Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C162 Hubby Is too Ferocious

C162 Hubby Is too Ferocious

Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded. "Yes!"    


"That's very good! It seems that I really have to be grandpa this time!" Shao Jiaqi said and looked at his wife Pan Shaomin. "In the future, you have to be careful to strengthen Xiaoxiao's nutrition. At this time, it is the most important to the child. "    


Pan Shaomin felt a little uncomfortable when she heard this news yesterday. Although Shao Zhanping was her husband's biological son, he was not related to her by blood at all. When she heard her husband's words, she nodded with a calm expression. "There is a specialized chef at home. He would change his appearance every day. It would not be a loss for her. "    


Xiaoxiao felt a little cold when she heard mother-in-law's words and understood that mother-in-law did not really like her. She only smiled slightly and did not say anything.    


Old Master Shao was also very happy. He looked at Xiaoxiao and asked, "Xiaoxiao, are you still going to work in the future?"    


"Yes, grandpa! Don't worry, I will be careful. "    


Pan Shaomin heard father-in-law's words and immediately said disapprovingly, "Dad, don't worry about it. This woman is pregnant for ten months and it is not a big deal. Many people not only work as usual, but also do housework. Some of them even drive to the hospital on the day of birth. "    


"We don't care what other people do. Anyway, this child needs to be careful. Wasn't Xiaoting a living example last time?" Shao Jiaqi was a little uncomfortable listening to his wife's words and immediately retorted.    


Pan Shaomin was rendered speechless by the rebuttal and looked at Xiaoxiao and did not speak anymore.    


Today Sun Xiaoting and Shao Zhengfei did not know what happened and only came back at dinner time. Seeing that her son had returned, Pan Shaomin immediately perked up and called her son and daughter-in-law to sit at the dining table.    


Shao Zhengfei and Sun Xiaoting looked very happy today and from the moment they entered the living room, their faces were filled with smiles. Pan Shaomin looked at her son and was somewhat puzzled.    


"Zhengfei, did you sign a big contract today? Why are you so happy?"    


The others also looked at the two of them!    


Shao Zhengfei looked at his mother first and smiled. Then he looked at everyone and said, "Dad, Mom, grandpa. I have to tell you something big today!"    


"Hurry up and tell Mom. What is it?" Pan Shaomin immediately perked up when she heard her son's words.    


Shao Zhengfei looked at Sun Xiaoting and then smiled as he replied, "Xiaoting is pregnant! It has been more than a month!"    


When Pan Shaomin heard this, she immediately smiled and could not close her mouth. She looked at Sun Xiaoting in disbelief and asked again, "Xiaoting, is it true? You are really pregnant?"    


Sun Xiaoting immediately nodded her head. "Yes, Mom! These two days, I felt a little uncomfortable. Today, I specially went to the hospital for a checkup and found out that I was pregnant again. "    


"That's great! I'm going to be a grandma soon! Aiyo, this is really a big deal!" Pan Shaomin heard that. Her eyes immediately turned into slits when she heard this. Her attitude towards her daughter-in-law Sun Xiaoting also instantly changed 180 degrees, "Xiaoting. Don't eat that cold dish for now. It's not good for the baby! From tomorrow onwards, I will let the chef help you recover your health. After the abortion last time, I have been worrying about your health. This year, I really don't have a grandson. Oh my, that's great! "    


Xiaoxiao looked at Pan Shaomin's face and a sour feeling arose in her heart. She thought that she was also pregnant but mother-in-law's attitude towards the two of them was as different as heaven and earth and she could not help but feel a little disappointed in her heart.    


When Shao Jiaqi heard this news, he was also indescribably happy. He looked at his son and daughter-in-law and smiled and nodded, "That's right! Yesterday, you, sister-in-law, also went to the hospital to find out that she was pregnant. I didn't expect that Xiaoting would also be pregnant today. Our family has a double happiness!"    


As soon as Shao Jiaqi finished speaking, Shao Zhengfei and Sun Xiaoting looked at Xiaoxiao in shock at the same time. "sister-in-law, you are also pregnant?"    


When Sun Xiaoting heard this news, she was somewhat depressed, but she still did not show anything on her face.    


Xiaoxiao nodded her head. "Yes. . . "    


When Shao Zhengfei heard Xiaoxiao's words, a complicated look flashed across his eyes, but he still smiled and said, "That's great! sister-in-law and Xiaoting were pregnant at the same time. I wonder if the child will be born on the same day when it is time to give birth?"    


When Pan Shaomin heard her son's words, she immediately reproached. "I think it is better not to be born on the same day! If that really is the case, then I will be so busy that I will die!"    


"There are maids at home. When the time comes, I'll definitely hire two Maternity Matron. You're just helping to take a look at the child at the side. How busy can you be? Furthermore, Xiaoxiao and Xiaoting's mother will not sit idly by. " When Shao Jiaqi heard his wife's words, he immediately retorted.    


Pan Shaomin raised her eyebrows and knew that her husband was biased towards Xiaoxiao and immediately nodded, "En, you are right!"    


This dinner was after the last time Shao Jiaqi fell ill and Sun Xiaoting had an abortion. This was the happiest dinner the people of Shao Family had ever had. Xiaoxiao had been quietly eating dinner. She looked at her family members with a happy smile on their faces. When she thought that Shao Zhanping wasn't by her side, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Not long after dinner, She returned to her room. She enjoyed this joy and happiness alone.    


Sun Xiaoting's appetite was always bad during dinner, so she did not eat much. Pan Shaomin looked at her daughter-in-law. She immediately ordered the chef at home to make some appetizers and made some porridge. When the chef was done, Pan Shaomin personally sent it to her bedroom. When she carried the tray in, Her son, Shao Zhengfei, was in the study room. Only Sun Xiaoting was sitting alone on the sofa. Pan Shaomin immediately walked over with a smile and carefully set up the dishes and porridge. Only then did she sit down in front of her daughter-in-law and said with a sigh, "Tingting. Mom really did not think that you would get pregnant this year! This is really great! Mom is really happy tonight. "    


Sun Xiaoting also smiled when she heard mother-in-law's words," Mom, I also did not think of it. Originally I thought that my body would definitely not be able to do it, but I did not think that I would go and check today. There was actually one. " She had been feeling uncomfortable in her stomach these few days, and she had no appetite for food. Thinking that her menstruation had not come during this period of time, she wondered if she was pregnant. For safety's sake, before she went to the hospital with Shao Zhengfei. . . She first went to another hospital for a check-up and found out that she was really pregnant. Furthermore, the development of the fetus was very normal. Only then did she tell him that Shao Zhengfei was very likely to be pregnant. Once Shao Zhengfei heard that, he immediately took her to the hospital for an examination.    


"Tingting, Mom's attitude towards you before was a little bad. It was all because the matter of your abortion last time was too much of a blow to Mom. You understand it. Don't lower yourself to Mom's level, okay?"    


"Mom, I understand! You always wanted to have a grandson. Actually, I was even more anxious than you. Fortunately, my stomach was good. Now, I am pregnant again. We can consider what happened in the past to be in the past. Let's not talk about it anymore. " Sun Xiaoting was a smart person. Seeing the change in Pan Shaomin's attitude towards her, She knew that she had once again captured mother-in-law's heart. She immediately tried to get close to Pan Shaomin.    


"En, un, let's not talk about it! This time, we have to be careful. We must not let something like that happen again. In the future, no matter what we do, we have to be careful. We don't want any accidents to happen again. Do you know? " Because of the previous abortion, Pan Shaomin had some lingering fear.    


" Mom, I will definitely be careful this time. It is just that I did not expect sister-in-law to be pregnant too. This is really a double happiness to our family!" Xia Xiaoxiao was pregnant at the same time as her. This was something that she did not expect.    


"Yes! So this time you have to be even more careful. If her husband had a child. . . It's alright to have a daughter, but if he has a son. . . That would also be a matter of competing for family property. So this time, you must not be careless no matter what. " Pan Shaomin was speechless when she heard about Xia Xiaoxiao's pregnancy yesterday. Fortunately, Sun Xiaoting also found out that she was pregnant today, which made her heart feel much better in an instant.    


Sun Xiaoting nodded her head. "Mom, I know. "    


Ever since Xia Xiaoxiao told herself in the army that she and Shao Zhanping only had an agreement, When the three months were up, the marriage between her and Shao Zhanping would end. They would go their separate ways. This news was the motivation for Liang Yaru to work and live for a long time. She even calculated the date of the agreement between Xiaoxiao and Shao Zhanping. Three months. For others, it might be something that happened in the blink of an eye, but for her. . . It was an indescribable torment. Just as she was about to persist for three months with great difficulty, she suddenly heard that Shao Zhanping's father was seriously ill. Afraid that she would cause trouble for Shao Zhanping at this time, she buried her feelings deeply. She had been silently waiting for the day Shao Zhanping's father recovered.    


Although she did not spend much time with Xia Xiaoxiao, she always believed in her judgment. Xia Xiaoxiao would never lie to her!    


But after two months, she still did not receive any news of Xia Xiaoxiao and Shao Zhanping's divorce. Such a long wait made her suffer both physically and mentally, and she could not wait any longer. She directly went to Shao Zhanping's home.    


When she knocked on the door and walked in, Shao Zhanping was busy preparing dinner at home. When he saw Liang Yaru walking in with fruit, he invited her to sit on the sofa.    


"Why did you come to find me at this time of the day? Is something the matter?" Shao Zhanping poured a glass of water for her and sat down opposite Liang Yaru.    


"I really can't find a place to eat tonight, so I came here to freeload. Military Commander Shao won't be so petty as to chase me away, right?" Shao Zhanping had gotten a commission from commander not long ago. Adding on his recovery of both legs, every time Liang Yaru saw him, her love for him would increase.    


Shao Zhanping heard her words and smiled. "Since you are here, let's eat together! Sit down first. I'll go stir-fry another dish! " After saying that, he got up and went into the kitchen.    


Liang Yaru looked at his back and got up to follow him into the kitchen. She stood at the door and looked at him.    


Shao Zhanping looked at her thoughtfully and asked her with a smile as he cut the vegetables. "You're not just here to freeload, are you?"    


Liang Yaru did not hide her feelings. She looked at him and answered directly. "I miss you, so I came to see you!"    


"We are just comrades. It is better for you not to think about me casually. I am a person who has a wife. It is very easy for people to misunderstand you like this!" Shao Zhanping stopped what he was doing and looked at her. He slightly pulled back his expression.    


"Misunderstanding is a misunderstanding! What other people think is someone else's business, it has nothing to do with me! I just want to know how you're doing with her? " Liang Yaru never liked to hide her feelings and was never afraid of what others would say to her.    


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