You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C137 Birthday Password

C137 Birthday Password

The more Jian Yun thought about it, the more she felt that her comparison was stupid. She actually compared President Huo, the best bachelor in the world in terms of looks and wealth, to a homeless man?    


The difference between the two of them was more than the difference between clouds and mud. She had really gone mad.    


"Is that so?" However, when Huo Liancheng heard these words, he only quietly looked at Jian Yun. His eyes were very dark and there were specks of light that fell like the bright night sky. There was a kind of attraction force to one's heart.    


However, Jian Yun misunderstood his meaning. She thought that he looked at her like this because he did not like her comparing him to a vagabond who did not know where he came from. She could not help but laugh and awkwardly said. "I'm sorry, I did not mean that..."    


"Pack up. From now on, you will live here." Huo Liancheng changed the topic. He had regained his composure.    


Jian Yun blinked. She looked at him with a calm face and could not help but doubt him. Did I just hallucinate?    


But he was clearly angry just now. Jian Yun was confused. She felt that she really did not understand Huo Liancheng at all. Just like that, she actually dared to fake a marriage with him.    


Thinking of this, Jian Yun's heart inexplicably tightened. She secretly glanced at Huo Liancheng. Even Ouyang Beicheng said that he was not a kind person. Jian Yun began to suspect if there was some hidden reason why he approached her.    


"Why are you looking at me?" Huo Liancheng saw Jian Yun's expression and knew that she must be imagining things again. He could not help sighing. This girl was fierce like a little wild cat with its claws open. She scratched people whenever she saw them. She would not be stupid even if she was stupid.    


"Nothing. I just want to ask, don't you need to go to work?" Jian Yun blushed when she was found stealing glances. She did not have anything to say.    


"Okay, let's go now."    


What surprised Jian Yun was that this time Huo Liancheng actually picked up his coat and turned around to leave. Jian Yun heaved a sigh of relief, but then she saw Huo Liancheng turn around again.    


He took out his wallet from the pocket of his suit, took out a card and handed it to Jian Yun, "Take this card. The password is 901018."    


"I don't want it!" Jian Yun quickly waved her hand but she was immediately stunned. 901018. Isn't this her birthday? Why did Huo Liancheng use her birthday as the password? Was it a coincidence or a special one?    


Jian Yun felt that her mind was suddenly in a mess, as if a voice was reminding her of something. She only saw Huo Liancheng stuff the card into her hand without any explanation and then leave without looking back.    


"There's food in the fridge. Find it yourself if you're hungry." Before Huo Liancheng went out, he left a sentence behind.    


Jian Yun heard the door bang and looked down at the bank card in her hand. She suddenly felt a headache.    


Who could tell her what was going on?    


Jian Yun could not figure it out and did not think about it anymore. Now she still needed Huo Liancheng's help. Even if he really had an ulterior motive, she could not reject it.    


Huo Liancheng let Jian Yun stay in the second bedroom, and the bed was also for two people. The bed sheets and blankets were already laid out. Jian Yun touched the bed sheet. There was not a trace of dust on it, as if it had just been laid not long ago. The furniture here was very new. Presumably, no one had stayed in this room all this time.    


Jian Yun took out all the clothes and piled them on the bed. She arranged them one by one and hung them in the wardrobe. Then, she placed the luggage. She was bored, so she wandered around the house.    


In the living room, the piano was still placed in its original position. Jian Yun walked over and touched the extremely good texture of the piano. She opened the cover of the piano and lightly hit the keys. As she listened to the sound of the piano, she suddenly felt a little absent-minded.    


She still clearly remembered that the last time she was here, he had told her personally that if she rejected him again, even if she changed her mind in the future, she would not have the chance. She did not expect that her words were still in her ears. In a short period of time, she came here again but had already become his nominal wife.    


Jian Yun's lips curled into a bitter smile. She was not in the mood to play the zither, so she closed the zither cover and turned to Huo Liancheng's bedroom. This place was still the same as the last time she saw it. It was very neat and spotless, but the color of the blanket had changed to iron-gray, very cold, just like that person.    


There was a book on the bedside table that was half read. It was a famous economist's full English book. Jian Yun picked it up and flipped through it. There were too many technical terms in it. She was not studying economics, so she was naturally not interested in it. She looked at a few pages and then put it aside.    


Jian Yun went to the washroom again. Recalling the joke she made the last time, her face still had a fever.    


There was no change in the washroom. On the washing table, there were a few simple men's toiletries. There was only a bottle of shaving water, and there was only a toothbrush in the mouthwash cup.    


Jian Yun looked at herself in the mirror. She looked so haggard and her chin was so sharp that it was scary. She could not help but smile bitterly. No matter how she looked at it, Huo Liancheng did not seem to get anything valuable from her Then what did he want after all he had done?    


After coming out of Huo Liancheng's bedroom, Jian Yun felt a little thirsty. She went to the kitchen to find water to drink.    


Who knew that the moment she entered the kitchen, her eyes lit up. This kitchen was too beautiful, wasn't it? It was very big, and the oven microwave oven was equipped with all kinds of facilities. In the middle of the kitchen was a counter. It was just that the kitchen was too clean. One look and one could tell that Huo Liancheng basically did not cook at home.    


There was hot water. It should be for his cleaning auntie. Jian Yun poured a cup of water and drank it as she looked at Huo Liancheng's house.    


After exiting the kitchen, she went to his study room again. Once she entered, she was shocked again. The books on the wall were bigger than the bookshelves in the 28th floor office of the Ming's. There were even more books. The yellow pear wood desk was very big. There were a few books and a laptop on it. There was also a reclining chair near the window.    


This should be Huo Liancheng's private domain. Jian Yun could not go in and look at it, so she only looked at the door before closing the door and leaving.    


After wandering around for a while, Jian Yun was also tired. She wanted to go to the hospital to accompany her mother at night. So she decided to sleep for a while now.    


Jian Yun originally only wanted to squint for a while, but she did not know that it was almost six o'clock when she woke up. Furthermore, she slept very soundly. She quickly picked up her phone and looked. Sure enough, there were a few missed calls, including Huo Liancheng's two phone calls. The other three were unfamiliar numbers.    


Jian Yun touched her face. She still remembered that she had blacklisted Huo Liancheng's number a few days ago. How could he call her today?    


But now was not the time to consider this. Jian Yun hesitated for a moment and replied to Huo Liancheng first.    


When the call connected, Jian Yun quickly said, "I'm sorry. I just fell asleep. I didn't hear you on the phone."    


"Yes, I know." Huo Liancheng's voice was very low but also powerful. For some reason, Jian Yun felt very at ease. He seemed to be driving. Jian Yun could hear the sound of the car horn.    


He knew? How did he know? This thought suddenly flashed through Jian Yun's mind, but she did not think too much about it. She just asked him, "Is there anything you need me for?"    


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