiaoxiao got up and returned to the guest house tiredly. Although she felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart, thinking about the child in her womb, Xiaoxiao still insisted on eating dinner in the hostel. Seeing that it was still early, she unwillingly walked out of the guest house. She stood at the intersection and kept looking at the intersection where she came from, hoping that Shao Zhanping's car would appear there. But time slowly passed. Xiaoxiao waited until 11 o'clock at night. She still did not see Shao Zhanping's shadow.    


Her body was already exhausted. Xiaoxiao dragged her body back to the guest house and walked into her room to lie down on the bed. When she thought about how Shao Zhanping left her just like that, her tears could not help but fall.    


The night gradually deepened. Xiaoxiao's heart, however, was once again in complete chaos.    


The next morning, after Xiaoxiao had breakfast, she went to the entrance of the army to ask if Shao Zhanping had returned, but the reply she received was that there was still no news of him.    


"Comrade, do you know that Military Commander Shao really transferred away?" Xiaoxiao wanted to confirm the authenticity of this news.    


"I think I heard a little. I did hear that Military Commander Shao wanted to transfer away these few days, but I only heard about it. " The soldier on duty did not give her an accurate answer.    


However, this ambiguous news completely made Xiaoxiao lose confidence in Shao Zhanping. She nodded silently, turned around, and went back to the guest house. She quietly packed up all her belongings. She left the guest house. Because there were no taxis here, Xiaoxiao followed the way she came and left. Just as she walked out for about ten minutes, Behind her, an army green off-road vehicle drove over and quickly stopped beside her. The window rolled down and Xiaoxiao saw that the person in the car was Liang Yaru. But this time, She drove the car over herself.    


"Get in the car! If you walk down the road, you will have to walk for more than an hour. . . " Liang Yaru looked at Xiaoxiao outside the window and shouted. She had just called the soldier on duty and found out that Xia Xiaoxiao had left. She was worried that she would run into Shao Zhanping's car on the way, so she chased after her.    


"You can go! I will not go up!" She did not take Liang Yaru's car and stubbornly continued to walk forward.    


Liang Yaru silently looked at her and understood that her character was a little stubborn. She watched her stubbornly walk forward. She looked at Xia Xiaoxiao's back and was silent for a moment. She started the car and turned it around on the road before returning to the army.    


Xiaoxiao walked on the road for about ten minutes before another military car drove over. Seeing her walk down the mountain alone, she stopped by her side and let her get into the car. This time Xiaoxiao did not refuse again. Because from yesterday until now, her body, which was suffering from physical and mental torture, could not bear it anymore. Xiaoxiao sat down. The off-road vehicle quickly started moving and headed towards the foot of the mountain. The car soon arrived at the road to the top of the mountain. The off-road vehicle turned to the main road in the city and put Xiaoxiao down in front of a bus station. Only then did they leave.    


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