Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C38 You Go Out!

C38 You Go Out!

"What are you doing? Who let you in?!" Shao Zhanping went upstairs at some point. The Remote-controlled Wheelchair was blocking the door of the room! He looked at her coldly and questioned her.    


Xia Xiaoxiao felt guilty from being asked. No matter how stupid and stupid she was, she knew that this was his private space. She quickly put the notebook in and closed the drawer. She then walked in front of him apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was just on the spur of the moment. . . "    


"You were on a whim, so you looked at other people's privacy?" Shao Zhanping stared at her without moving. It seemed that he was really angry. His face was terrifyingly cold.    


"I'm sorry! I feel like I have to live here in the future, so I want to look around. . . " Xia Xiaoxiao said as she lowered her head.    


"In the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to come upstairs, and you are not allowed to step into this room!"    


" I know! " If she did not go upstairs, then she would not! Wasn't it just a lousy photo? She didn't care.    


"You go out immediately!" Shao Zhanping entered the room with his Remote-controlled Wheelchair. He ordered her like a chief.    


Xia Xiaoxiao listened to him and immediately walked to the door like a child who had done something wrong. When she was about to walk out of the room, she seemed to have suddenly thought of something. She suddenly stopped and looked back at Shao Zhanping. "How did you get up here?"    


There was only one staircase outside! He was a person sitting in a wheelchair. Why did he suddenly appear on the second floor?    


This was too horrifying!    


She thought about the fitness equipment in the living room outside. Could it be. . .    


When this thought popped up in her mind, Xia Xiaoxiao's confidence suddenly rose again. She quickly walked back in front of Shao Zhanping and looked at him in disbelief!    


"What, do you have a problem?" Shao Zhanping looked back at her calmly.    


"Your legs are fine! You lied to me on purpose, didn't you? "    


Shao Zhanping looked at her with a sneer. "Before you convict me, please go outside and take a look!"    


"What do I see clearly? There was only one staircase outside. Xiao Lee is not at home right now. What can you let me see clearly? Don't tell me you are flying up here? " Xia Xiaoxiao looked at him with a mocking expression and asked back.    


Shao Zhanping looked at her angry look. A hint of a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He silently used the Remote-controlled Wheelchair to turn around and leave the room, heading towards the door of the living room! Xia Xiaoxiao immediately followed!    


"Take a look at what this is?"    


She looked at the elevator door in front of her and Xia Xiaoxiao's eyes twitched awkwardly. His family needed to do this? Why was there an elevator door on the second floor? Looks like he came in through the elevator!    


"Sorry. . . " Xia Xiaoxiao felt really awkward! Not only did she peek at his privacy, she was also rendered speechless by him!    


"Come downstairs with me!" Shao Zhanping was the first to use the rocking wheelchair to exit the room!    


Xia Xiaoxiao looked at his back and sighed. She still followed him out of the room gloomily and closed the door.    


When the two of them entered the living room downstairs again. Once she closed the door, Xia Xiaoxiao immediately stood in front of him like a child who had done something wrong and apologized again. "Regimental Commander Shao, I really didn't mean it! Just forgive me!"    


No matter what, she had done something wrong today!    


Shao Zhanping looked at her silently. He did not say anything. He used the Remote-controlled Wheelchair to leave alone. He only left Xia Xiaoxiao a silent back view. She watched him close the door of the study. Xia Xiaoxiao blinked and walked to the sofa to sit down. She took the remote control and turned on the television. She randomly chose a channel. She thought about everything she saw just now. Xia Xiaoxiao's mind stopped thinking.    


She thought of Jie, who was smiling happily. She thought of Sun Xiaoting, who had betrayed him. Xia Xiaoxiao suddenly had a strong curiosity about this man. What kind of blow had he gone through to make him become like this? Could it be that the woman called Jie had also betrayed him? If it really was. . . But why did he have to find a girl who looked exactly like Jie to be his girlfriend? Was he asking for trouble?    


No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't understand this matter!    


Xia Xiaoxiao had been lying on the sofa watching television. She did not expect to fall asleep while watching television. When she woke up, it was already past six o'clock. When she opened her eyes, she saw Shao Zhanping looking at her. She was so scared that her nerves tensed up. She sat down in a reflective manner. Only then did she realize that there was a blanket on her body.    


"We're going to the villa. You can go to my bedroom to wash your face!" Shao Zhanping looked at her and ordered.    


"Okay. . . " Xia Xiaoxiao stood up. She took the blanket and went into Shao Zhanping's bedroom. She folded the blanket and put it on the bed. She found a white dress on the bed. There were some roses on it, and a wide belt was tied around the waist. There was a big bow tie on the belt!    


What a beautiful dress!    


Xia Xiaoxiao looked at the door carefully. She picked up the dress and ran to the mirror to try it on. Before she could take a few more glances, she heard Xiao Lee's voice in the living room. She nervously put the dress back to its original place. She quickly ran into the bathroom!    


After a few minutes, Xia Xiaoxiao walked out of the bedroom. Shao Zhanping looked at her from head to toe. He frowned slightly and looked at her. "Why don't you change into a dress?"    


"The dress is for me?" Xia Xiaoxiao asked him in disbelief.    


"What do you think?"    


Xia Xiaoxiao lightly bit her lower lip. Then she ran back to the bedroom, closed the door and carefully put on the dress. She ran to the mirror to take a look and found that the dress was really beautiful! This one-piece dress not only accentuated her figure, but it also complemented her fair skin. She had a very pure feeling!    


She had to admit that although that expressionless regimental commander had a bad personality, his taste was very unique! He actually had such good taste in picking women's clothes!    


When Xia Xiaoxiao walked out of the bedroom. Xiao Lee and Shao Zhanping were already prepared. He watched Xia Xiaoxiao walk out. Shao Zhanping stared at her silently for a few seconds. He did not say anything. Xiao Lee, on the other hand, looked at Xia Xiaoxiao and could not help but praise, "You are so beautiful! Our regimental commander knows how to choose clothes!"    


Xia Xiaoxiao smiled in embarrassment. She walked in front of Shao Zhanping and looked at him.    


"There is a pair of shoes by the bed. Why didn't you put them on?" Although Shao Zhanping did not smile, the expression on his face eased up a lot.    


"What? And shoes? Sorry, I didn't see them!" Xia Xiaoxiao looked at him and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. She turned around and ran back.    


Shao Zhanping looked at her back and his tightly pursed lips slightly rose for the first time.    


The journey to the villa was somewhat difficult for Xia Xiaoxiao. Ever since she had a falling out with Shao Zhengfei that day, this was the first time she had gone to Villa of Shao Family. She thought about how she would have to meet Shao Zhengfei every day in that house in the future, and her heart tightened once again!    


It had only been four days, and that had already happened. In these few days, Because she was with Shao Zhanping every day, she didn't even have the extra time to sort out her and Shao Zhengfei's matters. She suddenly realized. . . These few days, she had been ordered by this man beside her to do things that made her very angry. However, she had overlooked one thing, because this man had been constantly looking for trouble with her. She almost did not have the extra time to be overly sad about Shao Zhengfei's matter!    


Because her mind was filled with the face of this detestable and petty man beside her!    


All of her pain had been successfully transferred by this man!    


Suddenly, she was somewhat grateful to him! It didn't matter if he was born with this kind of personality. However, in these few days, he used another method to make her learn to forget!    


"Shao Zhanping. . . "    




"Thank you, sir!"    


"What are you thanking me for?"    


She looked at him and smiled. "I won't tell you!"    


He looked at her smile and a faint smile slid across his lips. . .    


They soon arrived at the villa and got out of the car. Xiao Lee pushed Shao Zhanping's wheelchair. Xia Xiaoxiao followed the two of them to the living room of the villa. Xiao Lee pushed Shao Zhanping's wheelchair up the slope. When they reached the door of the living room, They saw Pan Shaomin and Shao Zhengfei standing at the door. He saw Xia Xiaoxiao dressed like a little princess. Shao Zhengfei's eyes instantly stared at her! Pan Shaomin looked at the two of them. She immediately went over with a smile. She put on the posture of a future mother-in-law to her, "Xiaoxiao, Zhanping's body is not convenient. You are already husband and wife now. There are some things that don't always need Xiao Lee to do. What you are doing makes people feel that you and your wife are not close. Don't you think so?" The meaning in her words was that she wanted Xia Xiaoxiao to push the wheelchair.    


Xia Xiaoxiao listened to her words and blushed in embarrassment. To be honest, in these four days, she was not ready to be a wife. So in these details, she was not so considerate. When she heard Pan Shaomin say so, she immediately nodded her head. "Aunt Ren is right. I will pay attention to it in the future!"    


Shao Zhanping looked at Pan Shaomin and smiled sarcastically. "I don't think so. I married my wife to spoil her. It was I who didn't let her push the wheelchair! "    


Xia Xiaoxiao immediately looked at this person. He really did not mind blushing when he lied! He pampered her? He really had the nerve to say it!    


Pan Shaomin heard Shao Zhanping's words and immediately sighed. "Xiaoxiao, did you see that? Zhanping still loves you very much!"    


When Xia Xiaoxiao heard this, her face turned red in embarrassment.    


Shao Zhengfei, who was beside her, looked at the couple in front of him. He knew he was not qualified, but he still went over to greet them. "Big Brother, Xiaoxiao, you are back?"    


Xia Xiaoxiao did not want to talk to him now. But this was Villa of Shao Family and beside her stood the future mother-in-law. She could only nod her head slightly. Shao Zhanping looked coldly at his younger brother. His sharp eyes narrowed slightly. "Zhengfei, Xiaoxiao and I were already legally married four days ago. So from now on, You can't call her by her name anymore. You should call her sister-in-law!"    


Shao Zhengfei's expression changed unnaturally. He still looked at Big Brother and nodded. "I know, Big Brother!"    


When she saw her son's expression, Pan Shaomin immediately held Xia Xiaoxiao's arm and walked into the living room. "Let's go in quickly! The whole family has been waiting for you!"    


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