Spoiling His Lucky Girl

C8 Defend His Honor

C8 Defend His Honor

Li Huang furrowed her eyebrows at the way Xi Ru had phrased her words. Prove? What the hell were they going to prove such a thing? How was she going to get all of them to take her word for it?    


Should they kiss? Should they fake it?    


That's right–perhaps, they wanted a performance.    


As soon as the thought occurred to her, she quickly turned to Xi Muqian. He had been silent their entire exchange as if he was merely a bystander and not an object of their insults.    


These past two days, they had lived their part by hugging and kissing. Many had stated how the man had a disorder–that he'd go into an anxiety attack if ever he was near a woman. But that didn't seem to be right.    


She thought back to the torture chamber he had in his basement. But such a man wouldn't have done that unless...    


Was this some sort of scheme he had put up to fool the world?    


Maybe it wasn't that Xi Muqian couldn't touch a woman, he was just pretending to ward off any woman out of his way. But, why would he drop all of that when it came to her?    


He glanced her way to see that she was also staring at him with a trace of curiosity. what was she thinking about?    


Suddenly, Li Huang wrapped her arms around his and pulled him even closer to his side. "Dear," she flirted, widening her eyes to feign disappointment. "How am I going to prove this?"    


In an instant, everyone quieted down.    


Even Xi Muhee, who had been uninterested this entire time, turned around to watch the show unfolding in front of him. All of their eyes were trained on the way the woman had held him.    


No one knew Xi Muqian's illness better than them. The man really couldn't be anywhere near a woman unless they wanted him to have a panic attack–that was the reason why nobody had tried.    


Yet now, Li Huang had grabbed him, and he didn't even react.    


"If you can't prove it, then leave it at that," he said calmly as if he was just talking about the weather. "Why do you have to go to great lengths to prove yourself? To prove us?"    


"Didn't you hear what Xi Ru had said about us? About you? That you were some spineless man who couldn't even be near woman?" She scoffed, shaking her head. "She's your older sister, yet she pays no attention to you! Not just that, but she also wanted to humiliate you!"    


"What the hell are you talking about?" The older woman slammed her hands against the desk, avoiding her husband's hold. "Are you asking for a deathwish? Is that it?"    


"What? It's true! You've never defended your brother in front of other people. In fact, you've even started questioning his ability to please women." She raised her head. "You're just adding salt to the wound!"    


"Xi Muqian may be able to tolerate you because you're his sister, but I'm not just going to stand here and watch him being targeted by your lies! I've had enough of people saying that my husband couldn't get it 'up' with me because he's clearly good in that department." Her smile became lustful as she tilted her head towards him. "Isn't that right, babe?"    


Li Huang stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck, forcing him to face her.    


Immediately, it was as if two of their bodies had molded into one.    


"Maybe to prove our point, we can just go to a spare room and..."    


She stopped and paused with just enough space for them to insinuate the meaning behind her suggestion. Winking coquettishly, she leaned in just a bit to mask his surprised face.    


Guilt stirred in her stomach. "I'm sorry," she murmured, low enough for him to hear.    


Ha! Was she apologizing to him?    


Xi Muqian could feel his arms gripping her even more tightly as he suppressed the urge to follow her suggestion. The corners of his lips twitched up as he struggled to keep his voice on a leveled pitch.    


"We're here for dinner," he said quietly. "Whatever you want to do, we can do it later tonight."    


"Tonight it is then!" Laughing, she pecked him on the lips. "You always know how to please a woman, babe."    


Just as she was finished, she finally let go of his hand and stood by his side. It was as if nothing had happened between them.    


As soon as Li Huang turned back, her gaze swept across Xi Ru's disbelieving expression before landing on the patriarch's unnerved face. Although they looked uncomfortable from the public display of affection, she could see enough to know that they believed their performance.    


"Today, I've become Xi Muqian's wife. Whatever you were planning to do to separate us, that's not going to happen," she said resolutely, staring at them.    


"Hm..." Although still intimidating, the old patriarch's face eased up a bit.    


The only reason why the old man had been hesitant was that he didn't want anyone to think that there was something wrong with Xi Muqian. That was why he had set him up to find different women.    


As long as the young man could become a normal person again and not a stain in the Xi Family, he couldn't really care less who the woman was or what she did to him.    


"But Grandfather–"    


"Shut up," he snapped. "All of you have caused nothing but trouble for me. We're just having a meal, aren't we? Yet you continue to argue as if we're not family! If you continue doing this, I'll ask the guards to throw you out! Let you all see who's ahead of themselves."    


Xi Muhee jumped up from his couch. "Grandpa, why don't I help you?"    


Xi Ru stomped her feet onto the ground, shooting a glare at the young man's back. "Of course, let the son of the prostitute assist you," she murmured under her breath.    


He straightened his back in response, but he didn't say anything in reply.    


Seeing that everyone had finally calmed down, they all gathered in the dining room and sat down. "Well, let's eat," the old patriarch said as he took the first bite.    


Li Huang sat right beside Xi Muqian. Opposite to her was Xi Ru, who was still glaring at her throughout the entire dinner. While she may have believed her, she wasn't impressed with how she had told her off.    


However, even that wasn't enough to ruin Li Huang's good mood.    


Suddenly, the old man turned to Fu Qiao. "How's the design of the new technology?"    


"Although it's still under development, the setup still isn't ideal for it to be out in the market."    


"What did you just say?" He scowled. "The Shao Group is already putting their product in the testing stage, and we're still redevelopment! Are you kidding me? What the hell happened?"    


"Grandpa, Shao Group would've also been in the development stage if it wasn't for that bastard. You remembered YY, right? The genius who won first place in the Electronics Design Contest? I've been looking all over the world for him, and I still couldn't find him." Fu Qiao gripped onto his chopsticks. "Yet the Shao Family found him and offered him a job. He's the reason why their developments happened so fast. I don't even know how they did it."    


When Li Huang heard the nickname, her lips raised.    


Mister YY, huh?    


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